24 research outputs found


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    Financial auditing is faced with an intensified regulatory framework and an increasing volume of ac-counting-relevant data. In order to address these challenges, information technology (IT) and corre-sponding information systems (IS) are implemented to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of audit services. In this context, continuous auditing (CA) is defined as an approach to deliver audit assurance in terms of an audit subject in real-time or almost real-time. Although CA is discussed in literature for more than thirty years, fully implemented CA systems are still exceptional cases in practice. The aim of this paper is to structure the relevant CA literature and to discuss insights in order to derive major challenges of CA adoption. To do so, we followed a structured literature review approach including backward search and forward search according to Webster and Watson (2002). Consequently, we trans-form insights and trends of CA research into a conceptual model by describing a scenario of a cloud-based service provider. Our results have a number of implications for both researchers and practition-ers. Foremost, we suggest researchers and practitioners to direct their attention on the changes of tra-ditional paradigms and focus on the digitization of the economy

    In Vitro Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Minocycline Formulations for Topical Application in Periodontal Therapy.

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    Periodontal therapy using antimicrobials that are topically applied requires slow or controlled release devices. The in vitro antimicrobial activity of biodegradable polymer formulations that contain a new minocycline lipid complex (P-MLC) was evaluated. The new P-MLC formulations that contained 11.5% minocycline were compared with pure minocycline or an existing commercial formulation, which included determination of minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values against two oral bacteria and activity on six-species periodontal biofilm. Moreover, the flow of gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) was modeled up to 42 d and the obtained eluates were tested both for MIC values and inhibiting biofilm formation. In general, MICs of the P-MLC formulations were slightly increased as compared with pure minocycline. Biofilm formation was clearly inhibited by all tested formulations containing minocycline with no clear difference between them. In 3.5 d old biofilms, all formulations with 250 µg/mL minocycline decreased bacterial counts by 3 log10 and metabolic activity with no difference to pure antimicrobials. Eluates of experimental formulations showed superiority in antimicrobial activity. Eluates of one experimental formulation (P503-MLC) still inhibited biofilm formation at 28 d, with a reduction by 1.87 log10 colony forming units (CFU) vs. the untreated control. The new experimental formulations can easily be instilled in periodontal pockets and represent alternatives in local antimicrobials, and thus warrant further testing

    Audit-as-a-Service: Gestaltung von Informationssystemen zur kontinuierlichen und digitalen Prüfung rechnungslegungsrelevanter Prozesse

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    Die gesetzlich verpflichtende Jahresabschlussprüfung ist in den vergangenen Jahren durch wesentliche Veränderungen gekennzeichnet. Einerseits verlangen gesetzliche Vorgaben als Reaktion auf Bilanzskandale und Finanzkrisen eine zeitnahe Berichterstattung über die rechnungslegungsrelevanten Aktivitäten geprüfter Unternehmen. Andererseits werden Rechnungslegungsprozesse mittlerweile nahezu vollständig mithilfe betrieblicher Informationssysteme, z. B. Enterprise-Resource-Planning-Systeme (ERP-Systeme) und Buchhaltungssysteme, durchgeführt. Dadurch ergeben sich sowohl der Bedarf als auch die grundsätzliche Umsetzbarkeit digitaler, kontinuierlicher Prüfungsansätze. Trotz umfangreicher Vorarbeiten im Bereich der digitalen Prüfung in den letzten 30 Jahren haben sich jedoch bislang keine Ansätze zur flächendeckenden Ausbreitung kontinuierlicher Prüfungsansätze etabliert. Grund dafür sind vor allem Barrieren auf organisatorischer und technischer Ebene. Dies stellt insbesondere kleine und mittelständische Prüfungsgesellschaften vor große Herausforderungen, da diese in der Regel nicht über personelle und fachliche Kapazitäten für die Umsetzung komplexer Prüfungssysteme verfügen. Die gestaltungsorientierte Wirtschaftsinformatik kann mit der Entwicklung von IT-Artefakten einen Beitrag zur digitalen Transformation der Abschlussprüfung leisten. In dieser Dissertation wird der beschriebene Bedarf aufgegriffen und, auf Basis eines dreistufigen Forschungsvorgehens, ein Lösungsansatz für die geschilderte Problemstellung entwickelt: Auf der ersten Stufe wird anhand einer empirischen Grundmethodik der Prüfungsprozess in der Praxis analysiert (Ist-Analyse). Auf der zweiten Stufe werden bestehende Konzepte und Erfolgsfaktoren für die Umsetzung der kontinuierlichen Prüfung untersucht (Soll-Konzeption). Das in der dritten Stufe beschriebene Lösungskonzept „Audit-as-a-Service“ sieht die Integration eines spezialisierten Informationsdienstleisters vor, der als Mediator zwischen Prüfungsgesellschaften und geprüften Unternehmen fungiert und die kontinuierliche Prüfung zu einem Geschäftsmodellansatz erweitert

