1 research outputs found
An investigation on the sturgeon stocks in southern Caspian Sea
We launched a summer and winter cruise using two fishing vessels to assess the stocks of the sturgeon fish in the southern coasts of the Caspian Sea in the year 2004-2005. Eighty five random stations were selected and sampled using a 9 meter trawl in waters less than 10 meters and a 24.7 meter trawl for the depths above 10 meters. We caught 170 sturgeons in the summer cruise which comprised 142 Acipenser persicus, 19 Acipenser stellatus, 4 Huso huso, 3 Acipenser nudiventris and 2 Acipenser guldenstadtti. In the winter cruise, 118 sturgeons were caught of which 75 were A. persicus, 41 were A. stellatus, 1 was A. nudiventris and 1 was A. guldenstadtti. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) was calculated as 2 fish for summer cruise with the A. persicus being the most abundant species with 1.67 individuals per trawling while for A. stellatus this was 0.22. For H. huso, the CPUE was 0.05 and for A. nudiventris it was 0.04. For winter cruise, the CPUE was calculated as 1.38 fish, again with the A. persicus as the most abundant with 0.88, while that of the A. stellatus was 0.48. The CPUE for A. guldenstadtti and A. nudiventris was 0.01 in the winter cruise