7 research outputs found

    Application of derivatives in economic problems

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    This article shows the use of mathematical methods in solving economic problems, such as the application of derivatives to the basic laws of the theory of production and consumption, as well as supply and demand

    Factors influencing the choice of profession by Uzbek women

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    This research aims to evaluate the reasons for the women of in chosen organizations and spheres to choose stereotypically feminine professions in the vast majority of cases even though those professions are lower in status and less paid. Thereby, statistical committee states that the least paid spheres of Uzbekistan are healthcare and education, and the biggest proportion of positions in those spheres are occupied by women (UzStat. uz). The investigation found out that females of the jobs with high percentage of female workforce tend to choose their professions due to the parents’ and society’s pressure, whereas women with “uncommon” occupations have selected their spheres in accordance with their personal interests. In addition 75% of women of the latter type of job admitted the existence of discrimination in the workplace

    Public finance management its modern problems

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    The article focuses on the about the government sector of the economy, in other words public financial management, major government expenditure programs, and alternative mechanisms for financing government activity and their economic effects as well as issues relating to the government budget deficits and debt

    Social-economic significance, essence and theoretical-methodical basis of medium-term budget practice

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    The article focuses on the about social and economic nature, main goals and tasks of medium-term budgeting, as well as theoretical and methodological foundations of medium-term budgeting practice and international experience

    The impact of women’s labor resources on economic growth in Uzbekistan

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    One of the main economic and social wealth of Uzbekistan is its people. Although policymaker pay the special attention at the gender equality in almost every aspect of our lives, we still have gender bias in our labor market. The current study empirically investigated the relationship between female labor force participation and economic prosperity of the country. The paper implemented Granger casualty test to define which variable causes to change another variable amongst the gathered secondary data, after it employed Last Squares method to define the long term relationship amongst variables such as GDP, female labor force participation rates (FLFPR), fertility rates, female unemployment rates, female higher educational attainment and women in business and law index. The study showed that GDP influences the tribulations in rates of female labor force participation, and not on the contrary. Meanwhile, OLS regression gave a negative output of the correlations amongst GDP, Female Unemployment Rate, and Female in Business and Law Index regarding to the FLFPR. The significance of Women in Business and Law index is insignificant. In contrast the long term positive relationship is defined among fertility rate and higher education attainment with FLFPR. But in case of fertility rates the variable is insignificant