    Entwurf eines cloud-basierten Geschäftsmodells für die kontinuierliche Prüfung

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    Die zunehmende Digitalisierung und Komplexität der Abschlussprüfung als daten- und wissensintensive Dienstleistung externer Prüfungsgesellschaften verändert bestehende Geschäftsabläufe der Mandanten-Prüfer-Beziehung. Dabei ist ein Wandel von einer jährlichen Prüfung auf Basis historischer Daten zu einer unterjährigen, kontinuierlichen Prüfung zu beobachten. Daraus ergibt sich, insbesondere für kleine und mittelständische Prüfungsgesellschaften, der Bedarf an technologischer Unterstützung, um ihre Stellung am Abschlussprüfermarkt zu behaupten. Ein innovativer Lösungsansatz ist in diesem Zusammenhang die Auslagerung kontinuierlicher Prüfungsdienstleistungen an einen spezialisierten Informationsdienstleister, der Prüfungsresultate über eine Cloud-Architektur bedarfsorientiert zur Verfügung stellt (Audit-as-a-Service). Zur Umsetzung dieses Ansatzes wird in dem vorliegenden Artikel ein Geschäftsmodell nach dem Business Model Canvas entworfen. Dazu wurde ein konzeptionell-deduktives Verfahren angewendet. Die Autoren dieses Artikels adressieren mit der Vorstellung dieses Geschäftsmodellentwurfs eine Forschungslücke in der Fachliteratur und eröffnen damit eine neue Forschungsrichtung zur Umsetzung und Verbreitung von kontinuierlichen Prüfungsdienstleistungen

    Improving the Success of Continuous Auditing Projects with a Comprehensive Implementation Framework

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    The major aim of this paper is to create awareness of the demand for computer-assisted audit solutions within the European research community. The cause of this demand is twofold; on the one hand, regulatory pressure is increasing through both the reform of the audit sector in the European Union regarding mandatory audit firm rotation and tightened independence requirements. On the other hand, the speed and volume of data processing requires fast and qualitative audit results. These circumstances lead to the need to shift audit processes from traditional sample selection based on historical data to permanent monitoring and assurance of accounting-relevant processes and data–Continuous Auditing (CA). However, the implementation of CA systems is a recognized challenge for researchers and practitioners. Through the review of relevant literature regarding the issues and barriers of CA projects, sixteen critical success factors (CSFs) of CA were explored. These CSFs were condensed into one framework considering three different levels of business diffusion (strategy, processes, and systems) as well as stakeholders of CA projects (enterprise, project management, audit, and external environment). In terms of the conceptual level of the proposed framework, the authors of this paper chose a fictitious scenario and conducted an informed argument to evaluate the framework

    IT Support through CAATTs - Systematic Requirements Analysis and Design for Process Audit

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    Due to the increasing operation of automated and autonomous Accounting Information Systems (AIS) in the recent decades, the audit of financial statements through process audits has risen in complexity. Additionally, process audits have to be managed in a field of tension because of intensified legal framework and the ever-growing size of data. Therefore, auditors demand for solutions, which support an efficient and high quality examination of financial statements. According to the principles of Design Science, an analysis of essential requirements of the auditors is examined in this work. With respect to the auditor’s needs, a specification of process audit is conducted from expert interviews. This sets the baseline for the design of innovative IT artifacts for a guided and systematic support for all activities of process audit. The paper concludes with a critical discussion and highlights the implications for future work

