197 research outputs found

    Coherent quantum transport in disordered systems I: The influence of dephasing on the transport properties and absorption spectra on one-dimensional systems

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    Excitonic transport in static disordered one dimensional systems is studied in the presence of thermal fluctuations that are described by the Haken-Strobl-Reineker model. For short times, non-diffusive behavior is observed that can be characterized as the free-particle dynamics in the Anderson localized system. Over longer time scales, the environment-induced dephasing is sufficient to overcome the Anderson localization caused by the disorder and allow for transport to occur which is always seen to be diffusive. In the limiting regimes of weak and strong dephasing quantum master equations are developed, and their respective scaling relations imply the existence of a maximum in the diffusion constant as a function of the dephasing rate that is confirmed numerically. In the weak dephasing regime, it is demonstrated that the diffusion constant is proportional to the square of the localization length which leads to a significant enhancement of the transport rate over the classical prediction. Finally, the influence of noise and disorder on the absorption spectrum is presented and its relationship to the transport properties is discussed.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    TransBooster: boosting the performance of wide-coverage machine translation systems

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    We propose the design, implementation and evaluation of a novel and modular approach to boost the translation performance of existing, wide-coverage, freely available machine translation systems based on reliable and fast automatic decomposition of the translation input and corresponding composition of translation output. We provide details of our method, and experimental results compared to the MT systems SYSTRAN and Logomedia. While many avenues for further experimentation remain, to date we fall just behind the baseline systems on the full 800-sentence testset, but in certain cases our method causes the translation quality obtained via the MT systems to improve

    Improving online machine translation systems

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    In (Mellebeek et al., 2005), we proposed the design, implementation and evaluation of a novel and modular approach to boost the translation performance of existing, wide-coverage, freely available machine translation systems, based on reliable and fast automatic decomposition of the translation input and corresponding composition of translation output. Despite showing some initial promise, our method did not improve on the baseline Logomedia1 and Systran2 MT systems. In this paper, we improve on the algorithm presented in (Mellebeek et al., 2005), and on the same test data, show increased scores for a range of automatic evaluation metrics. Our algorithm now outperforms Logomedia, obtains similar results to SDL3 and falls tantalisingly short of the performance achieved by Systran

    Dublin City University at CLEF 2004: experiments in monolingual, bilingual and multilingual retrieval

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    The Dublin City University group participated in the monolingual, bilingual and multilingual retrieval tasks this year. The main focus of our investigation this year was extending our retrieval system to document languages other than English, and completing the multilingual task comprising four languages: English, French, Russian and Finnish. Results from our French monolingual experiments indicate that working in French is more eïŹ€ective for retrieval than adopting document and topic translation to English. However, comparison of our multilingual retrieval results using diïŹ€erent topic and document translation reveals that this result does not extend to retrieved list merging for the multilingual task in a simple predictable way

    On the temperature dependence of the interaction-induced entanglement

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    Both direct and indirect weak nonresonant interactions are shown to produce entanglement between two initially disentangled systems prepared as a tensor product of thermal states, provided the initial temperature is sufficiently low. Entanglement is determined by the Peres-Horodeckii criterion, which establishes that a composite state is entangled if its partial transpose is not positive. If the initial temperature of the thermal states is higher than an upper critical value TucT_{uc} the minimal eigenvalue of the partially transposed density matrix of the composite state remains positive in the course of the evolution. If the initial temperature of the thermal states is lower than a lower critical value Tlc≀TucT_{lc}\leq T_{uc} the minimal eigenvalue of the partially transposed density matrix of the composite state becomes negative which means that entanglement develops. We calculate the lower bound TlbT_{lb} for TlcT_{lc} and show that the negativity of the composite state is negligibly small in the interval Tlb<T<TucT_{lb}<T<T_{uc}. Therefore the lower bound temperature TlbT_{lb} can be considered as \textit{the} critical temperature for the generation of entanglement.Comment: 27 pages and 7 figure

    Dublin City University at CLEF 2004: experiments with the ImageCLEF St Andrew's collection

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    For the CLEF 2004 ImageCLEF St Andrew's Collection task the Dublin City University group carried out three sets of experiments: standard cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) runs using topic translation via machine translation (MT), combination of this run with image matching results from the VIPER system, and a novel document rescoring approach based on automatic MT evaluation metrics. Our standard MT-based CLIR works well on this task. Encouragingly combination with image matching lists is also observed to produce small positive changes in the retrieval output. However, rescoring using the MT evaluation metrics in their current form significantly reduced retrieval effectiveness
