7 research outputs found
Unite People by Global Awareness Through Wisdom for the Gifted
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Me to We
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2014
- Field of study
Doing Democracy in Social Studies Methods
- Author
- Banks J. A.
- Barber B.
- Battsioni R.
- Bernard-Powers J.
- Bickmore K.
- Boyle-Baise M.
- Boyle-Baise M.
- Chapin J.
- Chesler M.
- Counts G.
- Dewey John
- Engle S.
- Friere P.
- Friere P.
- Giroux H.
- Harper Niles
- Houser N.
- Jones E.
- Kielburger M.
- Kotlowitz A.
- Morton K.
- Nalle K.
- O'Grady C.
- Paley V.
- Parker W.
- Parker W.
- Parks R.
- Rhoads R.
- Rosenberger C.
- Ross D.
- Shinew D.
- Sleeter C. E.
- Stanley W.
- Stanley W.
- Sunal C.
- Tyson C.
- Wade R.
- Zarrillo J.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Transdisciplinary Approaches to Young People’s Citizenship
- Author
- A Ben-Arieh
- A Osler
- A Sen
- A Strauss
- A Strauss
- B Glaser
- B Glaser
- B Nicolescu
- B Nicolescu
- BS Turner
- BS Turner
- BS Turner
- C Douzinas
- C Kielburger
- C Trivedi
- D Devine
- D Kiwan
- D Kiwan
- D Stasiulis
- D Stasiulis
- DJ O'Byrne
- EF Isin
- G Dahlberg
- H Arendt
- H Koizumi
- H Matthews
- HA Giroux
- J Doek
- J Donnelly
- J Kincheloe
- J Kincheloe
- K Charmaz
- M Freeman
- M Freeman
- M Hill
- M King
- M Moosa-Mitha
- M Shephard
- M Woodhead
- MA Somerville
- N Luhmann
- P Freire
- P Moss
- R Raby
- RB Howe
- RB Howe
- RB Howe
- RB Howe
- RC Mitchell
- RC Mitchell
- RC Mitchell
- RC Mitchell
- RC Mitchell
- RC Mitchell
- RE Howard-Hassmann
- S Sassen
- SA Moore
- SA Moore
- SA Moore
- SA Moore
- SH Matthews
- U Beck
- United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child
- United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
- United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
- W Morgan
- W Vrasti
- Z Bauman
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2012
- Field of study
Developing Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Civics in Elementary Teacher Education
- Author
- Alleman J.
- Banks J. A.
- Barton K.
- Berti A.
- Bondy E.
- Bondy E.
- Boyle-Baise M.
- Bredekamp S.
- Brophy J.
- Bruner J.
- Cannella G.
- Cazden C.
- Clark M. A.
- Connell R. W.
- Counts George
- Dana N. F.
- Delpit L.
- Dewey J.
- Fishkin J. S.
- Gallavan N.
- Goodman J.
- Grossman P. L.
- Gutmann A.
- Hanna P. R.
- Hess R.
- Kielburger M.
- Kohlberg L.
- Kymlicka W.
- Levstik L. S.
- Lortie D
- Magnusson S.
- Mason T. C.
- Nicholls J.
- Paley V.
- Parker W.
- Patrick J.
- Ravitch D.
- Rogoff B.
- Ross D. D.
- Ross D. D.
- Shulman L. S.
- Shulman L. S.
- Silva D. Y.
- Skrtic T. M.
- Smith H.
- Touraine A.
- Webb R.
- Westheimer J.
- Wiggins G.
- Wolk S.
- Zeichner K. M.
- Zimiles H.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- A Bechmann
- A Gewiese
- A Jungmann
- A Kieser
- A Schimpf
- A Schlafke
- A Wende
- AS Joy
- AT Basten
- B Bilitewski
- B Bohle
- B Cleverly
- B Willenberg
- B Willenberg
- B Willenberg
- B Willenberg
- B Woite
- C Gronholz
- C-O Bauer
- CE Zabeltitz
- CH Hastenberg van
- D Snell
- D Sun
- D Temple
- DE Vesper
- Deutsches Institut für Normung Grundsätze produktbezogener Ökobilanzen — German „Memorandum of Understanding/„Conceptual Framework Stand Oktober 1993). In
- EI Diamond
- Enquete-Kommission „Schutz des Menschen und der Umwelt des Deutschen Bundestages Hrsg.)
