82 research outputs found

    Pharmacotherapy efficacy and safety criteria based on spectral shifts in elder patients with arterial hypertension and coronary artery disease

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    The article is dedicated to development of homeostatic criteria of efficacy and safety of drugs combinations “lisinopril, bisoprolol, indapamide, isosorbide dinitrate, acetylsalicylic acid”. These criteria are based on study of homeostatic shifts and their association with clinical and laboratory parameters on elder patients with arterial hypertension (AH) II, III stage combined with coronary artery disease (CAD). Complex clinical, biochemical, biophysical and instrumental investigation was performed in 67 patients with AH II, III stage combined with CAD. On the grounds of developed criteria was established that for patients with AH II and CAD is not recommended combination “lisinopril, acetylsalicylic acid” and for those ones with AH III and CAD prohibited combinations “lisinopril, bisoprolol, acetylsalicylic acid” and “lisinopril, bisoprolol, indapamide, isosorbide dinitrate, acetylsalicylic acid” in order to prevent development of drug induced renal dysfunction. It was also determined safety of combinations “lisinopril, bisoprolol, acetylsalicylic acid”; “lisinopril, bisoprolol, indapamide, acetylsalicylic acid” for patients with AH II and CAD and “lisinopril, bisoprolol, indapamide, acetylsalicylic acid” for those ones with AH III and CAD

    Efficacy of pharmacotherapy according to laser correlation spectrometry in elderly with arterial hypertension and comorbid pathology

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    In patients with arterial hypertension (AH) pharmacotherapy often remains ineffective because of comorbid pathology. Research of haemodynamic and homeostatic processes in such patients allows prescribe effective antihypertensive medicines, improve life quality and prognosis. Material and methods: 60 patients with AH, coronary artery disease and obesity were divided into three groups: 1st group was treated with lisinopril + atorvastatin + aspirin (regimen I); 2nd group was treated with lisinopril + atorvastatin + bisoprolol + aspirin (regimen II); 3rd group was treated with lisinopril + bisoprolol + indapamide + atorvastatin + aspirin (regimen III). Laser correlation spectrometry (LCS) was used to evaluate the homeostatic alterations. Results: All regimens were equally effective in normalization of systolic blood pressure and did not influence the ejection fraction. Only in the 3rd group was determined significant increase of glomerular filtration rate (92.732.12 vs 79.6213.62 ml/min/1.73m2). The LCS test showed that these patients had high level of light scattering particles IV, which may be caused by activation of anabolic processes. In other groups, spectral alterations were not so expressive. Conclusions: Prescription of antihypertensive therapy cause homeostatic and metabolic alterations, which may influence the efficacy of treatment

    The effectiveness of cytoprotection in the treatment of stable angina in patients with arterial hypertension and hyperuricemia, taking into account the peculiarities of the course of coronary artery disease in wartime

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    UDC: [616.153.857+616.12-005.4+616.12-008.331.1]:616.12-009.72-08:615.015.44,,364" DOI: 10.15587/2519-4798.2022.268523The aim of the study is to establish the effectiveness of treatment of severe angina pectoris in patients with hyperuricemia, taking into consideration the peculiarities of the course of coronary artery disease (CAD) in wartime, using ranolazine – a selective inhibitor of the late sodium flow in combined pharmacotherapy. Materials and methods. We studied the anti-anginal effect of ranolazine in 14 patients with CAD, stable angina pectoris III-IV functional class (FC), hyperuricemia and arterial hypertension (AH) during 6 months of the 2022 year. The effectiveness of the study drug on the clinical course of angina pectoris was assessed by questionnaire and clinical examination after three months of treatment. The results. At the end of the second week of ranolazine use, angina attacks at rest, which were registered before the start of the observation, stopped in all patients with angina pectoris III FC and 50 % with angina pectoris IV FC. In 78.6 %, the number of angina attacks and the use of nitrates decreased by more than 2 times; 21.4 % no longer had angina attacks. At the end of the first month, anginal attacks were not observed in all patients with angina pectoris III FC and 50 % with angina pectoris FC IV. In 2 patients with angina pectoris IV FC (50 %), anginal attacks continued to be registered during physical exertion and emotional stress, but no more than once a week. At the same time, there were no angina attacks at rest. The same results were obtained during the survey of patients at the end of three months of observation. Conclusions. Ranolazine is an effective component of anti-anginal therapy, significantly affecting the patient's quality of life. Therefore, we can recommend ranolazine for patients with hyperuricemia in angina attacks that persist with insufficient effectiveness of basic therapy with first-line drugs, especially during military conflict

