1,834 research outputs found

    The Dirac point electron in zero-gravity Kerr--Newman spacetime

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    Dirac's wave equation for a point electron in the topologically nontrivial maximal analytically extended electromagnetic Kerr--Newman spacetime is studied in a zero-gravity limit; here, "zero-gravity" means G→0G\to 0, where GG is Newton's constant of universal gravitation. The following results are obtained: the formal Dirac Hamiltonian on the static spacelike slices is essentially self-adjoint; the spectrum of the self-adjoint extension is symmetric about zero, featuring a continuum with a gap about zero that, under two smallness conditions, contains a point spectrum. Some of our results extend to a generalization of the zero-GG Kerr--Newman spacetime with different electric-monopole-to-magnetic-dipole-moment ratio.Comment: 49 pages, 17 figures; referee's comments implemented; the endnotes in the published version appear as footnotes in this preprin

    Histochemical and enzymatic differences in skeletal muscle from Svalbard reindeer during the summer and winter

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    Enzyme activities and fibre properties in four muscles from Svalbard reindeer, collected during the summer, have been compared with corresponding muscles during the winter. In two muscles, gluteobiceps and semimembranosus, oxidative capacity is higher in winter than in summer; in the other two muscles, semitendinosus and longissimus dorsi, there is no difference with time of the year. The capacity to oxidize fatty acids is low in winter compared with summer, especially in semitendinosus and longissimus. These changes are similar in both sexes. Histochemical studies of the three main fibre types, I (BetaR), HA (°cR) and IIB (aW), from the four muscles show that in male reindeers the muscle fibres are narrower at the end of the winter season than during the summer. The decrease of muscle tissue amounts to about one third of the total volume (33%), of which I accounts for 5%, IIA for 2% and IIB for 26%. The results indicate that the Svalbard reindeer use lean tissue in general, and IIB fibres in particular, in order to survive the hostile arctic winter period at Svalbard.Histokemiska och enzymatiska skillnader i skelettmuskel från Svalbardren mellan sommar och vinter.Abstract in Swedish / Sammandrag: Enzymaktiviteter och fiberegenskaper i fyra av Svalbardrenens muskler, insamlade under sommaren, har jåmforts med motsvarande muskler insamlade under vintern. I två muskler, gluteobiceps och semimembranosus, år oxidativa kapaciteten hogre under vintern an under sommaren; i de andra två musklerna, semitendinosus och longissimus dorsi, foreligger ingen skillnad i detta avseende. Kapaciteten att oxidera fettsyror år låg under vintern jåmfort med sommaren, speciellt i semitendinosus och longissimus. Inga konsskillnader foreligger i dessa avseenden. Histokemiska studier av de tre huvudtyperna av muskelfibrer, fiR (I), ocR (IIA) och (IIB), från de fyra musklerna visar att hos handjuren år fibrerna tunnare vid slutet av vintersåsongen jåmfort med sommaren. Denna minskning i muskelvåvnad uppgår till en tredjedel av totala volymen (33%). Harav svarar ftR for 5%, ^R tor 2% och for 26%. Resultaten antyder att Svalbardrenen anvånder muskelvåvnad, speciellt QcW fibrer, for att overleva undri den hårda arktiska vinterperioden på Svalbard

    The linear Fokker-Planck equation for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process as an (almost) nonlinear kinetic equation for an isolated N-particle system

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    It is long known that the Fokker-Planck equation with prescribed constant coefficients of diffusion and linear friction describes the ensemble average of the stochastic evolutions in velocity space of a Brownian test particle immersed in a heat bath of fixed temperature. Apparently, it is not so well known that the same partial differential equation, but now with constant coefficients which are functionals of the solution itself rather than being prescribed, describes the kinetic evolution (in the infinite particle limit) of an isolated N-particle system with certain stochastic interactions. Here we discuss in detail this recently discovered interpretation.Comment: Minor revisions and corrections (including the title
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