10 research outputs found

    In vivo transduction of primitive mobilized hematopoietic stem cells after intravenous injection of integrating adenovirus vectors

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    Current protocols for hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell (HSPC) gene therapy, involving the transplantation of ex vivo genetically modified HSPCs are complex and not without risk for the patient. We developed a new approach for in vivo HSPC transduction that does not require myeloablation and transplantation. It involves subcutaneous injections of granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor/AMD3100 to mobilize HSPCs from the bone marrow (BM) into the peripheral blood stream and the IV injection of an integrating, helper-dependent adenovirus (HD-Ad5/35++) vector system. These vectors target CD46, a receptor that is uniformly expressed on HSPCs. We demonstrated in human CD46 transgenic mice and immunodeficient mice with engrafted human CD34+ cells that HSPCs transduced in the periphery home back to the BM where they stably express the transgene. In hCD46 transgenic mice, we showed that our in vivo HSPC transduction approach allows for the stable transduction of primitive HSPCs. Twenty weeks after in vivo transduction, green fluorescent protein (GFP) marking in BM HSPCs (Lin-Sca1+Kit- cells) in most of the mice was in the range of 5% to 10%. The percentage of GFP-expressing primitive HSPCs capable of forming multilineage progenitor colonies (colony-forming units [CFUs]) increased from 4% of all CFUs at week 4 to 16% at week 12, indicating transduction and expansion of long-term surviving HSPCs. Our approach was well tolerated, did not result in significant transduction of nonhematopoietic tissues, and was not associated with genotoxicty. The ability to stably genetically modify HSPCs without the need of myeloablative conditioning is relevant for a broader clinical application of gene therapy

    Safe and efficient in vivo hematopoietic stem cell transduction in nonhuman primates using HDAd5/35++ vectors

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    We tested a new in vivo hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transduction/selection approach in rhesus macaques using HSC-tropic, integrating, helper-dependent adenovirus vectors (HDAd5/35++) designed for expression of human γ−globin in red blood cells (RBCs) to treat hemoglobinopathies. We show that HDAd5/35++ vectors preferentially transduce HSCs in vivo after intravenous injection into G-CSF/AMD3100-mobilized animals, and that transduced cells return to the bone marrow and spleen. The approach was well tolerated and activation of proinflammatory cytokines that is usually associated with intravenous adenovirus vector injection, was successfully blunted by pre-treatment with dexamethasone in combination with IL-1 and IL-6 receptor blockers. Using our MGMT(P140K)-based in vivo selection approach, γ-globin(+) RBCs increased in all animals with levels up to 90%. After selection, the percentage of γ-globin(+) RBCs declined most likely due to an immune response against human transgene products. Our biodistribution data indicate that γ-globin(+) RBCs in the periphery were mostly derived from mobilized HSCs that homed to the spleen. Integration site analysis revealed a polyclonal pattern and no genotoxicity related to transgene integrations. This is the first proof-of-concept study in nonhuman primates that in vivo HSC gene therapy could be feasible in humans without the need for high-dose chemotherapy conditioning and HSC transplantation

    Single-dose MGTA-145/plerixafor leads to efficient mobilization and in vivo transduction of HSCs with thalassemia correction in mice

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    We have developed an in vivo hemopoietic stem cell (HSC) gene therapy approach without the need for myelosuppressive conditioning and autologous HSC transplantation. It involves HSC mobilization and IV injection of a helper-dependent adenovirus HDAd5/35++ vector system. The current mobilization regimen consists of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) injections over a 4-day period, followed by the administration of plerixafor/AMD3100. We tested a simpler, 2-hour, G-CSF-free mobilization regimen using truncated GRO-β (MGTA-145; a CXCR2 agonist) and plerixafor in the context of in vivo HSC transduction in mice. The MGTA-145+plerixafor combination resulted in robust mobilization of HSCs. Importantly, compared with G-CSF+plerixafor, MGTA-145+plerixafor led to significantly less leukocytosis and no elevation of serum interleukin-6 levels and was thus likely to be less toxic. With both mobilization regimens, after in vivo selection with O6-benzylguanine (O6BG)/BCNU, stable GFP marking was achieved in >90% of peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Genome-wide analysis showed random, multiclonal vector integration. In vivo HSC transduction after mobilization with MGTA-145+plerixafor in a mouse model for thalassemia resulted in >95% human γ-globin+ erythrocytes at a level of 36% of mouse β-globin. Phenotypic analyses showed a complete correction of thalassemia. The γ-globin marking percentage and level were maintained in secondary recipients, further demonstrating that MGTA145+plerixafor mobilizes long-term repopulating HSCs. Our study indicates that brief exposure to MGTA-145+plerixafor may be advantageous as a mobilization regimen for in vivo HSC gene therapy applications across diseases, including thalassemia and sickle cell disease

