85 research outputs found

    Application of derivatives in economic problems

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    This article shows the use of mathematical methods in solving economic problems, such as the application of derivatives to the basic laws of the theory of production and consumption, as well as supply and demand

    Factors influencing the choice of profession by Uzbek women

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    This research aims to evaluate the reasons for the women of in chosen organizations and spheres to choose stereotypically feminine professions in the vast majority of cases even though those professions are lower in status and less paid. Thereby, statistical committee states that the least paid spheres of Uzbekistan are healthcare and education, and the biggest proportion of positions in those spheres are occupied by women (UzStat. uz). The investigation found out that females of the jobs with high percentage of female workforce tend to choose their professions due to the parents’ and society’s pressure, whereas women with “uncommon” occupations have selected their spheres in accordance with their personal interests. In addition 75% of women of the latter type of job admitted the existence of discrimination in the workplace

    Social-economic significance, essence and theoretical-methodical basis of medium-term budget practice

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    The article focuses on the about social and economic nature, main goals and tasks of medium-term budgeting, as well as theoretical and methodological foundations of medium-term budgeting practice and international experience

    Public finance management its modern problems

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    The article focuses on the about the government sector of the economy, in other words public financial management, major government expenditure programs, and alternative mechanisms for financing government activity and their economic effects as well as issues relating to the government budget deficits and debt

    Mathematical modeling of the drying chamber of the combined solar dryer-cooler unit

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    This research paper presents the mathematical model and numerical results of the heat and mass exchange processes in the drying chamber (DCh) of the combined solar air collector SAC indirect solar dryer (SD) designed for drying 30 kg of fresh apple slices in one drying cycle. This dryer allows you to reduce the moisture content of apple slices from 62% to 17%. Also, physical processes in the DCh are modeled on the basis of balance equations when various parameters affecting the product drying process change. The solution of these equations makes it possible to determine the temperature change in different elements of the SD, and then the drying kinetics of apple slices. It is possible to theoretically and experimentally determine the change in temperature and humidity of the product during drying of other types of products in the proposed SD

    Effect of flow velocity on downstream energy absorbers and velocity coefficient

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    As a result of designing an energy absorber in the zone of conjugation of water outlet structures of low-pressure and mediumpressure reservoirs, the stilling basin is not only under the influence of vertical hydrodynamic pressure with a variable value but also the disappearance of stagnation of the stilling basin can also be affected by the hydrodynamic stress arising from the force of horizontal pressure in the energy absorber. The hydraulic jump in the pool junction zone is one of the simplest energy absorbers. To increase the efficiency of this process, it is necessary to improve the hydraulic regime downstream of the water outlet, reshape the interface mode in the stilling basin and on the apron surface, and eliminate flow disturbance, through the construction of special energy absorbers in the stilling basin. These structures exert reactive (accelerating implementation), dislocation (accommodating), and distributed forces on the flow

    Hydraulic resistances of derivation channels of hydropower facilities

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    Currently, many authors have studied the uniform axisymmetric pressure head laminar and turbulent movement of water in hydraulic smooth and rough (with uniform roughness) pipes of circular cross-section. The results obtained in the study of a plane-parallel turbulent flow in pressure channels allow here only to outline the structure of the corresponding dependencies and to clarify the simplest case of unpressurized fluid movement, when this movement can also be reduced to plane-parallel or, in other words, to movement in channel of infinitely large width with a flat bottom. In all other cases, the only way to solve the problem is experiment. But the possibilities of the experiment are limited, as are limited, and in a number of cases debatable, and the information accumulated to date on the uniform free-flow motion of fluid in channels of various cross-sectional shapes. The unpressurized uniform movement of fluid in channels of various cross-sectional shapes has been completely insufficiently studied. The construction of numerous free-flow watercourses, as well as machine channels of pumping stations, requires scientifically based calculation methods. For the correct establishment of hydraulic calculation methods, a sufficiently deep study of the physical essence of the phenomena occurring in the free-flow derivation channels is necessary. The extensive construction of numerous free-flow watercourses, as well as hydroelectric power plant (HPP) derivation channels, requires scientifically based calculation methods. For the correct establishment of hydraulic calculation methods, a sufficiently deep study of the physical essence of the hydraulic phenomena occurring in the free-flow derivation channels of HPPs is necessary
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