39,733 research outputs found
Performance of the distributed central analysis in BaBar
The total dataset produced by the BaBar experiment at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) currently comprises roughlydata events and an equal amount of simulated events, corresponding to 23 Tbytes of real data and 51 Tbytes simulated events. Since individual analyses typically select a very small fraction of all events, it would be extremely inefficient if each analysis had to process the full dataset. A first, centrally managed analysis step is therefore a common pre-selection (‘skimming’) of all data according to very loose, inclusive criteria to facilitate data access for later analysis. Usually, there are common selection criteria for several analysis. However, they may change over time, e.g., when new analyses are developed. Currently,$cal
A High Phase Advance Damped and Detuned Structure for the Main Linacs of Clic
The main accelerating structures for the CLIC are designed to operate at an
average accelerating gradient of 100 MV/m. The accelerating frequency has been
optimised to 11.994 GHz with a phase advance of 2{\pi}/3 of the main
accelerating mode. The moderately damped and detuned structure (DDS) design is
being studied as an alternative to the strongly damped WDS design. Both these
designs are based on the nominal accelerating phase advance. Here we explore
high phase advance (HPA) structures in which the group velocity of the rf
fields is reduced compared to that of standard (2{\pi}/3) structures. The
electrical breakdown strongly depends on the fundamental mode group velocity.
Hence it is expected that electrical breakdown is less likely to occur in the
HPA structures. We report on a study of both the fundamental and dipole modes
in a CLIC_DDS_HPA structure, designed to operate at 5{\pi}/6 phase advance per
cell. Higher order dipole modes in both the standard and HPA structures are
also studied
A survey of factors influencing career preference in new-entrant and exiting medical students from four UK medical schools
Our thanks to Professor Gillian Needham and Dr Murray Lough for their encouragement and support, and their comments on an earlier draft of this manuscript. Our thanks also to NHS Education for Scotland [NES] for funding, and the Scottish Medical Deans Education Group [SMDEG] for supporting this project. We are grateful to all the students who gave their time to complete the survey questionnaire and to those who helped organise and carry out data collection.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
Enhanced coupling design of a detuned damped structure for clic
The key feature of the improved coupling design in the Damped Detuned
Structure (DDS) is focused on the four manifolds. Rectangular geometry slots
and rectangular manifolds are used. This results in a significantly stronger
coupling to the manifolds compared to the previous design. We describe the new
design together with its wakefield damping properties.Comment: 3 pages, 8 figures, submitted to IPAC1
Pattern of malignant tumors observed in a university hospital: a retrospective analysis
A retrospective analysis of all malignant tumors observed in adults over a four-years period is presented. From January 1, 1989 to December 31, 1992, 2623 patients were coded by the Indexing and Coding Unit of Medical Records, The Aga Khan University Hospital to have cancer. Data presented reflect the relative frequency of different cancers seen at a single institution. Lung cancer was the commonest tumor observed in males. It was closely followed by head and neck cancer and lymphoma. In females, breast was the commonest cancer followed by ovarian and gallbladder. In comparison to the Western figures, an increased frequency of lymphomas and head and neck cancers was observed in males. Prostatic and colorectal cancers were less frequently observed. In females, gallbladder cancer is strikingly more frequent. Cervical cancer was less commonly observed as compared to the other developing countries and uterine cancer was infrequent in comparison to the Western countries. These data carry important implications for future health planning
Climate change impacts on water for irrigated horticulture in the Vale of Evesham. Final Report
This project has undertaken a scoping review and assessment of the impacts of climate change on
irrigated horticulture in the Vale of Evesham, an area of intense irrigated production located within the
Environment Agency’s Warwickshire Avon CAMS Catchment. The research was based on a
combination of methodologies including desk-based review of published and grey literature, computer
agroclimatic and water balance modelling, GIS mapping, meetings with key informants and a
stakeholder workshop.
Future climate datasets were derived from the latest UK Climate Impacts Programme (UKICIP02)
climatology, using selected emission scenarios for the 2020s, 2050s and 2080s. These scenarios were
then used to model and map the future agroclimatic conditions under which agriculture might operate
and the consequent impacts on irrigation need (depths of water applied) and volumetric demand. This
was complimented by a postal survey to abstractors and a stakeholder workshop, to identify, review
and assess farmer adaptation options and responses. The key findings arising from the research,
implications for water resource management and recommendations for further work are summarised
Using a geographical information system (GIS), a series of agroclimate maps have been produced, for
the baseline and selected UKCIP02 scenario. The maps show major changes in agroclimate within the
catchment over the next 50 years. The driest agroclimate zones are currently located around
Worcester, Evesham, Tewkesbury and Gloucester, corresponding to areas where horticultural
production and irrigation demand are most concentrated. By the 2020s, all agroclimate zones are
predicted to increase in aridity. By the 2050s the entire catchment is predicted to have a drier
agroclimate than is currently experienced anywhere in the driest parts of the catchment. This will have
major impacts on the pattern of land use and irrigation water demand. Cont/d
A generalized bayesian inference method for constraining the interiors of super Earths and sub-Neptunes
We aim to present a generalized Bayesian inference method for constraining
interiors of super Earths and sub-Neptunes. Our methodology succeeds in
quantifying the degeneracy and correlation of structural parameters for high
dimensional parameter spaces. Specifically, we identify what constraints can be
placed on composition and thickness of core, mantle, ice, ocean, and
atmospheric layers given observations of mass, radius, and bulk refractory
abundance constraints (Fe, Mg, Si) from observations of the host star's
photospheric composition. We employed a full probabilistic Bayesian inference
analysis that formally accounts for observational and model uncertainties.
Using a Markov chain Monte Carlo technique, we computed joint and marginal
posterior probability distributions for all structural parameters of interest.
We included state-of-the-art structural models based on self-consistent
thermodynamics of core, mantle, high-pressure ice, and liquid water.
Furthermore, we tested and compared two different atmospheric models that are
tailored for modeling thick and thin atmospheres, respectively. First, we
validate our method against Neptune. Second, we apply it to synthetic
exoplanets of fixed mass and determine the effect on interior structure and
composition when (1) radius, (2) atmospheric model, (3) data uncertainties, (4)
semi-major axes, (5) atmospheric composition (i.e., a priori assumption of
enriched envelopes versus pure H/He envelopes), and (6) prior distributions are
varied. Our main conclusions are: [...]Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics, 597, A37, 17 pages, 11 figure
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