551 research outputs found

    CFTs on curved spaces

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    We study conformal field theories (CFTs) on curved spaces including both orientable and unorientable manifolds possibly with boundaries. We first review conformal transformations on curved manifolds. We then compute the identity components of conformal groups acting on various metric spaces using a simple fact; given local coordinate systems be single-valued. Boundary conditions thus obtained which must be satisfied by conformal Killing vectors (CKVs) correctly reproduce known conformal groups. As a byproduct, on Sl1×Hr2\mathbb S^1_l\times\mathbb H^2_r, by setting their radii l=Nrl=Nr with NN×N\in\mathbb N^\times, we find (the identity component of) the conformal group enhances, whose persistence in higher dimensions is also argued. We also discuss forms of correlation functions on these spaces using the symmetries. Finally, we study a dd-torus Td\mathbb T^d in detail, and show the identity component of the conformal group acting on the manifold in general is given by Conf0(Td)U(1)d\text{Conf}_0(\mathbb T^d)\simeq U(1)^d when d2d\ge2. Using the fact, we suggest some candidates of conformal manifolds of CFTs on Td\mathbb T^d without assuming the presence of supersymmetry (SUSY). In order to clarify which parts of correlation functions are physical, we also discuss renormalization group (RG) and local counterterms on curved spaces.Comment: 71 pages, v2: comments and references adde

    Symmetry enhancement in RCFT II

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    We explain when and why symmetries enhance in fermionic rational conformal field theories. In order to achieve the goal, we first clarify invariants under renormalization group flows. In particular, we find the Ocneanu rigidity is not enough to protect some quantities. Concretely, while (double) braidings are subject to the rigidity, they jump at conformal fixed points. The jump happens in a specific way, so the double braiding relation further constrains renormalization group flows. The new constraints enable us three things; 1) to predict infrared conformal dimensions in massless flow, 2) to reveal some structures of the theory space, and 3) to obtain a necessary condition for a flow to be massless. We also find scaling dimensions ``monotonically'' decrease along massless flows. Combining the discovery with predictions, sometimes, we can uniquely fix infrared conformal dimensions.Comment: 28 pages + 3 Appendices; v2: found new TDLs in m=7m=7 model based on Yu Nakayama's observation and discussed additional consistency conditio

    RG flows from WZW models

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    We constrain renormalization group flows from ABCDEABCDE type Wess-Zumino-Witten models triggered by adjoint primaries. We propose positive Lagrangian coupling leads to massless flow and negative to massive. In the conformal phase, we prove an interface with the half-integral condition obeys the double braiding relations. Distinguishing simple and non-simple flows, we conjecture the former satisfies the half-integral condition. If the conjecture is true, some previously allowed massless flows are ruled out. For AA type, known mixed anomalies fix the ambiguity in identifications of Verlinde lines; an object is identified with its charge conjugate. In the massive phase, we compute ground state degeneracies.Comment: 47 pages + Appendices, 3 table

    The fate of non-supersymmetric Gross-Neveu-Yukawa fixed point in two dimensions

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    We investigate the fate of the non-supersymmetric Gross-Neveu-Yukawa fixed point found by Fei et al in 4ϵ4-\epsilon dimensions with a two-component Majorana fermion continued to two dimensions. Assuming that it is a fermionic minimal model which possesses a chiral Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 symmetry (in addition to fermion number parity) and just two relevant singlet operators, we can zero in on four candidates. Assuming further that the least relevant deformation leads to the supersymmetric Gross-Neveu-Yukawa fixed point (i.e. fermionic tricritical Ising model), we can rule out two of them by matching the spin contents of the preserved topological defect lines. The final candidates are the fermionic (11,4)(11,4) minimal model if it is non-unitary, and the fermionic (E6,A10)(E_{6}, A_{10}) minimal model if it is unitary. If we further use a constraint from the double braiding relation proposed by one of the authors, the former scenario is preferable.Comment: 24 pages + Appendice

    Anomalous transport independent of gauge fields

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    We show that three-dimensional trace anomalies lead to new universal anomalous transport effects on a conformally-flat spacetime with background scalar fields. In contrast to conventional anomalous transports in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) or quantum electrodynamics (QED), our current is independent of background gauge fields. Therefore, our anomalous transport survives even in the absence of vector-like external sources. By manipulating background fields, we suggest a setup to detect our anomalous transport. If one turns on scalar couplings in a finite interval and considers a conformal factor depending just on (conformal) time, we find anomalous transport localized at the interfaces of the interval flows perpendicularly to the interval. The magnitude of the currents is the same on the two interfaces but with opposite directions. Without the assumption on scalar couplings, and only assuming the conformal factor depending solely on (conformal) time as usually done in cosmology, one also finds the three-dimensional Hubble parameter naturally appears in our current.Comment: 12 page