132 research outputs found

    Deconstruction of Neurotrypsin Reveals a Multi-factorially Regulated Activity Affecting Myotube Formation and Neuronal Excitability

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    Neurotrypsin (NT) is a highly specific nervous system multi-domain serine protease best known for its selective processing of the potent synaptic organizer agrin. Its enzymatic activity is thought to influence processes of synaptic plasticity, with its deregulation causing accelerated neuromuscular junction (NMJ) degeneration or contributing to forms of mental retardation. These biological effects are likely to stem from NT-based regulation of agrin signaling. However, dissecting the exact biological implications of NT-agrin interplay is difficult, due to the scarce molecular detail regarding NT activity and NT-agrin interactions. We developed a strategy to reliably produce and purify a catalytically competent engineered variant of NT called "NT-mini" and a library of C-terminal agrin fragments, with which we performed a thorough biochemical and biophysical characterization of NT enzyme functionality. We studied the regulatory effects of calcium ions and heparin, identified NT's heparin-binding domain, and discovered how zinc ions induce modulation of enzymatic activity. Additionally, we investigated myotube differentiation and hippocampal neuron excitability, evidencing a dose-dependent increase in neuronal activity alongside a negative impact on myoblast fusion when using the active NT enzyme. Collectively, our results provide in vitro and cellular foundations to unravel the molecular underpinnings and biological significance of NT-agrin interactions

    Correlation between beta-amyloid peptide production and human APP-induced neuronal death.

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    The production of amyloid peptide (Abeta) from its precursor (APP) plays a key role in Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the link between Abeta production and neuronal death remains elusive. We studied the biological effects associated with human APP expression and metabolism in rat cortical neurons. Human APP expressed in neurons is processed to produce Abeta and soluble APP. Moreover, human APP expression triggers neuronal death. Pepstatin A, an inhibitor of aspartyl proteases that reduces Abeta production, protects neurons from APP-induced neurotoxicity. This suggests that Abeta production is likely to be the critical event in the neurodegenerative process of AD

    How to Build and to Protect the Neuromuscular Junction: The Role of the Glial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor

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    The neuromuscular junction(NMJ)is at the crossroad between the nervous system(NS)and the muscle. Following neurotransmitter release from the motor neurons (MNs), muscle contraction occurs and movement is generated. Besides eliciting muscle contraction, the NMJ represents a site of chemical bidirectional interplay between nerve and muscle with the active participation of Schwann cells. Indeed, signals originating from the muscle play an important role in synapse formation, stabilization, maintenance and function, both in development and adulthood. We focus here on the contribution of the Glial cell line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF) to these processes and to its potential role in the protection of the NMJ during neurodegeneration. Historically related to the maintenance and survival of dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra, GDNF also plays a fundamental role in the peripheral NS (PNS). At this level, it promotes muscle trophism and it participates to the functionality of synapses. Moreover, compared to the other neurotrophic factors, GDNF shows unique peculiarities, which make its contribution essential in neurodegenerative disorders. While describing the known structural and functional changes occurring at the NMJ during neurodegeneration, we highlight the role of GDNF in the NMJ–muscle cross-talk and we review its therapeutic potential in counteracting the degenerative process occurring in the PNS in progressive and severe diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)andSpinalMuscularAtrophy(SMA).Wealsodescribefunctional3Dneuromuscularco-culture systems that have been recently developed as a model for studying both NMJ formation in vitro and its involvement in neuromuscular disorders

    The processing and biological function of the human amyloid precursor protein (APP): lessons from different cellular models.

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    One of the major neuropathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease is the presence of senile plaques in vulnerable regions of CNS. These plaques are formed of aggregated amyloid peptide. Amyloid peptide is released by the cleavage of its precursor (APP). The establishment of cell lines expressing human APP allowed to characterize both amyloidogenic and non-amyloidogneic pathways of APP catabolism and to identify some of the proteins involved in this processing (known as secretases). This led to a better comprehension of amyloid peptide production, which needs to be further characterized since gamma-secretase is as yet not identified; moreover, we still lack a clear overview of the interactions between APP and other proteins promoting Alzheimer's disease (tau, presinilinsellipsis). An important limitation of these cell lines for studying the mechanisms involved in Alzheimer's disease is supported by the observation that human APP expression does not modify transfected cells survival. The infection of primary neuronal cultures with full-length human APP indicates that APP expression induces neuronal apoptosis by itself; this neurotoxicity does not rely on extracellular production of APP derivatives (secreted APP, amyloid peptide). It is now essential to understand, in neuronal models, the production, localization and involvement of amyloid peptide in neurodegenerative processes

    Fe65 does not stabilize AICD during activation of transcription in a luciferase assay.

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    The APP intracellular domain (AICD) could be involved in signaling via interaction with the adaptor protein Fe65, and with the histone acetyl transferase Tip60. However, the real function of AICD and Fe65 in regulation of transcription remains controversial. In this study, the human APPGal4 fusion protein was expressed in CHO cells and the transcriptional activity of AICDGal4 was measured in a luciferase-based reporter assay. AICDGal4 was stabilized by expression of Fe65 and levels of AICDGal4 controlled luciferase activity. On the contrary, when human APP was expressed in CHO cells, coexpression of Fe65 increased luciferase activity without affecting the amount of AICD fragment. AICD produced from APP was protected from degradation by orthophenanthroline, but not by lactacystine, indicating that AICD is not a substrate of the chymotryptic activity of the proteasome. It is concluded that Fe65 can control luciferase activity without stabilizing the labile AICD fragment
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