7 research outputs found

    The Load Capability Dependence on Characteristics of Driven Disks in a Lockup Assembly of an Overload Hydrodynamic Coupling

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    A new design of a lockup assembly in an overload hydrodynamic coupling is offered, possible design variants of driven disks in a lockup assembly are considered, and results of experimental research into the importance of driven disk parameters for the load capability of a lockup assembly are given

    From Mining to Post-Mining: The Sustainable Development Strategy of the German Hard Coal Mining Industry

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    By the end of the 1950s, the German coal mining industry produced 150 million tons of hard coal per year in 170 collieries with 600,000 employees. At that time, 70% of the primary energy demand of the Federal Republic of Germany was covered by domestic coal. Since the advance of oil, later of natural gas, in the world energy market and with the growth of world coal trade, domestic coal stood under a long-term restructuring pressure. This decision required a new strategy for the coal mining industry. Now German coal mining will be strictly finalized and will be prepared for the post-mining era. Within a sustainability strategy the long-term impacts of mining activities before and after the mine closures concerning the environmental, economic and social dimensions will be analyzed systematically and forward-looking

    Simulation of Stress-Strain State of Shovel Rotary Support Kingpin

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    The article presents the sequence of computational simulation of stress-strain state of shovel's rotary support. Computation results are analyzed, the kingpin is specified as the most loaded element, maximum stress zones are identified. Kingpin design modification such as enhancement of fillet curvature radius to 25 mm and displacement of eyebolt holes on the diameter of 165 mm are proposed, thus diminishing impact of stress concentrators and improving reliability of the rotary support

    Influence of the Rigid Connection Between Discs in the Tetrahedral Prisms on Equivalent Stresses When Cutting Work Faces

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    This paper presents the results of modeling of the stressed state of structural elements of the paired fastening points of the two disc tools to the tetrahedral prisms of the working bodies of the roadheaders of selective action when cutting work faces of heterogeneous structure. The advantages of cooperative mode rotation to separate two disc tools on each of the tetrahedral prisms placed between the axial cutting crowns

    Economic and Technological Role of Kuzbass Industry in the Implementation of National Energy Strategy of Russian Federation

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    This article describes the problems and prospects of development of coal mining in Kuzbass - the center of coal production in Siberia and Russia, in the framework of the major initiatives of the National Energy Strategy for the period until 2035. The structural character of the regional coal industry problems, caused by decline in investment activity, high level of fixed assets depreciation, slow development of deep coal processing and technological reduction of coal mining is shown

    A Method of Effective Quarry Water Purifying Using Artificial Filtering Arrays

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    The development of open pit mining in the large coal basins of Russia and other countries increases their negative impact on the environment. Along with the damage of land and air pollution by dust and combustion gases of blasting, coal pits have a significant negative impact on water resources. Polluted quarry water worsens the ecological situation on a much larger area than covered by air pollution and land damage. This significantly worsens the conditions of people living in cities and towns located near the coal pits, and complicates the subsequent restoration of the environment, irreversibly destroying the nature. Therefore, the research of quarry wastewater purifying is becoming an important mater for scholars of technical colleges and universities in the regions with developing open-pit mining. This paper describes the method of determining the basic parameters of the artificial filtering arrays formed on coal pits of Kuzbass (Western Siberia, Russia), and gives recommendations on its application

    Innovative Technics of Managing Engineers' Global Competencies

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    Higher education modernization in the CIS countries takes place under the conditions of dynamic changes in economy and society. These changes are determined by the social and economic development of the country and the world globalization processes - cross-border intercultural communication, knowledge transparency, and the establishment of information society. Educational globalization is a continuous process of creating a unified global educational system, in which the distinctions between its member educational systems are being blended