10,412 research outputs found

    Relativistic Dynamos in Magnetospheres of Rotating Compact Objects

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    The kinematic evolution of axisymmetric magnetic fields in rotating magnetospheres of relativistic compact objects is analytically studied, based on relativistic Ohm's law in stationary axisymmetric geometry. By neglecting the poloidal flows of plasma in simplified magnetospheric models, we discuss self-excited dynamos due to the frame-dragging effect (originally pointed out by Khanna & Camenzind), and we propose alternative processes to generate axisymmetric magnetic fields against ohmic dissipation. The first process (which may be called induced excitation) is caused by the help of a background uniform magnetic field in addition to the dragging of inertial frames. It is shown that excited multipolar components of poloidal and azimuthal fields are sustained as stationary modes, and outgoing Poynting flux converges toward the rotation axis. The second one is self-excited dynamo through azimuthal convection current, which is found to be effective if plasma rotation becomes highly relativistic with a sharp gradient in the angular velocity. In this case no frame-dragging effect is needed, and the coupling between charge separation and plasma rotation becomes important. We discuss briefly the results in relation to active phenomena in the relativistic magnetospheres.Comment: 16 pages, AASLaTeX macros v4.

    Late-time Kerr tails: generic and non-generic initial data sets, "up" modes, and superposition

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    Three interrelated questions concerning Kerr spacetime late-time scalar-field tails are considered numerically, specifically the evolutions of generic and non-generic initial data sets, the excitation of "up" modes, and the resolution of an apparent paradox related to the superposition principle. We propose to generalize the Barack-Ori formula for the decay rate of any tail multipole given a generic initial data set, to the contribution of any initial multipole mode. Our proposal leads to a much simpler expression for the late-time power law index. Specifically, we propose that the late-time decay rate of the YℓmY_{\ell m} spherical harmonic multipole moment because of an initial Yℓ′mY_{\ell' m} multipole is independent of the azimuthal number mm, and is given by t−nt^{-n}, where n=ℓ′+ℓ+1n=\ell'+\ell+1 for ℓ<ℓ′\ell<\ell' and n=ℓ′+ℓ+3n=\ell'+\ell+3 for ℓ≥ℓ′\ell\ge\ell'. We also show explicitly that the angular symmetry group of a multipole does not determine its late-time decay rate.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables. Substantially revised manuscrip

    Comprehensive learning incorporating Ako – a tertiary education approach at Wintec

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    This article outlines the design and implementation of a scenario-based approach to teaching and learning in tertiary education, inspired from Ako, adopted at the Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec). This learning approach, titled ‘Comprehensive Learning (CL)’, aligns with the holistic objective of enabling students with an active, flexible, personalised, authentic and practical approach to learning that builds upon students’ interests and experiences. The article explains the motivation and the process used in creating and applying this approach to teach some of the IT and Business modules. The main reason to implement this approach is to encourage/enable critical thinking while learning in a continuous and personalised manner. CL allows students to specialize in a context of their choice, which in turn induces learning. In addition, students are less motivated to plagiarize due to the unique nature of their scenarios, and inherent safeguards present within the approach

    Collision of spinning black holes in the close limit

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    In this paper we consider the collision of spinning holes using first order perturbation theory of black holes (Teukolsky formalism). With these results (along with ones, we published in the past) one can predict the properties of the gravitational waves radiated from the late stage inspiral of two spinning, equal mass black holes. Also we note that the energy radiated by the head-on collision of two spinning holes with spins (that are equal and opposite) aligned along the common axis is more than the case in which the spins are perpendicular to the axis of the collision.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR

    Comprehensive learning incorporating Ako: A tertiary education approach at Wintec

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    This article outlines the design and implementation of a scenario-based approach to teaching and learning in tertiary education, inspired from Ako, adopted at the Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec). This learning approach, titled ‘Comprehensive Learning (CL)’, aligns with the holistic objective of enabling students with an active, flexible, personalised, authentic and practical approach to learning that builds upon students’ interests and experiences. The article explains the motivation and the process used in creating and applying this approach to teach some of the IT and Business modules. The main reason to implement this approach is to encourage/enable critical thinking while learning in a continuous and personalised manner. CL allows students to specialize in a context of their choice, which in turn induces learning. In addition, students are less motivated to plagiarize due to the unique nature of their scenarios, and inherent safeguards present within the approach
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