    Efficient Human Hematopoietic Cell Transduction Using RD114- and GALV-Pseudotyped Retroviral Vectors Produced in Suspension and Serum-Free Media

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    Retroviral vectors derived from the Moloney murine leukemia virus have been used in successful and promising gene therapy clinical trials. However, platforms for their large-scale production must be further developed. As a proof of principle, we reported the generation of a packaging cell line that produces amphotropic retroviral vectors in suspension and serum-free medium (SFM). In the present study, we have constructed and characterized two retroviral packaging cell lines designed for gene transfer in hematopoietic cells. These cell lines grow in suspension and SFM, and produce high-titer RD114- and gibbon ape leukemia virus (GALV)-pseudotyped vectors for a 3-month culture period. Viral particles released are as robust during repeated freeze–thaw cycles and on thermal inactivation at 37°C as their counterparts produced in cells cultured adherently with serum. We also show that RD114- and GALV-pseudotyped vectors produced in suspension and SFM efficiently transduce human lymphocytes and hematopoietic stem cells. As these retroviral packaging cell lines distinctively maintain high vector titers while growing in suspension and SFM, we conclude that these cell lines are uniquely suitable for large-scale clinical-grade vector production for late-phase clinical trials involving gene transfer into hematopoietic cells

    Contributions of Gene Marking to Cell and Gene Therapies

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    The first human genetic modification studies used replication-incompetent integrating vector vectors to introduce marker genes into T lymphocytes and subsequently into hematopoietic stem cells. Such studies have provided numerous insights into the biology of hematopoiesis and immune reconstitution and contributed to clinical development of gene and cell therapies. Tracking of hematopoietic reconstitution and analysis of the origin of residual malignant disease after hematopoietic transplantation has been possible via gene marking. Introduction of selectable marker genes has enabled preselection of specific T-cell populations for tumor and viral immunotherapy and reduced the threat of graft-versus-host disease, improving the survival of patients after allogeneic marrow transplantation. Marking studies in humans, murine xenografts, and large animals have helped optimize conditions for gene transfer into CD34+ hematopoietic progenitors, contributing to the achievement of gene transfer efficiencies sufficient for clinical benefit in several serious genetic diseases such as X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency and adrenoleukodystropy. When adverse events linked to insertional mutagenesis arose in clinical gene therapy trials for inherited immunodeficiencies, additional animal studies using gene-marking vectors have greatly increased our understanding of genotoxicity. The knowledge gained from these studies is being translated into new vector designs and clinical protocols, which we hope will continue to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and safety of these promising therapeutic approaches

    Transient In Vivo β-Globin Production After Lentiviral Gene Transfer to Hematopoietic Stem Cells in the Nonhuman Primate

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    Inherited disorders of globin synthesis remain desirable targets for hematopoietic stem cell (HSC)-based therapies. Gene transfer using retroviral vectors offers an alternative to allogeneic HSC transplantation by the permanent integration of potentially therapeutic genes into primary autologous HSCs. Although proof of principle has been demonstrated in humans, this approach has been met by formidable obstacles, and large-animal models have become increasingly important for the preclinical development of gene addition strategies. Here we report lentiviral gene transfer of the human β-globin gene under the control of the globin promoter and large fragments of the globin locus control region (LCR) in the nonhuman primate. Using an HIV-1, vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein G (VSV-G)-pseudotyped vector, modified to overcome a species-specific restriction to HIV-1, gene transfer to colony-forming units (CFU) derived from mobilized peripheral blood (PB) rhesus CD34+ cells was 84.4 ± 2.33%. Erythroid cells derived from transduced rhesus CD34+ cells expressed human β-globin at high levels as assessed by flow cytometry with a human β-globin-specific antibody. Two rhesus macaques (RQ3586 and RQ3583) were transplanted with mobilized PB CD34+ cells transduced with our modified HIV vector at a multiplicity of infection of 80. High gene transfer rates to CFUs were achieved in vitro (RQ3586, 87.5%; RQ3583, 83.3%), with efficient human β-globin expression among erythroid progeny generated in vitro. Early posttransplantation, gene transfer rates of 5% or higher were detectable and confirmed by genomic Southern blotting, with equivalent-level human β-globin expression detected by flow cytometry. Long-term gene marking levels among mononuclear cells and granulocytes assessed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction gradually decreased to about 0.001% at 2 years, likely due to additional HIV-1 restrictive elements in the rhesus macaque. No evidence of clonal hematopoiesis has occurred in our animals in up to 2 years. Current efforts are aimed at developing a lentiviral vector capable of efficiently transducing both human and rhesus HSCs to allow preclinical modeling of globin gene transfer