5 research outputs found


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    The wide introduction of prostatic specific antigen (PSA) determination into clinical practice has resulted in a larger number of prostate biopsies, while the lower age threshold for PSA has led to a larger number of unnecessary prostate biopsies. Hence, there is a need for new biomarkers that can detect prostate cancer. РCА3 is a noncoding messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) that is expressed exclusively in prostate cells.  The aim of the study  has been to develop a diagnostic test system for early non-invasive detection of prostate cancer based on PCA3 mRNA levels in urine sediment using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). As part of the study, a laboratory diagnostic test system prototype has been designed, an application methodology has been developed and specificity and sensitivity data of the method has been assessed. The diagnostic system has demonstrated its ability to detect significantly elevated levels of PCA 3/ KLK 3 in samples from prostate cancer (PCa) patients compared with those from healthy men. The findings have shown relatively high diagnostic sensitivity, specificity and negative-predictive values for an early non-invasive screening of prostate cancerШирокое внедрение в клиническую практику определения содержания простатического специфического антигена (ПСА) привело к увеличению числа выполняемых биопсий простаты, а снижение порога возрастных норм ПСА — к увеличению числа неоправданных биопсий. В связи с этим возникла необходимость в новых биомаркерах рака предстательной железы. РСА3 — некодирующая мРНК, которая экспрессируется исключительно клетками предстательной железы. Целью данной работы было разработать диагностическую тест-систему для ранней неинвазивной диагностики рака простаты, основанной на количественной детекции мРНК гена РСА3 в осадке мочи методом полимеразной цепной реакции (ПЦР) в режиме реального времени сопряженной с обратной транскрипцией (ОТ). В результате был создан лабораторный образец диагностической ПЦР-тест-системы и отработана методика его применения. Получены данные о специфичности и чувствительности разработанного метода. Показана способность диагностической системы выявлять значительное превышение параметра PCA3/KLK3 в образцах биоматериала, полученного от больных раком простаты, по сравнению с образцами от здоровых индивидуумов. В ходе проведенных исследований установлены достаточно высокие показатели диагностической чувствительности, специфичности и негативной предсказательной ценности для раннего неинвазивного скринингово обнаружения рака предстательной железы. 

    Digitalization as a factor in the development of innovative technologies in the fuel and energy complex of Russia

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    The purpose of this study is to identify the main trends in the use of digitalization achievements in the fuel and energy complex of Russia and ways to stimulate innovative technologies by reducing the risks of “digital” projects in modern conditions. The object of research is the role of digitalization in the development of innovative technologies. The subject of the study is the specific features of the introduction of digitalization to stimulate the innovative development of the fuel and energy complex of Russia. To achieve the goal, the following tasks are set: 1) to analyze the fundamental trends in the use of digitalization achievements in the fuel and energy complex of Russia; 2) to identify the results of the introduction of modern digital technologies and the role of digitalization in the innovative development of the fuel and energy complex of Russia in modern conditions. The mechanism of risk reduction in the implementation of “digital” projects to stimulate innovation in the fuel and energy complex of Russia is proposed

    Histomorphometric indicators of chicken-broilers spleen of the cobb-500 cross within the species-specific interferon

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    The article presents the data study on the effect of recombinant avian alpha-interferon used by poultry flocks on the histomorphological structure of the spleen of broilers of Cobb 500 cross. The study shows the spleen of the experimental group chickens in a state of physiological maturity, which indicates the formation of the spleen as an immune organ in the early postnatal period becoming an important indicator of determining the state of the organism during its formation and adaptation to the environment