15,633 research outputs found

    M-GEAR: Gateway-Based Energy-Aware Multi-Hop Routing Protocol for WSNs

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    In this research work, we advise gateway based energy-efficient routing protocol (M-GEAR) for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). We divide the sensor nodes into four logical regions on the basis of their location in the sensing field. We install Base Station (BS) out of the sensing area and a gateway node at the centre of the sensing area. If the distance of a sensor node from BS or gateway is less than predefined distance threshold, the node uses direct communication. We divide the rest of nodes into two equal regions whose distance is beyond the threshold distance. We select cluster heads (CHs)in each region which are independent of the other region. These CHs are selected on the basis of a probability. We compare performance of our protocol with LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy). Performance analysis and compared statistic results show that our proposed protocol perform well in terms of energy consumption and network lifetime.Comment: IEEE 8th International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA'13), Compiegne, Franc

    Descriptions of three new and a known species of Prismatolaimus de Man 1880 (nematoda: Enoplida) from fresh water habitats in India

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    Three new and a known species of Prismatolaimus de Man, 1880 are described and illustrated. Prismatolaimus lacustris sp. n. and P. amphidialis sp. n. are monovarial species without males in the population. P. lacustris sp. n. (L= 0.68-0.80, a= 35.1-47.1, b= 3.7-4.2, c= 3.6-3.9) is characterised by having single jointed outer labial setae; large stoma with prominent dorsal tooth and denticulate ridges; relatively posterior amphids; moderately long post-uterine sac; vagina with refractive pieces; and long, ventrad curved tail with a minute dorsal mucro. P. amphidialis sp. n. (L= 0.58-0.68, a= 37-44, b= 4.0-5.4, c= 3.9-4.3) is characterised by its short stoma with inconspicuous stegostom, almost indiscernible dorsal tooth and absence of denticulate ridges; prominent sensillar pouches of amphids; small post-uterine sac; and long filiform tail ventrad curved, with undemarcated mucro. P. macrostomus sp. n. (L= 1.02-1.21, a= 51.2-55.0, b= 4.6-5.2, c= 3.2-3.3) is characterised by being large-sized, diovarial females having sparse 4-5 µm long somatic setae; long,.articulate, cephalic, setae; large barrel-shaped stoma with a massive dorsal tooth and rows of inconspicuous subventral denticles; pre-equatorial vulva; and long filiform tail with a pointed dorsal hook. P. andrassyi Khera & Chaturvedi, 1977 has been redescribed with morphometrics of populations from four localities

    Re-description of two species of Pelodera (nematoda: Rhabditidae) from India

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    Two species of Pelodera Schneider, 1866, reported for the first time from India, have been redescribed and illustrated. Pelodera teres Schneider, 1866 is characterised by oviparous females having prominent, separate lips; heavily cuticularised, refractive labial margins with fine bristles in inter-labial grooves; three setose denticles on each metastegostomal plate; cupola-shaped tail in females and males with crystalline needle-like structures in vas deferens; distally fused spicules and an open peloderan bursa with three pre-cloacal and seven post-cloacal bursal papillae. Pelodera icosiensis (Maupas, 1916) Dougherty, 1955 is characterised by ovoviviparous females having wider and offset lip region, swollen pharyngeal corpus and hemispheroid tail of nearly half anal body diameter, males with distally-fused spicules having bicuspid capitula, and a short, expanded, semicircular, anteriorly-closed, peloderan bursa with lobes and ten paired bursal papillae

    Drug related critical incidents

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    Drug related incidents are a common form of reported medical errors. This paper reviews the critical incidents related to drug errors reported from the main operating theatre suite in a teaching hospital in a developing country from January 1997 to December 2002. Each report was evaluated individually by two reviewers using a structured process. During this period, 44 874 anaesthetics were administered; 768 critical incidents were reported, 165 (21%) of which were related to drug errors. Underdosage, side-effect/drug reaction and syringe swap were the most common. A total of 76% were classified as preventable; 56% due to human error and 19% due to system error. High risk incidents accounted for 10% of all drug errors and most of these were related to the use of neuromuscular blocking drugs. This analysis has been found useful in addressing some issues about priorities

    Effect of NPK and Zn on Growth, Flowering and Bulb Production in Tulip under Polyhouse Conditions in Kashmir

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    Healthy and uniform bulbs of tulip cv. 'Apeldoorn' were planted in two consecutive growing seasons under polyhouse conditions in FRBD design to study the effect of nutrient management on growth, flowering and bulb production in tulip in the Kashmir valley. Experimental treatments comprised of three levels of nitrogen (0,75 and 150 kg ha-1) and two levels of phosphorus (0 and 50 kg ha-1), potassium (0 and 50 kg/ha) and zinc (0 and 5 kg ha-1). Except for bulb survival, nitrogen @ 75 kg ha-1 significantly improved all the parameters. However, further increase in dose of nitrogen (150 kg ha-1) influenced only a few parameters like scape length, wrapper leaf area, vase life and bulblet weight per plant. Application of phosphorus, potassium and zinc also resulted in better growth, flower quality and bulb production. Application of different nutrients caused increased concentration of nutrients in leaf tissue, which resulted in better performance of the plant. Combined application of N, P, K and Zn @ 75, 50, 50 and 5 kg ha-1, respectively, was found to be the most suitable dose for obtaining better growth, quality flower and bulb production

    Paediatric prescribing in Karachi

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    To assess amount of drug overuse we studied drug prescribing for common childhood problems by 65 general practitioners (GPs) and 29 paediatricians. A total of 2433 encounters between GPs or paediatricians and children under five years of age were observed. The presenting complaints were fever in 18%, cough in 9%, both fever and cough in 21%, vomiting in 20% and diarrhoea in 41% of encounters. Antibacterials were prescribed in 49% of encounters, analgesics and antipyretics in 29%, antiemetics in 8% and injectables in 15%. Antidiarrhoeals were prescribed in 41% encounters with children reported to have diarrhoea. Ampicillin and cotrimoxazole were the two common antibacterials prescribed by both GPs and paediatricians. Antibacterials were prescribed in significantly larger number of encounters with GPs than in those with paediatricians. Mean encounter time of patients with GPs was 3.4+/-2.7 minutes and with paediatricians 9.7+/-4.1 minutes

    RFID Data Management

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    Relativistic Quantum Games in Noninertial Frames

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    We study the influence of Unruh effect on quantum non-zero sum games. In particular, we investigate the quantum Prisoners' Dilemma both for entangled and unentangled initial states and show that the acceleration of the noninertial frames disturbs the symmetry of the game. It is shown that for maximally entangled initial state, the classical strategy C (cooperation) becomes the dominant strategy. Our investigation shows that any quantum strategy does no better for any player against the classical strategies. The miracle move of Eisert et al (1999 Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 3077) is no more a superior move. We show that the dilemma like situation is resolved in favor of one player or the other.Comment: 8 Pages, 2 figures, 2 table
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