- F Kozera
- F Mikosch
- F Otmar
- F Simioni
- F Wintrich
- FG Arutyunyan
- FG Kollmann
- G Angerer
- G Esebeck
- G Fleischer
- G Fleischer
- G Heckenkamp
- G Hähne
- G Kielburger
- G Kohler
- G Menges
- G Pahl
- G Schubert
- G Schubert
- G Schubert
- G Schubert
- G Schubert
- GD Kuznetsov
- H Alter
- H Frame
- H Friege
- H Kortekamp
- H Lucht
- H Meyer
- H Rhotert
- H Ritzmann
- H Wiegand
- H-J ClauĂźen
- H-P Kerlin
- H-P Sattler
- Hiller
- Hiller
- HJ SchĂĽtze
- HU SĂĽss
- I Keil
- I Vavruch
- J Blume
- J Guinée
- J Hesselbach
- J Jansen
- J Jansen
- J Kottmeyer
- J Stahl
- J Tobler
- JB Lindroos
- K Göpel
- K Höffl
- K Melenk
- K Roth
- K Sczimarowsky
- K Sczimarowsky
- K Vornberger
- K Vornberger
- KH Unkelbach
- L Stahl
- LA Groep van der
- Licht und
- M GĂĽnther
- M Schmidt-Kretschmer
- N Anghel
- N.N.
- N.N.
- N.N.
- N.N.
- N.N.
- N.N.
- N.N.
- P Böhringer
- P Muhs
- PS White
- R Bohne
- R BrĂĽggemann
- R Druminski
- R Ek
- R Engelmann
- R Keck
- R Kuhn
- R Kuhn
- R Probst
- R Rau
- R Steinhilper
- Recycling mit Minusgraden.
- RJ Stessel
- RO Burt
- S Böhme
- S Ghosh
- S Hildebrand
- SG Rudevskij
- T Geiger
- T Hirota
- T Manfredini
- U Delpy
- U Lahl
- U Schnurr
- V Hess
- W Beitz
- W Beitz
- W Hasberg
- W Kaminski
- W Kaminski
- W Klöpffer
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1996
- Field of study
Amplifying Voices
- Author
- Anderlini Sanam
- Azarbaijani-Moghaddam Sippi
- Ballington Julie
- Ballington Julie
- Beath Andrew
- Beath Andrew
- Beyond Access
- Blattman Christopher
- Broadband Commission Working Group on Broadband and Gender
- Caivano Joan M
- Chen Li-Ju
- Dahlerup Drude
- Evans Alison
- Fleishman Jeffrey
- GSMA and Cherie Blair Foundation for Women
- Hausmann Richard
- Horowitz Juliana Menasce
- Intel and Dalberg Global Development Advisors
- IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union)
- IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union)
- IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union)
- IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union)
- ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
- Kabeer Naila
- Kar Mehrangiz
- Kielburger Craig
- Kombo Brenda
- Markham Susan
- Matland Richard E
- Motevalli Golnar
- Nique Michael
- OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- Papp Susan A
- Sathe Dhanmanjiri
- Schwindt-Bayer Leslie A
- Sen Amartya K
- UN Women (United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women)
- UN Women (United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women)
- UN Women (United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women)
- UN Women (United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women)
- UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund)
- United Nations Focal Point for Electoral Assistance
- UNSD (United Nations Statistics Division)
- USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development)
- Wakunuma Kutoma J
- Windau-Melmer Tamara
- World Bank
- World Bank and IFC (International Finance Corporation)
- York Jillian
- Publication venue
- 'World Bank'
- Publication date
- Field of study