531 research outputs found

    Wasserökonomie von Luzerne (Medicago sativa L.) unter Freiland- und Laborbedingungen

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    Lucerne is one of the most productive forage legumes under the subhumid conditions of Eastern Austria. Even though it is known for its high water consumption, information about single species` water economics is still lacking. The aim of this study was a description of the variety Sitel regarding its water economics under moderate drought stress. Therefor field measurements of e.g. Total water potential

    Predominant Dissemination of PVL-Negative CC89 MRSA with SCCmec Type II in Children with Impetigo in Japan

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    Background. The ratio of CA-MRSA in children with impetigo has been increasing in Japan. Methods. Antimicrobial susceptibilities of 136 S. aureus isolates from children with impetigo were studied. Furthermore, molecular epidemiological analysis and virulence gene analysis were performed. Results. Of the 136 S. aureus isolates, 122 (89.7%) were MSSA and 14 (10.3%) were MRSA. Of the 14 MRSA strains, 11 belonged to CC89 (ST89, ST91, and ST2117) and carried diverse types of SCCmec: type II (IIb: 3 strains; unknown subtype: 4 strains), type IVa (2 strains), and unknown type (2 strains). The remaining three strains exhibited CC8 (ST-8)-SCCmec type VIa, CC121 (ST121)-SCCmec type V, and CC5 (ST5)-nontypeable SCCmec element, respectively. None were lukS-PV-lukF-PV gene positive. Gentamicin- and clarithromycin-resistant strains were frequently found in both MRSA and MSSA. Conclusions. PVL-negative CC89-SCCmec type II strains are the most predominant strains among the CA-MRSA strains circulating in the community in Japan

    Silverrush. Xii. Intensity Mapping for Ly Α Emission Extending over 100-1000 Comoving Kpc Around Z ∼2-7 Laes with Subaru Hsc-Ssp and Chorus Data

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    We conduct intensity mapping to probe for extended diffuse Lyα emission around Lyα emitters (LAEs) at z ∼2-7, exploiting very deep (∼26 mag at 5σ) and large-area (∼4.5 deg2) Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam narrowband (NB) images and large LAE catalogs consisting of a total of 1540 LAEs at z = 2.2, 3.3, 5.7, and 6.6 obtained by the HSC-SSP and CHORUS projects. We calculate the spatial correlations of these LAEs with ∼1-2-billion-pixel flux values of the NB images, deriving the average Lyα surface brightness (SBLyα ) radial profiles around the LAEs. By carefully estimating systematics such as fluctuations of sky background and point-spread functions, we detect Lyα emission at 100-1000 comoving kpc around z = 3.3 and 5.7 LAEs at the 3.2σ and 3.7σ levels, respectively, and tentatively (=2.0σ) at z = 6.6. The emission is as diffuse as ∼10-20-10-19 erg s-1 cm-2 arcsec-2 and extended beyond the virial radius of a dark matter halo with a mass of 1011 M. While the observed SBLyα profiles have similar amplitudes at z = 2.2-6.6 within the uncertainties, the intrinsic SBLyα profiles (corrected for the cosmological dimming effect) increase toward high redshifts. This trend may be explained by increasing hydrogen gas density due to the evolution of the cosmic volume. Comparisons with theoretical models suggest that extended Lyα emission around an LAE is powered by resonantly scattered Lyα photons in the CGM and IGM that originate from the inner part of the LAE and/or neighboring galaxies around the LAE

    Three lateral osteotomy designs for bilateral sagittal split osteotomy: biomechanical evaluation with three-dimensional finite element analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The location of the lateral osteotomy cut during bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) varies according to the surgeon's preference, and no consensus has been reached regarding the ideal location from the perspective of biomechanics. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the mechanical behavior of the mandible and screw-miniplate system among three lateral osteotomy designs for BSSO by using three-dimensional (3-D) finite element analysis (FEA).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The Trauner-Obwegeser (TO), Obwegeser (Ob), and Obwegeser-Dal Pont (OD) methods were used for BSSO. In all the FEA simulations, the distal segments were advanced by 5 mm. Each model was fixed by using miniplates. These were applied at four different locations, including along Champy's lines, to give 12 different FEA miniplate fixation methods. We examined these models under two different loads.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The magnitudes of tooth displacement, the maximum bone stress in the vicinity of the screws, and the maximum stress on the screw-miniplate system were less in the OD method than in the Ob and TO methods at all the miniplate locations. In addition, Champy's lines models were less than those at the other miniplate locations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The OD method allows greater mechanical stability of the mandible than the other two techniques. Further, miniplates placed along Champy's lines provide greater mechanical advantage than those placed at other locations.</p

    Prolonged hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis syndrome as an initial presentation of Hodgkin lymphoma: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis is an immune-mediated syndrome that typically has a rapidly progressive course that can result in pancytopenia, coagulopathy, multi-system organ failure and death.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 57-year-old Caucasian woman was referred in fulminant hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, with fever, pancytopenia, splenomegaly, mental status changes and respiratory failure. She was found to have stage IV classical Hodgkin lymphoma, in addition to Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus viremia. Her presentation was preceded by a 3-year prodrome consisting of cytopenia and fever that were partially controlled by steroids and azathioprine.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Fulminant hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis may follow a prodromal phase that possesses features suggestive of a chronic form of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, but which may also resemble immune cytopenias of other causes. A diagnosis of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis should be considered in the setting of chronic pancytopenia.</p

    Structure–activity relationships of dinucleotides: Potent and selective agonists of P2Y receptors

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    Dinucleoside polyphosphates act as agonists on purinergic P2Y receptors to mediate a variety of cellular processes. Symmetrical, naturally occurring purine dinucleotides are found in most living cells and their actions are generally known. Unsymmetrical purine dinucleotides and all pyrimidine containing dinucleotides, however, are not as common and therefore their actions are not well understood. To carry out a thorough examination of the activities and specificities of these dinucleotides, a robust method of synthesis was developed to allow manipulation of either nucleoside of the dinucleotide as well as the phosphate chain lengths. Adenosine containing dinucleotides exhibit some level of activity on P2Y1 while uridine containing dinucleotides have some level of agonist response on P2Y2 and P2Y6. The length of the linking phosphate chain determines a different specificity; diphosphates are most accurately mimicked by dinucleoside triphosphates and triphosphates most resemble dinucleoside tetraphosphates. The pharmacological activities and relative metabolic stabilities of these dinucleotides are reported with their potential therapeutic applications being discussed

    Doppelheterodyn-Interferometrie für hochgenaue Vermessung im Nahbereich

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    In diesem Aufsatz wurde ein Meßsystem vorgestellt, welches sich aus der Kombination der Zweiwellenlängen-Interferometrie mit dem intensitätsunabhängigen Heterodyn-Verfahren zusammensetzt. Die resultierende Doppelheterodyn-Interferometrie vereinigt die Vorteile der beiden Verfahren. Ein großer Eindeutigkeitsbereich entsprechend der effektiven Wellenlänge A entsteht, darüberhinaus sind optisch rauhe Oberflächen als Meßobjekte zulässig; reduzierte Empfindlichkeit gegenüber Vibrationen und Umwelteinflüssen, hohe Auflösung infolge elektronischer Phasenbestimmung sowie hochgenaue Abstandsmessung in Echtzeit sind weitere Vorteile. Das Doppelheterodyn-Interferometer wird in Zukunft zu einem effektiven und dynamischen Meßinstrument zur hochgenauen Entfernungsmessung im Mikrometerbereich bis hin zu Meßdistanzen von 100 m entwickelt werden, für das sich schon jetzt zahlreiche Einsatzmöglichkeiten abzeichnen