    The effect of pollution on hypertension and on the total risk score in hypertensive patients

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    This brief description highlights some practical aspects for cardiologists regarding the effects of environmental pollution, including the causal role of fine particulate matter (PM) on hypertension development and prognosis, pathophysiological mechanisms, and potential approaches to minimise risks and improve blood pressure (BP) control

    Surgical treatment of the lumbar disc herniation complicated by lumbar spinal stenosis

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    Degenerative disc diseases of the lumbar spine are a relevant medical and social problem. Annually, about 8 % of the population lose their ability to work because of spinal pain, and of the total number of disability cases, 40 % are associated with pain in the lumbar region. Common causes of lumbar spine pain are disc herniation and spinal canal stenosis. There are rare cases of their combination (15–45 %). The lumbosacral spine has a tendency to develop intervertebral disc herniation due to the peculiarities of biomechanics and is, therefore, the main cause of spinal surgery among adults. The clinical picture depends on several factors: the location of the herniated disc, the size and direction of the hernia, the diameter of the spinal canal at this level, the presence of concomitant stenosis and its variant. The purpose of surgical treatment of degenerative disc diseases in the lumbar spine is to carry out complete decompression of the roots of the cauda equina with minimal anatomical destruction of the structures of the spine. An adequate understanding of anatomical ratios and optimal volume of bone resection make it possible to minimize access, reduce traction and surgical traumatization of nerve structures, which ensures effective postoperative rehabilitation of patients.The paper covers the issues of etiology, pathophysiology and surgical treatment of disc herniation complicated by concomitant spinal canal stenosis. The reviews the literature and recent researches of the most optimal methods of surgical treatment of this pathology. The lack of uniform approaches to the surgical treatment of discs herniation complicated by spinal canal stenosis indicates the urgency of the problem and requires further scientific research

    Применение метода линейной свертки для выбора источника альтернативной энергии

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    В статті вирішена задача багатокритеріального вибору джерела альтернативної енергії шляхом застосування методу лінійної згортки. Відображено основні етапи реалізації даного методу для конкретних початкових умов та заданих критеріїв вибору. Розглянуто особливості реалізації методу лінійної згортки при збільшенні кількості критеріїв та змінних. Даний метод розглядається як основа для побудови алгоритмів керування джерелами в складі енергетичних систем типу Micro Grid чи Smart Grid.The use of alternative energy sources (solar, wind, geothermal), together with traditional sources is relevant for today. This ensures uninterrupted flow of electricity to consumers. However, the efficiency of alternative energy sources is dependent on weather conditions. Therefore, the development of control methods and control algorithms in power systems for providing the connection and disconnection of these sources, depending on user requirements, is actual. Creating these algorithms provides a solution to task of multi-selection. The system that contains three sources of alternative energy - photoelectric, wind generator and a diesel engine considered in this paper. This example shows the selection of one of the sources of the method of linear convolution for specific weather conditions. The conditions for extension of the method were considered when the number of sources or criterias is increasing and when we use as criterias different parameters which can be measured directly or indirectly.На сегодняшний день актуальным является использование источников альтернативной энергии (солнечной, ветровой, геотермальной) наряду с традиционными источниками. Такое техническое решение позволяет обеспечить бесперебойное поступление электроэнергии к потребителям. Однако, зависимость эффективности функционирования источников альтернативной энергии от погодных условий требует разработки таких методов и алгоритмов управления процессами в энергетических системах, которые обеспечивают подключение и отключение этих источников в зависимости от требований пользователя. Создание таких алгоритмов предусматривает решение задач многокритериального выбора. На примере системы, содержащей три источника альтернативной энергии - фотобатарею, ветрогенератор и дизельный двигатель - для заданных погодных условий продемонстрировано выбор одного из источников по методу линейной свертки и рассмотрены условия расширения применения данного метода при увеличении количества источников или критериев и при использовании в качестве критериев параметров, подлежащих непосредственному или опосредованному измерению

    The Complex Studying of Antarctic Biota

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    Results of five year period of Argentina islands region Antarctic biota complex investigations are described. There were described 41 algae new for the Galindez island biogeografical polygon territory. Check-list of terrestrial algae now consists of 57 species belongs to 3 phyla.Стаття присвячена результатам п'ятирічного комплексного вивчення антарктичної біоти в районі Аргентинських островів. У результаті проведених досліджень систематичний список наземних водоростей біогеографічного полігону на острові Галіндез поповнився на 41 таксон видового рангу і включає 57 видів з трьох відділів

