18 research outputs found

    Role of Radiotherapy in Modern Treatment of Hodgkin's Lymphoma

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    Hodgkin's Lymphoma was incurable until the advent of effective therapeutic radiation around the first half of the 20th century. As survival rates improved, the long-term toxicities from radiotherapy began to emerge. This together with the availability of effective chemotherapy has encouraged a combined modality approach for early-staged disease and the omission of radiotherapy in advanced-staged disease. The differing toxicities of radiotherapy and chemotherapy has promoted ongoing research to identify the utility of each of these modalities in the modern management of Hodgkin's Lymphoma. This article will provide a critical review of the developments and indications for modern radiotherapy, in context with advances in chemotherapy, for the treatment of Hodgkin's Lymphoma

    Cancer and Radiation Therapy: Current Advances and Future Directions

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    In recent years remarkable progress has been made towards the understanding of proposed hallmarks of cancer development and treatment. However with its increasing incidence, the clinical management of cancer continues to be a challenge for the 21st century. Treatment modalities comprise of radiation therapy, surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and hormonal therapy. Radiation therapy remains an important component of cancer treatment with approximately 50% of all cancer patients receiving radiation therapy during their course of illness; it contributes towards 40% of curative treatment for cancer. The main goal of radiation therapy is to deprive cancer cells of their multiplication (cell division) potential. Celebrating a century of advances since Marie Curie won her second Nobel Prize for her research into radium, 2011 has been designated the Year of Radiation therapy in the UK. Over the last 100 years, ongoing advances in the techniques of radiation treatment and progress made in understanding the biology of cancer cell responses to radiation will endeavor to increase the survival and reduce treatment side effects for cancer patients. In this review, principles, application and advances in radiation therapy with their biological end points are discussed


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    Telecommunications and convergence technologies - applications and opportunities.

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    We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our project supervisor, Dr Alfred Seaman, for his guidance and support in this report. Our appreciation also goes to A/P John Webster and his wife for organising a very memorable and rewarding trip to Europe. The trip has provided us with an invaluable opportunity to meet and discuss EU-ASEAN relations with EC representatives, CEOs and people from the academic community. This interaction has left us with a deeper insight to the western culture which no written material can convey. We would also like to thank A/P John Williams and the staff of the School of Accountancy and Business MBA office who provided efficient administrative support for the trip to Europe and for the whole program.Master of Business Administration (Management of Technology

    Fiscal reform, fiscal decentralization and poverty reduction in China: Some observations

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    China has been said to be one of the world's most economically decentralized countries. While the claim that decentralization had much to do with the success of China's reforms has been controversial and it has been argued that China's approach to administrative decentralization might over time threaten the success of the reform process, the highly remarkable extent of fiscal decentralization could have the potential to aid the effort at poverty alleviation, especially in the context of the ethnoregional dimension of the country's poverty problem. This research note presents various observations on the dimensions of decentralization in China and briefly explores its potential implications on poverty reduction

    Irradiation of Epithelial Carcinoma Cells Upregulates Calcium-Binding Proteins That Promote Survival under Hypoxic Conditions

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    Hypoxia is thought to promote tumor radio-resistance via effects on gene expression in cancer cells that modulate their metabolism, proliferation, and DNA repair pathways to enhance survival. Here we demonstrate for the first time that under hypoxic condition A431 epithelial carcinoma cells exhibit increased viability when exposed to low-dose γ-irradiation, indicating that radiotherapy can promote tumor cell survival when oxygen supply is limited. When assessed using iTRAQ quantitative proteomics and Western blotting, irradiated tumor cells were observed to significantly up-regulate the expression of calcium-binding proteins CALM1, CALU, and RCN1, suggesting important roles for these mediators in promoting tumor cell survival during hypoxia. Accordingly, shRNA-knockdown of CALM1, CALU, and RCN1 expression reduced hypoxic tumor cell resistance to low-dose radiation and increased apoptosis. These data indicate that γ-irradiation of hypoxic tumor cells induces up-regulation of calcium-binding proteins that promote cancer cell survival and may limit the efficacy of radiotherapy in the clinic

    Next-generation sequencing for guiding matched targeted therapies in people with relapsed or metastatic cancer

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    Objectives: This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows:. To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of matched targeted therapies in people with relapsed or metastatic cancer in phase I, II and III trials.</p