6 research outputs found

    Operational management system for warehouse logistics of metal trading companies

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    Logistics is an effective tool in business management. Metal trading business is a part of metal promotion chain from producer to consumer. It's designed to serve as a link connecting the interests of steel producers and end users. We should account for the specifics warehousing trading. The specificity of warehouse metal trading consists primarily in the fact that the purchase is made in large lots, and the sale - in medium and small parties. Loading and unloading of cars and trucks is produced by overhead cranes. Some part of the purchased goods are shipped in relatively large lots without presales preparation. Another part of the goods undergoes presale preparation. Indoor and outdoor warehouses are used with the address storage system. In the process of prolonged storage the metal rusts. Some part of the goods is subjected to final completion (cutting, welding, coloration) in service centers and small factories, usually located at the warehouse. The quantity of simultaneously shipped cars, and the quantity of the loader workers brigade can reach few dozens. So it is necessary to control the loading workers, to coordinate and monitor the performance of loading and unloading operations, to make the daily analysis of their work, to evaluate the warehouse operations as a whole. There is a need to manage and control movement of cars and trucks on the warehouse territory to reduce storage and transport costs and improve customer service. ERP-systems and WMS-systems, which are widely used, do not cover fully the functions and processes of the warehouse trading, and do not effectively manage all logistics processes. In this paper the specialized software is proposed. The software is intended for operational logistics management in warehouse metal products trading. The basic functions and processes of metal warehouse trading are described. The effectiveness indices for logistics processes and key effective indicators of warehouse trading are proposed. The developed software permit taking into account the described above specifics of metal products warehouse trading. The software can be easily integrated with ERP-systems and WMS-systems. The software contains the module of consolidation, which allows evaluating and comparing the quality of the logistics operations in a group of companies. The software was implemented and effectively used in a large metal trading company, which has few dozens of warehouses. Some results of mathematical simulation are presented

    The system for statistical analysis of logistic information

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    The current problem for managers in logistic and trading companies is the task of improving the operational business performance and developing the logistics support of sales. The development of logistics sales supposes development and implementation of a set of works for the development of the existing warehouse facilities, including both a detailed description of the work performed, and the timing of their implementation. Logistics engineering of warehouse complex includes such tasks as: determining the number and the types of technological zones, calculation of the required number of loading-unloading places, development of storage structures, development and pre-sales preparation zones, development of specifications of storage types, selection of loading-unloading equipment, detailed planning of warehouse logistics system, creation of architectural-planning decisions, selection of information-processing equipment, etc. The currently used ERP and WMS systems did not allow us to solve the full list of logistics engineering problems. In this regard, the development of specialized software products, taking into account the specifics of warehouse logistics, and subsequent integration of these software with ERP and WMS systems seems to be a current task. In this paper we suggest a system of statistical analysis of logistics information, designed to meet the challenges of logistics engineering and planning. The system is based on the methods of statistical data processing.The proposed specialized software is designed to improve the efficiency of the operating business and the development of logistics support of sales. The system is based on the methods of statistical data processing, the methods of assessment and prediction of logistics performance, the methods for the determination and calculation of the data required for registration, storage and processing of metal products, as well as the methods for planning the reconstruction and development of the existing warehouses. The results of approbation of software for the logistics of designing large warehouses of metal trading companies are given

    Optimization of high dimensionality systems using ilog software components ОПТИМИЗАЦИЯ СИСТЕМ ВЫСОКОЙ РАЗМЕРНОСТИ С ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ КОМПОНЕНТОВ ПО ilog

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    Effective logistics management in vertically integrated oil companies (VIOC) is an important factor of business success. Losses caused by irrational logistics management may reach hundreds of millions of rubles a year. Therefore, mathematical simulation of VIOC logistics and methods of optimization of high dimensionality systems represent a relevant problem.The author presents a logistics model for VIOCs and their oil products. The model is based on methods applicable to linear programming problems, algorithms of reduction and restoration of high dimensionality matrixes, and the software developed by ILOG Ltd., a leading developer of applied software components.The software package, developed by the author, solve the problem through the optimization of purchases, production, storage, flow and sales of VIOC oil products, in respect of dozens and even hundreds of small companies of the group. The software package takes account of a big variety of types of contracts between companies, delivery service providers, and storage facilities.This solution may be used to generate a wide range of reports both for VIOC as a whole, and for each VIOC constituent company.The software package has been successfully used for 5 years in respect of logistics, operational and strategic planning of purchases, production, storage, flow and sales of oil products, as well as generation and development of an optimal distribution network.The software was integrated into the corporate resource consumption planning system (ERP System). The assessment of the mathematical simulation is also provided and analyzed in the article.Предложен пакет прикладных программ для решения задач линейного программирования высокой размерности. В основе пакета лежат алгоритмы редуцирования и восстановления матриц высокой размерности и программное обеспечение ILOG.Разработана и программно реализована модель логистики нефтепродуктов для вертикально-интегрированных нефтяных компаний. Приведены оценки результатов моделирования