    Managing Internal Control: Designing a Wiki-based Information System for Continuous Process Assurance

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    The assessment of a client’s internal control environment is a recognized and crucial part of financial statements auditing. Appropriate tools and techniques are required in order to enable the auditor to understand the organizational environment and to evaluate the compliance of controls along accounting-relevant processes. This research-in-progress paper provides initial research findings in the area of continuous assurance in terms of collecting requirements for the support of process auditing, and the extension of core functionalities of an existing prototype. This prototype is realized as a web application combining complete wiki functionality with a modeling component, and enables the automated synchronization between workflow procedures and business process models. This empowers the auditor to monitor and assess changes of client’s business environment and internal control constantly. In conclusion, the paper introduces future work encompassing the strengthening of analysis and design as well as evaluation by implementing the prototype in multiple organizations

    In Vitro Surface Investigation of Calcium Fluoride-like Precipitation on Human Enamel after Topical Treatment with the Organic Fluoride Nicomethanol Hydrofluoride.

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    PURPOSE The topical fluoride treatment of teeth can lead to a formation of CaF2-like material, which is considered to play a significant role in caries prevention. Different types of fluoride sources are applied. The aim of this study was to analyse the in vitro fluoridation effect of the lesser known organic fluoride compound nicomethanol hydrofluoride (NH) regarding fluoride accumulation and morphological changes on dental enamel surfaces. Materials and Methods: The fluoridation effect was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDX) after treatment with fluoride solutions at a concentration of 1350 ppm F - and a pH value of 5.5. NH was tested against inorganic sodium fluoride (NaF) as reference. Fluoridation was done on pellicle-free and pellicle-covered enamel. Results: Formation of globular CaF2-like material was observed for both fluoride types. However, NH led to considerably higher calcium fluoride accumulation on the enamel surface as shown by both EDX and SEM. The globule diameters varied between 0.2 and 0.8 µm. Cross-sectional analysis revealed that the globular precipitates lay directly on the enamel surface; only the very surface-near volume was affected. No statistically significant difference of the fluoridation effect was measured with vs without saliva pre-treatment. Conclusion: The experiments showed a 6 times greater F - surface uptake on dental enamel with NH compared to sodium fluoride, thus suggesting an important role of NH during remineralization phases, fostering equilibrium between de- and remineralization

    Nano-CT characterization of dentinal tubule occlusion in SDF-treated dentin

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    Abstract Dentin hypersensitivity is an oral health concern affecting a large percentage of the world's adult population. Occlusion of the exposed dentinal tubules is among the treatment options available, and silver diammine fluoride (SDF) is an occluding agent used for interrupting or dampening the stimulus of the dental pulp nerves that produce pain. In addition to dentin permeability testing, the evaluation of desensitizing agents occluding dentinal tubules strongly relies on microscopic techniques, such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Limitations of SEM are that it provides only surface images that lack detailed information on the depth of penetration and amount of material present within the treated specimen, and it is prone to sample preparation artifacts. Here, we present high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (nano-CT) as a potential method for investigating dentin specimens with occluded tubules. We studied human dentin treated with SDF as an exemplary dentinal occlusion treatment option. We evaluated the silver deposits formed on the dentin surface region near the dentinal tubules and in the tubular regions using cross-section SEM, Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis, and nano-CT. The resulting images obtained by SEM and nano-CT had comparable resolutions, and both techniques produced images of the tubules' occlusion. Nano-CT provided three-dimensional images adequate to quantitate tubule size and orientation in space. Moreover, it enabled clear visualization of dentinal tubules in any virtual plane and estimation of the amount and depth of occluding material. Thus, nano-CT has the potential to be a valuable technique for evaluating the occluding effects of virtually any material applied to dentinal tubules, supporting deciding between the best occluding treatment options