35 research outputs found

    Intersecting M-branes and bound states

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    In this paper, we construct multi-scalar, multi-center pp-brane solutions in toroidally compactified M-theory. We use these solutions to show that all supersymmetric pp-branes can be viewed as bound states of certain basic building blocks, namely pp-branes that preserve 1/21/2 of the supersymmetry. We also explore the M-theory interpretation of pp-branes in lower dimensions. We show that all the supersymmetric pp-branes can be viewed as intersections of M-branes or boosted M-branes in D=11D=11.Comment: Latex, 14 pages, no figures. References adde

    N=1 superstring in 2+2 dimensions

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    In this paper we construct a (2,2) dimensional string theory with manifest N=1 spacetime supersymmetry. We use Berkovits' approach of augmenting the spacetime supercoordinates by the conjugate momenta for the fermionic variables. The worldsheet symmetry algebra is a twisted and truncated ``small'' N=4 superconformal algebra. The realisation of the symmetry algebra is reducible with an infinite order of reducibility. We study the physical states of the theory by two different methods. In one of them, we identify a subset of irreducible constraints, which is by itself critical. We construct the BRST operator for the irreducible constraints, and study the cohomology and interactions. This method breaks the SO(2,2) spacetime symmetry of the original reducible theory. In another approach, we study the theory in a fully covariant manner, which involves the introduction of infinitely many ghosts for ghosts

    Noncommutative brane-world, (Anti) de Sitter vacua and extra dimensions

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    We investigate a curved brane-world, inspired by a noncommutative D3-brane, in a type IIB string theory. We obtain, an axially symmetric and a spherically symmetric, (anti) de Sitter black holes in 4D. The event horizons of these black holes possess a constant curvature and may be seen to be governed by different topologies. The extremal geometries are explored, using the noncommutative scaling in the theory, to reassure the attractor behavior at the black hole event horizon. The emerging two dimensional, semi-classical, black hole is analyzed to provide evidence for the extra dimensions in a curved brane-world. It is argued that the gauge nonlinearity in the theory may be redefined by a potential in a moduli space. As a result, D=11 and D=12 dimensional geometries may be obtained at the stable extrema of the potential.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur

    Nonsingular multidimensional cosmologies without fine tuning

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    Exact cosmological solutions for effective actions in D dimensions inspired by the tree-level superstring action are studied. For a certain range of free parameters existing in the model, nonsingular bouncing solutions are found. Among them, of particular interest can be open hyperbolic models, in which, without any fine tuning, the internal scale factor and the dilaton field (connected with string coupling in string theories) tend to constant values at late times. A cosmological singularity is avoided due to nonminimal dilaton-gravity coupling and, for D > 11, due to pure imaginary nature of the dilaton, which conforms to currently discussed unification models. The existence of such and similar solutions supports the opinion that the Universe had never undergone a stage driven by full-scale quantum gravity.Comment: Latex 2e, 9 page

    Resolving the M2-brane

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    We construct deformed, T^2 wrapped, rotating M2-branes on a resolved cone over Q^{1,1,1} and Q^{1,1,1}/Z_2, as well as on a product of two Eguchi-Hanson instantons. All worldvolume directions of these supersymmetric and regular solutions are fibred over the transverse space. These constitute gravity duals of D=3, N=2 gauge theories. In particular, the deformed M2-brane on a resolved cone over Q^{1,1,1} and the S^1 wrapped M2-brane on a resolved cone over Q^{1,1,1}/Z_2 provide explicit realizations of holographic renormalization group flows in M-theory for which both conformal and Lorentz symmetries are broken in the IR region and restored in the UV limit. These solutions can be dualized to supersymmetric type IIB pp-waves, which are rendered non-singular either by additional flux or a twisted time-like direction.Comment: Latex, 23 pages, references adde

    Cosmological Solutions in String Theories

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    We obtain a large class of cosmological solutions in the toroidally-compactified low energy limits of string theories in DD dimensions. We consider solutions where a pp-dimensional subset of the spatial coordinates, parameterising a flat space, a sphere, or an hyperboloid, describes the spatial sections of the physically-observed universe. The equations of motion reduce to Liouville or SL(N+1,R)SL(N+1,R) Toda equations, which are exactly solvable. We study some of the cases in detail, and find that under suitable conditions they can describe four-dimensional expanding universes. We discuss also how the solutions in DD dimensions behave upon oxidation back to the D=10D=10 string theory or D=11D=11 M-theory.Comment: Latex, 21 pages, a reference adjuste

    Possible black universes in a brane world

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    A black universe is a nonsingular black hole where, beyond the horizon, there is an expanding, asymptotically isotropic universe. Such spherically symmetric configurations have been recently found as solutions to the Einstein equations with phantom scalar fields (with negative kinetic energy) as sources of gravity. They have a Schwarzschild-like causal structure but a de Sitter infinity instead of a singularity. It is attempted to obtain similar configurations without phantoms, in the framework of an RS2 type brane world scenario, considering the modified Einstein equations that describe gravity on the brane. By building an explicit example, it is shown that black-universe solutions can be obtained there in the presence of a scalar field with positive kinetic energy and a nonzero potential.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, gc styl