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    Methods and algorithms of control of the tension of lifting and towing ropes of bucket-chain excavators are proposed in the article. They are based on the non-linear dependence of the current path length and intensity of excavation efforts. Three automatic control modes, including scooping, correction signals and automatic overload protection, are implemented. Two independent control loops in charge of tension of lifting and towing ropes are developed. The proposed automated control system may be integrated both into new bucket-chain excavators and into those excavators that are already in operation. The new system does not require any substantial alterations in electric drive control systems in charge of lifting and towing, if integrated into excavators in operation. The author has performed the non-linearity analysis; he has also designed, developed and implemented the models that are capable of taking an adequate account of the system peculiarities identified in the course of the project implementation. The system parameters are adjustable to specific conditions of the excavator operation, including the hardness of the rock extracted by the excavator, etc. The automatic overload control system attached to the electric drives in control of lifting and towing ensures maximal responsiveness of the system based on the commutation-related limitations imposed by power-driven elements, maximal over-control values and variability of the transition process. Prevention of any rope slacks in the course of scooping of any hard rock is assured by the loop of regulation of minimal tension of lifting cables. The service life of lifting and towing ropes goes up by eight to ten weeks, if the system proposed by the author is implemented


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    Subject: study of the Park of Measuring Equipment (PME) that includes hundreds of thousands of standard samples, measuring instruments, control and measuring devices and other measuring mechanisms with different areas of application, levels of reliability, service life, levels of technical perfection and levels of technical condition. Research objectives: 1. Development of a complex of mathematical models to simulate the processes of development of PME, control indicators of PME performance as a whole, purposefully control the stages of life cycle of measuring equipment samples. 2. Development of the method which, with a sufficient degree of validity and objectivity, would solve the tasks of management of procurement and repairs both in preparation of proposals for preliminary long-term plan documents (LTPD) and to ensure control over the implementation of adopted plans. Thus, the method being developed should be fairly simple to use, easily adjustable for solving problems of different dimensions, suitable for solving the optimal control problem for PME as a whole, for a part of PME, and also suitable for solving a generalized problem for certain “aggregated objects” such as the Metrology Centers. Materials and methods: the methods of mathematical simulation, methods of comparative analysis, simplex method for solving linear programming problem, methods of program-target planning were used. Results: an approach to the solution of problems of program-target planning based on solving a series of linear programming problems has been developed. The results have been presented of using the approach both for formulation of proposals into the preliminary LTPD and also for introducing revisions (amendments) to annual plans, which are implemented in the framework of the state defense order. Conclusions: the described method and algorithms constitute an effective tool for solving practical problems of target-oriented management of PME performance indicators. Analyzers, control and measuring equipment and devices used in the field of construction and housing and communal services go through the same stages of the life cycle and have similar levels of technical perfection and technical condition as the samples of measuring equipment, measuring devices and measuring mechanisms described in the article. Therefore, the results and methods presented in the paper can be effectively used to control the performance indicators of park of devices and measuring instruments used in the field of housing and communal services and construction industry

    On a problem of active system management Одна задача управления активной системой

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    A mathematical model of an active system is considered in the article. An active system represents an organizational model. The authors research into the problem of inconsistency between the concerns of the management authority and those of the managed subject. The managed subject acts for its benefit and supplies realistic information to the management authority. The main method of research into the above systems is based on the mathematical simulation of administrative decision making procedures. The theoretical grounds represent the systems analysis, the game theory, the decisionmaking theory, operations research, discrete mathematics and the management theory. The active system theory is based on a coordinated mechanism of choice. If the coordinated mechanism of choice is unavailable, the mechanism closest to the coordinated one must be developed. In this case, the authors believe it appropriate to consider additional criteria characterizing the "proximity" of a decision to coordinated and cumulative criteria, which are equal to the sum of additional criteria adjusted by particular coefficients of importance. A set of plans that cannot be coordinated at the same time is composed on the basis of the analysis of additional criteria and the cumulative criterion. Model testing and mathematical simulation are presented in the article.Описана математическая модель, лежащая в основе программного обеспечения, предназначенного для поддержки принятия решений в избирательных комиссиях, а также для анализа и контроля расходования денежных средств при проведении избирательных кампаний регионального уровня. Представлены результаты апробации модели