18 research outputs found

    The burden of Stroke in Pakistan

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    Epidemiologic literature on stroke burden, patterns of stroke is almost non existent from Pakistan. However, several hospital-based case series on the subject are available, mainly published in local medical journals. Despite the fact that true stroke incidence and prevalence of stroke in Pakistan is not known, the burden is assumed to be high because of highly prevalent stroke risk factors (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease, dyslipidemia and smoking) in the community. High burden of these conventional stroke risk factors is further compounded by lack of awareness, poor compliance hence poor control, and inappropriate management/treatment practices. In addition certain risk factors like rheumatic valvular heart disease may be more prevalent in Pakistan. We reviewed the existing literature on stroke risk factors in community, the risk factor prevalence among stroke Patients, patterns of stroke, out come of stroke, availability of diagnostic services/facilities related to stroke and resources for stroke care in Pakistan

    Stroke in South Asian countries

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    Three of the world\u27s top 10 most populous countries are located in South Asia. The health-care problems of this region are different from those in the developed world, and the rapidly changing socioeconomic scenario, fast-increasing urbanization and longevity, changes in dietary patterns, and decrease in mortality from infectious diseases has made chronic illnesses of old age, such as coronary artery disease and stroke, an important area of focus. This article reviews stroke epidemiology and management issues in four South Asian countries: India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. The available literature is limited and mostly hospital-based, and differing study methodologies make direct comparisons difficult. The high prevalence of traditional risk factors, including hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidaemia and smoking, in these countries is alarming, and several nontraditional risk factors, such as water-pipe use, desi ghee, chewable tobacco, and infectious causes of stroke, are understudied. Access to tertiary stroke care is limited, and the use of tissue plasminogen activator is scarce. In addition, public and caregiver awareness of stroke risk factors and management is disappointing, and the interest of governments and policy makers in stroke is suboptimal. Interventions to reduce stroke burden and stroke-related mortality in South Asia should have a substantial impact at the global level