9 research outputs found

    Substantiation of the methodological approach to the assessment of the investment climate of the regions

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    Substantiation of sustainable development of the country's economy should be based on following the principle of regional differentiation in the planning and implementation of management decisions at the meso-level. The principle postulates the need to take into account territorial differences in the development of the structural elements of the economic system. The authors suggest assessing the differences on the basis of clustering of regions by the level of investment attractiveness. The purpose of this study is to substantiate the methodological approach to the assessment of the investment climate in the region. The paper analyzes the criteria for assessing the social and economic situation of the regions, the methodology for rating the regions is proposed, and the factors of investment attractiveness are investigated. According to the proposed methodology, the investment attractiveness of the regions of Russia and the Republic of Abkhazia was assessed

    Substantiation of the methodological approach to the assessment of the investment climate of the regions

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    Substantiation of sustainable development of the country's economy should be based on following the principle of regional differentiation in the planning and implementation of management decisions at the meso-level. The principle postulates the need to take into account territorial differences in the development of the structural elements of the economic system. The authors suggest assessing the differences on the basis of clustering of regions by the level of investment attractiveness. The purpose of this study is to substantiate the methodological approach to the assessment of the investment climate in the region. The paper analyzes the criteria for assessing the social and economic situation of the regions, the methodology for rating the regions is proposed, and the factors of investment attractiveness are investigated. According to the proposed methodology, the investment attractiveness of the regions of Russia and the Republic of Abkhazia was assessed

    Methodology for Innovation-Based Control of Business Changes Taking into Consideration the Communication Aspects

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    At the current stage of the economy development the efficient control of the enterprise activity based on the anticipatory adaptation to continuous changes of the environment in tune with the trend of the internal medium dynamic self-organization is the most important prerequisite of the success, so the issues of scientifically substantiated control of changes become especially urgent. The authors have substantiated the essence and comprehensive nature of the process of business changes, and its predominantly innovative character has been determined. The algorithm of controlling business changes at the enterprise based on graph theory methodology has been suggested based on identification of the communication basis of business processes. Using the algorithm enables making scientifically substantiated decisions facilitating achievement of the enterprise functioning goals at some period of time. Based on the algorithm, the authors have developed methodology for optimization of innovation-based organizational enterprise management structure implemented in business practice of RZhDstroi JSC Holding. The results of the suggested methodological tooling validation have shown the appropriateness of the tools in the enterprise business activity

    Digitalization of design and construction of agricultural facilities as a basis for ensuring their energy efficiency

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    Energy saving and energy efficiency in modern conditions are an imperative of a stable evolutionary stage in the development of the country’s investment and construction complex, while at the same time creating sustainable competitive advantages for both energy producers and its consumers when implementing a construction investment project. The use of digital technologies is postulated as one of the main resources of energy efficiency. The paper systematizes the resources and effects that are formed as a result of increasing the energy efficiency of construction projects in the agricultural sector. The paper substantiates the necessity and specifics of the information modeling technology application to increase the energy efficiency of objects, and also determines the results of the use of digital technologies, differentiating costs and effects

    Innovations as sustainable competitive advantages in the digital economy: substantiation and forecasting

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    Sustainable development is possible only on the basis of the growth of innovation and the introduction of digitalization in modern conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to speak about the concept of systemic competitiveness, the basis of which is sustainable competitive advantages. This paper is devoted to the problems of forming the competitiveness of construction in the modern economic conditions of the transition to a new technological structure and a digital economy, based on the implementation of sustainable competitive advantages predicted on the basis of foresight and activated by creating “points of innovative growth”

    Formation of the portfolio of high-rise construction projects on the basis of optimization of «risk-return» rate

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    The effectiveness and sustainability of an enterprise are based on the effectiveness and sustainability of its portfolio of projects. When creating a production program for a construction company based on a portfolio of projects and related to the planning and implementation of initiated organizational and economic changes, the problem of finding the optimal "risk-return" ratio of the program (portfolio of projects) is solved. The article proposes and approves the methodology of forming a portfolio of enterprise projects on the basis of the correspondence principle. Optimization of the portfolio of projects on the criterion of "risk-return" also contributes to the company's sustainability

    Formation of the portfolio of high-rise construction projects on the basis of optimization of «risk-return» rate

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    The effectiveness and sustainability of an enterprise are based on the effectiveness and sustainability of its portfolio of projects. When creating a production program for a construction company based on a portfolio of projects and related to the planning and implementation of initiated organizational and economic changes, the problem of finding the optimal "risk-return" ratio of the program (portfolio of projects) is solved. The article proposes and approves the methodology of forming a portfolio of enterprise projects on the basis of the correspondence principle. Optimization of the portfolio of projects on the criterion of "risk-return" also contributes to the company's sustainability

    Methodology for Innovation-Based Control of Business Changes Taking into Consideration the Communication Aspects

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    At the current stage of the economy development the efficient control of the enterprise activity based on the anticipatory adaptation to continuous changes of the environment in tune with the trend of the internal medium dynamic self-organization is the most important prerequisite of the success, so the issues of scientifically substantiated control of changes become especially urgent. The authors have substantiated the essence and comprehensive nature of the process of business changes, and its predominantly innovative character has been determined. The algorithm of controlling business changes at the enterprise based on graph theory methodology has been suggested based on identification of the communication basis of business processes. Using the algorithm enables making scientifically substantiated decisions facilitating achievement of the enterprise functioning goals at some period of time. Based on the algorithm, the authors have developed methodology for optimization of innovation-based organizational enterprise management structure implemented in business practice of RZhDstroi JSC Holding. The results of the suggested methodological tooling validation have shown the appropriateness of the tools in the enterprise business activity