14 research outputs found

    Non–Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment by People Living with HIV/AIDS in Black Communities in South Africa: Socio-Cultural Challenges

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    A disproportionately high number of poor black population living in both rural and urban areas in South Africa, experience barriers to accessing ARVs, despite the efforts made by the government. Various scholars cite that cultural beliefs, poverty, witchcraft, lack of family support, gender-based violence and substance abuse derail the progress of HIV treatment programmes. This paper, therefore discusses the challenges faced by PLWHA with the aim to provide an integrated approach to strengthen the support base required for adherence to ARV treatment. The findings show that due to discrimination PLWHA experience the side-effects, depression and other opportunistic infections such Kaposi’s sarcoma, even death, leaving children as orphans. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n14p45

    Exploring the Causal Factors and the Effects of Sexual Harassment on Female Students at the Universities in Africa. An Overview

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    The reinforcement of male dominance and heterosexuality are often the cause of sexual harassment of female students at the institutions of higher learning across Africa. Drawing from socio-cultural and social exchange theories, female students find themselves in awkward positions to resist condom –use because economically they are dependent on their male partners. This research paper sought to explore the manner in which quid pro quo plays a role in effecting sexual advances between lecturers and female students. Having employed various peer-reviewed articles, books, dissertations and internet journals on sexual harassment as a methodology, the other aim of this paper was to highlight the detrimental effects of sexual harassment on the educational and psychological aspects of females attending tertiary institutions. The findings revealed that victims of sexual harassment including lesbians, suffer from PTSD, neuroticism and most likely to contract sexually transmitted infections. Given the findings of the study, the recommendations are that: unconditional support from the police and those in Health Care Centres be provided; lesbians be respected as well especially in countries such as South Africa where the Section 29 of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, protects the rights of every person regardless of gender and sexual orientation. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n20p284

    The Impact of Pornography on Adolescent Males’ Sexual Behaviour in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. A Qualitative Study

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    A disproportionate number of adolescent males view pornography despite the negative effects it has on their psychological, emotional and cognitive development. In many black communities in South Africa, as a result of conformity to peer influence, substance abuse and lack of parental supervision, research indicates that adolescent males tend to access pornography and end up raping women. This empirical study employed qualitative approach to gather information from ten male participants, aged 14 -18, from one secondary school in the Eastern Cape. Ethics were adhered to as the human dignity of the participants was respected. None of the participants withdrew from the focus group. Considering the sensitivity of the topic, the discussion took place in one of the classrooms and not even their educators could identify the participants. The findings revealed that male youth who watch pornography, drink alcohol and gang-rape, which increase their risk of contracting HIV/AIDS. Furthermore, this group of adolescent males reported that their aggressive behaviour is perpetuated by culture. Recommendations are that parents should be involved in discussions of sexual matters with youth. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n20p283

    Sexual Aggressive Behaviour Amongst Adolescent Males: A Challenge for South African Parents, Schools and Society at Large

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    Socio-cultural theory advocates that sexual aggressive behaviour of adolescent males is socially mediated, historically and culturally conditioned. Boys, who were reportedly socialized from an early age into traditional patriarchal notions of masculinity, legitimize unequal gendered power relations. In addressing the sexual aggressive behaviour of adolescent males, the literature from previous research studies, academic journals, books and internet sources were reviewed. The research findings reveal that adolescent males raised by permissive and uninvolved parents, tend to engage in risky sexual behaviour and consequently face a bleak future, imprisonment and contract sexually transmitted infections. Appropriate interventions such as transmission of values and principles in the family, and establishment of campaigns by older adult males may have a positive impact on young males in reducing an escalating rate of victimization of females. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n10p48