139 research outputs found

    Sheet Dependence on Superconducting Gap in Oxygen-Deficient Iron-based Oxypnictide Superconductors NdFeAs0.85

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    Photoemission spectroscopy with low-energy tunable photons on oxygen-deficient iron-based oxypnictide superconductors NdFeAsO0.85 (Tc=52K) reveals a distinct photon-energy dependence of the electronic structure near the Fermi level (EF). A clear shift of the leading-edge can be observed in the superconducting states with 9.5 eV photons, while a clear Fermi cutoff with little leading-edge shift can be observed with 6.0 eV photons. The results are indicative of the superconducting gap opening not on the hole-like ones around Gamma (0,0) point but on the electron-like sheets around M(pi,pi) point.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Label-free observation of tissues by high-speed stimulated Raman spectral microscopy and independent component analysis

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    SPIE BiOS, 2013, San Francisco, California, United StatesYasuyuki Ozeki, Yoichi Otsuka, Shuya Sato, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Wataru Umemura, Kazuhiko Sumimura, Norihiko Nishizawa, Kiichi Fukui, Kazuyoshi Itoh, "Label-free observation of tissues by high-speed stimulated Raman spectral microscopy and independent component analysis," Proc. SPIE 8588, Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences XIII, 858806 (22 February 2013); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.200277

    Optical and Near-Infrared Photometry of Nova V2362 Cyg : Rebrightening Event and Dust Formation

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    We present optical and near-infrared (NIR) photometry of a classical nova, V2362 Cyg (= Nova Cygni 2006). V2362 Cyg experienced a peculiar rebrightening with a long duration from 100 to 240 d after the maximum of the nova. Our multicolor observation indicates an emergence of a pseudophotosphere with an effective temperature of 9000 K at the rebrightening maximum. After the rebrightening maximum, the object showed a slow fading homogeneously in all of the used bands for one week. This implies that the fading just after the rebrightening maximum ( less or equal 1 week ) was caused by a slowly shrinking pseudophotosphere. Then, the NIR flux drastically increased, while the optical flux steeply declined. The optical and NIR flux was consistent with blackbody radiation with a temperature of 1500 K during this NIR rising phase. These facts are likely to be explained by dust formation in the nova ejecta. Assuming an optically thin case, we estimate the dust mass of 10^(-8) -- 10^(-10) M_solar, which is less than those in typical dust-forming novae. These results support the senario that a second, long-lasting outflow, which caused the rebrightening, interacted with a fraction of the initial outflow and formed dust grains.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 2010, PASJ, 62, 1103--1108, in pres

    The 2006 November outburst of EG Aquarii: the SU UMa nature revealed

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    We report time-resolved CCD photometry of the cataclysmic variable EG Aquarii during the 2006 November outburst During the outburst, superhumps were unambiguously detected with a mean period of 0.078828(6) days, firstly classifying the object as an SU UMa-type dwarf nova. It also turned out that the outburst contained a precursor. At the end of the precursor, immature profiles of humps were observed. By a phase analysis of these humps, we interpreted the features as superhumps. This is the second example that the superhumps were shown during a precursor. Near the maximum stage of the outburst, we discovered an abrupt shift of the superhump period by {\sim} 0.002 days. After the supermaximum, the superhump period decreased at the rate of P˙/P\dot{P}/P=8.2×105-8.2{\times}10^{-5}, which is typical for SU UMa-type dwarf novae. Although the outburst light curve was characteristic of SU UMa-type dwarf novae, long-term monitoring of the variable shows no outbursts over the past decade. We note on the basic properties of long period and inactive SU UMa-type dwarf novae.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for PAS

    Grand-Unification Scale Generation through the Anomalous U(1) Breaking

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    We discuss the anomalous U(1) gauge symmetry as a mechanism of generating the grand-unification scale. We conclude that unification to a simple group cannot be realized unless some parameters are ``tuned'', and that models with product gauge groups are preferred. We consider the ``R-invariant natural unification'' model with gauge groups SU(5)_{GUT} \times U(3)_H. In this model the doublet-triplet splitting problem is solved and the unwanted GUT relation m_s = m_\mu is avoided maintaining m_b = m_\tau. Moreover, R-invariance suppresses the dangerous proton decays induced by dimension four and five operators.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, references adde

    Genetic Tracing of Jatropha

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    Jatropha curcas L. (Jatropha), a shrub species of the family Euphorbiaceae, has been recognized as a promising biofuel plant for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, recent attempts at commercial cultivation in Africa and Asia have failed because of low productivity. It is important to elucidate genetic diversity and relationship in worldwide Jatropha genetic resources for breeding of better commercial cultivars. Here, genetic diversity was analyzed by using 246 accessions from Mesoamerica, Africa and Asia, based on 59 simple sequence repeat markers and eight retrotransposon-based insertion polymorphism markers. We found that central Chiapas of Mexico possesses the most diverse genetic resources, and the Chiapas Central Depression could be the center of origin. We identified three genetic groups in Mesoamerica, whose distribution revealed a distinct geographic cline. One of them consists mainly of accessions from central Chiapas. This suggests that it represents the original genetic group. We found two Veracruz accessions in another group, whose ancestors might be shipped from Port of Veracruz to the Old World, to be the source of all African and Asian Jatropha. Our results suggest the human selection that caused low productivity in Africa and Asia, and also breeding strategies to improve African and Asian Jatropha. Cultivars improved in the productivity will contribute to expand mass commercial cultivation of Jatropha in Africa and Asia to increase biofuel production, and finally will support in the battle against the climate change