    Macro- and microelemental composition of the Antarctic fish blood serum

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    The research materials were selected during the 9-th Ukrainian Antarctic expedition in Academic Vernadsky station region. For analysis the fish samples that related to Nototheniidae, Bathydraconidae and Chaenichthyidae were used. The elemental composition of fish blood serum was estimated by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. The elemental analysis of blood serum of the Antarctic fish revealed the species- dependent distribution. The expedience of the fish blood serum use for environmental biotesting is proposed

    Жаростойкость и коррозионная стойкость комплексных хромоалитированных покрытий на титановом сплаве ВТ6

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    Досліджено мікроструктуру, фазовий і хімічний склад комплексних хромоалітованих покриттів, отриманих одночасним насиченням титанового сплаву ВТ6 хромом та алюмінієм з порошкових сумішей. Встановлено, що покриття складаються з трьох окремих шарів Al3Ti, AlTi, AlTi3. Мікротвердість дифузійних багатошарових покриттів у зоні фази Al3Ti становить 7,1—9,0 ГПа, основного дифузійного шару AlTi — 5,2—8,2 ГПа та 11,0 ГПа — фази AlTi3, що в два—чотири рази перевищує мікротвердість ВТ6 у вихідному стані (3,63 ГПа). Жаростійкість сплаву ВТ6 в результаті обробки зростає від температури 450 до 700 °С за рахунок утворення захисних плівок окисів алюмінію та хрому на його поверхні. Корозійна стійкість збільшується в 2,52 разу у водному розчині 5 % адепинової кислоти та в 9,53 разу у водному розчині 3 % перекису водню. Таким чином, комплексні хромоалітовані покриття, отримані запропонованим способом, можуть бути придатними для практичного використання на деталях і конструкціях, виготовлених з титанового сплаву ВТ6, з метою покращення їх експлуатаційних властивостей та продовження ресурсу роботи в умовах підвищених температур, абразивного зношення та дії відповідних агресивних середовищ.In this paper we study the microstructure, phase and chemical composition of complex chromium+aluminum diffusion coatings obtained by simultaneous saturation of titanium alloy VT6 with chromium and aluminum from powder mixtures. We discover that coatings consist of three separate layers of Al3Ti, AlTi, AlTi3 phases. The microhardness of diffusion multilayers in the area of Al3Ti phase is 7,1–9,0 GPa, of the main diffusion layer AlTi – 5,2–8,2 and 11,0 GPa for the AlTi3 phase, that is by 2–4 times higher the microhardness of initial VT6 (3,63 GPa). The heat resistance of the titanium alloy VT6 increases from 450 to 700 °C due to formation of protective oxides films of aluminum and chromium on the surface. Corrosion resistance of VT6 increases by 2,52 times in an aqueous solution of 5 % HOOC(CH2)4COOH acid and by 9,53 times in an aqueous solution of 3 % H2O2. Furthermore, diffusion chromium+aluminum coatings obtained using the proposed method may be suitable for practical use on parts and constructions made of titanium alloy VT6 to improve their performance properties and to extend the operation life under conditions of high temperatures, abrasion and relevant aggressive environments.Исследованы микроструктура, фазовый и химический состав комплексных хромоалитированных покрытий, полученных путем одновременного насыщения титанового сплава ВТ6 хромом и алюминием из порошковых смесей. Установлено, что покрытия состоят из трех отдельных слоев Al3Ti, AlTi, AlTi3. Микротвердость диффузионных многослойных покрытий в зоне фазы Al3Ti составляет 7,1—9,0 ГПа, основного диффузионного слоя AlTi — 5,2—8,2 ГПа и 11,0 ГПа — AlTi3, что в два—четыре раза превышает микротвердость ВТ6 в исходном состоянии (3,63 ГПа). Жаростойкость сплава ВТ6 в результате обработки возрастает с 450 до 700 °С за счет образования защитных пленок оксидов алюминия и хрома на его поверхности. Коррозионная стойкость увеличивается в 2,52 раза в водном растворе 5 % адипиновой кислоты и в 9,53 раза в водном растворе 3 % перекиси водорода. Таким образом, комплексные хромоалитированные покрытия, полученные предложенным способом, могут быть пригодными для практического использования на деталях и конструкциях, изготовленных из титанового сплава ВТ6, с целью улучшения их эксплуатационных свойств и продления ресурса работы в условиях повышенных температур, абразивного износа и воздействия соответствующих агрессивных сред