5 research outputs found

    Implementation of green new product development among SMEs: barriers and critical success factors

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    The phenomenon of outsourcing has spawned a rich body scholarly reseach in sveral decades. However, the answer to one of the pertinent question has remained elusive: Does cost reduction and business strategy really matters to the human resource outsourcing impacts. Looking at this question it is important for the organization to embark on the practice of human resource outsourcing to save operating cost and remain competitive. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the effects of cost reduction and business starategy towards human resource outsourcing impacts. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed and the top management in Malaysian Government Link Companies (GLC’) is the unit of analysis. The findings revelaved that, both variables are significant statistically and non statically i.e from the experts opinion. Finally, the study also provides useful directions for future research, HR Practitioners and policy maker particularly in managing and organizing human reseouce matters

    Implementation of Green New Product Development Among SMEs: Barriers and Critical Success Factors

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    Green New Product Development (GNPD) is very important due to environmental issues increasing. GNPD is defined as creating, designing and develop ecological product which could help in protecting the environment. Small and medium enterprise (SME) firms is one of the contributor to the environmental issues but they could not afford to implement GNPD because there are several obstacles which prevent the successful of GNPD implementation. The objective of this paper are to identify the critical success factors and to determine the obstacles of GNPD implementation among SMEs. The method used in this study is conceptual review of previous literature in green and NPD area of research. The result finding of this paper consist of 9 critical success factors and 12 obstacles. All the critical success factors and obstacles will be grouped. The finding of this study could be a source and fundamental guideline for future study in developing framework for GNPD implementation especially for manufacturing SMEs in Malaysia. Besides that, the result of this study could help organization especially SMEs’s owner and manager in assessing their initiative to implement GNPD in organization

    Initial Design to Develop a Cadastral System that Supports Digital Cadastre, 3D and Provenance for Singapore

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    It is challenging to design and develop a cadastral system that supports digital cadastre, 3D and provenance. Digital cadastre encodes cadastral information in digital format like LandXML, which allows for automation and returns high productivity. 3D enables capturing and representing the third dimension, which is critical for the development in both above and below the earth surface. Provenance allows the management of cadastre through lifespan. This is important in cadastral investigation and analysis for being informed how a cadastral parcel is being evolved over certain time period. The paper discusses the initial design of a new cadastral system called Cadastral Survey Management System (CSMS). The paper shares the SG LandXML, a Singapore profile of LandXML, which is designed based on the ICSM’s ePlan model, which in turn has been implemented in Australia and New Zealand. SG LandXML will consolidate the existing forms and data in different formats and to facilitate automation. By having a pre-validation mechanism at the Registered Surveyors’ (RS) Web Portal, the submissions by the surveyors through the Portal can be checked upfront before the authority’s inspection and approval. This will reduce turnaround times and speed-up the overall approval process. The fundamental of the system is the cadastral data model, which is designed based on the ISO 19152 - Land Administration Domain Model (LADM). The notion of BeginLifeSpanVersion and EndLifeSpanVersion in LADM has been adopted to design the provenance framework for the system. With the framework, every parcel when it is first submitted to the system will be date-stamped and the changes to the parcel will be captured for the parcel’s entire lifespan. This will allow the system to retrieve a parcel from its inception and to compare its changes over times. The paper also demonstrates some preliminary investigations on how different types of parcels, both 2D and 3D, can be integrated based on the notion of Level of Details from city modelling. The paper proposes methods how different types of parcels can possibly be encoded in SG LandXML to support 3D Cadastres

    Semantics-based Fusion for CityGML and 3D LandXML

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    For any developments that require spatial data, often the fusion of diverse spatial datasets is unavoidable. For instance in developing a 3D cadastral database serving various purposes, data may need to be sourced from different spatial datasets such as: building design models in BIM (Building Information Model) format, topographic and built environment information in CityGML, and cadastral legal boundaries in LandXML. Syntactically and systematically this is not difficult provided the formats of datasets involved are open and are XML-based, but the fusion becomes non trivial when semantic heterogeneity occurs between schemas for example between LandXML and CityGML. This paper proposes a semantics-based fusion framework to integrate CityGML and 3D LandXML. The paper adopts the ePlan conceptual model, which is implemented in LandXML in Australia and New Zealand. Compared with the standard LandXML schema, the ePlan model is comprehensive to represent specifically cadastral survey information. The ePlan model is integrated with the Building module of CityGML through the LADM OWL Ontology. In previous research, ISO 19152 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) has been formalized in Web Ontology Language (OWL). To integrate 3D LandXML and CityGML, this LADM OWL ontology is extended with new concepts: Physical Space Building Unit and Physical Space Utility Network and new relation: hasLegalSpace. Every concept in OWL ontology has a unique URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). The URIs of Physical Space Building Unit and Legal Space Building Unit from the LADM OWL ontology are respectively referenced by CityGML’s ExternalReference element and LandXML’s DocFileRef element. The proposed framework attempts to integrate not only the semantic models inherent in the schemas but also the geometries from CityGML and LandXML. Through this semanticsbased fusion, it is expected that a computer system will be able to do reasoning and inference in the OWL ontology. The computer system will also be able to retrieve the geometries of building unit’s legal space or physical construct, or both, through the ExternalReference and DocFileRef elements. The objective of the framework is to preserve the best of all worlds without changing the existing schemas. Although the framework is a preliminary study and no operational implementation has been done so far, this paper hopes to provide a useful reference in discussing the future directions and harmonization of the schemas

    Best Practices 3D Cadastres:Extended version

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