2 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Entamoeba gingivalis by using direct wet mount among students in college of Nursing / University of Kirkuk.

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    The current study carried out to reveal the prevalence of  Entamoeba gingivalis among students  of college of Nursing/ University of Kirkuk  for period from April to June 2016, this study included (135) students (45 males and 90 females) using direct wet mount,  their aged between(18- 22) years old. The result showed that the prevalence of Entamoeba gingivalis among students was 63% (85 of 135),  According to the sex, the study showed that the prevalence of  Entamoeba gingivalis among males was 82% (37 0f 45) while among females was 53%(48 of 90) , According to the smoking the result showed that the incidence of parasite among smokers was  60 % (27 of 45) while among non – smokers was 22% (10 of 45). Regarding to the residence place of students, The study showed that the prevalence of Entamoeba gingivalis among  students whom lived in university residence was 59% ( 50 of 85) while among  students whom lived in their home was 41% (35 of 85) and according  to the number of brushing per day  the study showed that the prevalence of Entamoeba gingivalis among students whom brushed their teeth twice daily and after each meal  was lower than students whom brushing their teeth once daily

    Study on Prevalence of Giardia lamblia among Patients Attending Pediatric Hospital in Kirkuk City and Its Effect on Some Hematological Parameters

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    In this study we examined 3306 stool samples during the period from January to December 2015 from children attending pediatric hospital  in Kirkuk city to show the prevalence of Giardia lamblia infection and its effect on some hematological parameters including packed cell volume(PCV) and white blood cell count( WBC) count  especially in this period because security conditions in my country and increased the emigrants whom they live in tabernacles which lacking the healthy and hygiene conditions . The results showed that the total infection of Giardia lamblia was 7.1% (235 of 3306). According to the sex, the highest rate of infection occurred in males 4.53% (150 of 3306) while in females was 2.57% (85 0f 3306)  and the rate of infection among males  was 7.53% (155 of 1990)  while the rate of infection among  females was 6.45% (85 of 1316).  There is significant differences appeared between males and females. According to the months, the high rate of infection occurred in October between males 17.5% (35 0f 200).The result showed that the high rate of infection with Giardia lamblia occurred in age group from 1 month to 3 years (120 of 235). Blood tests are done which include packed cell volume( PCV) and white blood cell count. The results show there are significant differences between infected patients and healthy persons, the (PCV) value decreased  and (WBC) count increased between infected and non- infected persons respectively. Keywords: Giardia lamblia, Prevalence , Hematological parameters, Kirkuk city