84 research outputs found

    Characterization of the bias between oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry and calculated by an arterial blood gas analyzer in critically ill neonates

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    Continuous monitoring of oxygenation with pulse oximetry is the standard of care for critically ill neonates. A better understanding of its measurement bias compared to arterial oxygen saturation could be helpful both for the clinician and researcher. Towards that end, we examined the electronic database from a large neonatal ICU. From a 24-month period we identified 23,032 paired SpO2-SaO2 measurements from 1,007 infants who were receiving supplemental oxygen during mechanical ventilation. We found that SpO2 was consistently higher than SaO2. The size of the bias was fairly constant when SpO2 was between 75-93%, above which it dropped steadily. The median size of this bias was 1% SpO2 during hyperoxemia (SpO2 97-100%) with a median variation of 1.3% above and below. During periods of hypoxemia (SpO2 75-85%) and normoxemia (SpO2 89-93%) the bias was approximately 5% SpO2, with a median variation of 5% above and below

    Predicting Body Height in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Using Ulnar Length

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    Objective: To determine if ulnar length obtained by the bedside nurse can be used to estimate patient length. To compare our findings to previous predictive equations of height and ulnar length. To evaluate the performance of predictive equations for height and ulnar length on patients with syndromes that affect height.Design: Retrospective observational study of prospectively collected data.Settings: Multidisciplinary Pediatric Intensive Care Unit in a university teaching hospital.Patients: 1,177 patients, ages 1 month to 23 years. Mean age was 79.7 months (1,3 IQR 19.5, 164.5 months) and 55.4% male.Measurements: Ulnar length was obtained using digital calipers by bedside nurses in PICU as well as height and weight. The electronic health care record was used to extract patient information.Main Results: The predictive equation for height for the entire group is: height (cm) = 0.59*ulnar length (mm) + 13.1 (r2 = 0.93). Bland Altman analysis of the derivation formula applied to the testing group did not show any systematic bias.Conclusions: Our study shows that ulnar length measurements can be used to predict height with a simple linear formula in a PICU setting. Not having specific individuals or specific training for ulnar measurement did not seem to alter the accuracy (r2 = 0.93). The robust nature of the measurement and ease of use may make this an unconventional but reasonable alternative to obtaining height when that cannot be measured directly

    Minimal Change in Cardiac Index With Increasing PEEP in Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

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    Objective: To determine if increasing positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) leads to a change in cardiac index in children with Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome ranging from mild to severe.Design: Prospective interventional study.Setting: Multidisciplinary Pediatric Intensive Care Unit in a University teaching hospital.Patients: Fifteen intubated children (5 females, 10 males) with a median age of 72 months (IQR 11, 132) and a median weight of 19.3 kg (IQR 7.5, 53.6) with a severity of Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome that ranged from mild to severe with a median lung injury score of 2.3 (IQR 2.0, 2.7).Measurements: Cardiac index (CI) and stroke volume (SV) were measured on baseline ventilator settings and subsequently with a PEEP 4 cmH2O higher than baseline. Change in CI and SV from baseline values was evaluated using Wilcoxon signed rank test.Results: A total of 19 paired measurements obtained. The median baseline PEEP was 8 cmH2O (IQR 8, 10) Range 6–14 cmH2O. There was no significant change in cardiac index or stroke volume with change in PEEP. Baseline median CI 4.4 L/min/m2 (IQR 3.4, 4.8) and PEEP 4 higher median CI of 4.3 L/min/m2 (IQR 3.6, 4.8), p = 0.65. Baseline median SV 26 ml (IQR 13, 44) and at PEEP 4 higher median SV 34 ml (IQR 12, 44) p = 0.63.Conclusion: There is no significant change in cardiac index or stroke volume with increasing PEEP by 4 cmH2O in a population of children with mild to severe PARDS.Clinical Trial Registration: The study is registered on Clinical trails.gov under the Identifier: NCT02354365

    Effort and work-of-breathing parameters strongly correlate with increased resistance in an animal model

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    Background: Effort of Breathing (EOB) calculations may be a reliable alternative to Work of Breathing (WOB) calculations in which Respiratory Inductance Plethysmography (RIP) replaces spirometry. We sought to compare EOB and WOB measurements in a nonhuman primate model of increasing extrathoracic inspiratory resistance simulating upper airway obstruction (UAO).Methods: RIP, spirometry, and esophageal manometry were measured in spontaneously breathing, intubated Rhesus monkeys utilizing 11 calibrated resistors randomly applied for 2-min. EOB was calculated breath-by-breath as Pressure Rate Product (PRP) and Pressure Time Product (PTP). WOB was calculated from the Pressure-Volume curve based on spirometry (WOBSPIR) or RIP flow (WOBRIP).Results: WOB, PRP and PTP showed similar linear increases when exposed to higher levels of resistive loads. When comparing WOBSPIR to WOBRIP, a similar strong correlation was seen for both signals as resistance increased and there were no statistically significant differences.Conclusion: EOB and WOB parameters utilizing esophageal manometry and RIP, independent of spirometry, showed a strong correlation as a function of increasing inspiratory resistance in nonhuman primates. This allows several potential monitoring possibilities for non-invasively ventilated patients or situations where spirometry is not available. Impact: EOB and WOB parameters showed a strong correlation as a function of increasing inspiratory resistance in nonhuman primates.There was a strong correlation between spirometry-based WOB versus RIP-based WOB.To date, it has remained untested as to whether EOB is a reliable alternative for WOB and if RIP can replace spirometry in these measurements.Our results enable additional potential monitoring possibilities for non-invasively ventilated patients or situations where spirometry is not available.Where spirometry is not available, there is no need to apply a facemask post extubation to a spontaneously breathing, non-intubated infant to make objective EOB measurements.</p

    Understanding clinical and biological heterogeneity to advance precision medicine in paediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome

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    Paediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome (PARDS) is a heterogeneous clinical syndrome that is associated with high rates of mortality and long-term morbidity. Factors that distinguish PARDS from adult acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) include changes in developmental stage and lung maturation with age, precipitating factors, and comorbidities. No specific treatment is available for PARDS and management is largely supportive, but methods to identify patients who would benefit from specific ventilation strategies or ancillary treatments, such as prone positioning, are needed. Understanding of the clinical and biological heterogeneity of PARDS, and of differences in clinical features and clinical course, pathobiology, response to treatment, and outcomes between PARDS and adult ARDS, will be key to the development of novel preventive and therapeutic strategies and a precision medicine approach to care. Studies in which clinical, biomarker, and transcriptomic data, as well as informatics, are used to unpack the biological and phenotypic heterogeneity of PARDS, and implementation of methods to better identify patients with PARDS, including methods to rapidly identify subphenotypes and endotypes at the point of care, will drive progress on the path to precision medicine.</p