80 research outputs found

    Instant dynamic response measurements for crack monitoring in metallic beams

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    This paper investigates the interdependencies of the modal behaviour of a cantilever beam, its dynamic response and crack growth. A methodology is proposed that can predict crack growth in a metallic beam using only its dynamic response. Analytical and numerical relationships are formulated between the fundamental mode and crack growth using the existing literature and finite element analysis (FEA) software, respectively. A relationship between the dynamic response and the modal behaviour is formulated empirically. All three relationships are used to predict crack growth and propagation. The load conditions are considered the same in all of the experiments for both model development and model validation. The predicted crack growth is compared with the visual observations. The overall error is within acceptable limits in all comparisons. The results obtained demonstrate the possibility of diagnosing crack growth in metallic beams at any instant within the operational conditions and environment

    Web readability factors affecting users of all ages

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    With the increase in the growth of internet since 1990 WorldWide Web have gained a worldwide popularity.Web has become an ultimate source of information throughout the world. The web has been a source of information, knowledge, entertainment and carrying out different tasks such as online shopping, reservation etc. Every one finds ways to the web due to easiness of access and the bulk of information that has been available so ways to make web more attractive and easy to interact with has been an issue under discussion since its inception. In this paper we have focused how to make a webpage more usable for different age group in terms of readability. We have focused on eight eternal readability factors i.e. color contrast, white space, line spacing, font style, font size, text width, headings, graphics and animation. These eight factors are compared that how different age group people behave with the web applications by varying these eight factors. Based on literature review we have proposed an idea that how to make web more readable for people of different age groups e.g. children, teenagers and old /senior users

    Response of Gaussian-modulated guided wave in aluminum: An analytical, numerical, and experimental study

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    The application of guided-wave ultrasonic testing in structural health monitoring has been widely accepted. Comprehensive experimental works have been performed in the past but their validation with possible analytical and numerical solutions still requires serious efforts. In this paper, behavior and detection of the Gaussian-modulated sinusoidal guided-wave pulse traveling in an aluminum plate are presented. An analytical solution is derived for sensing guided wave at a given distance from the actuator. This solution can predict the primary wave modes separately. Numerical analysis is also carried out in COMSOL® Multiphysics software. An experimental setup comprising piezoelectric transducers is used for the validation. Comparison of experimental results with those obtained from analytical and numerical solutions shows close agreement

    A methodology for flexibility analysis of pipeline systems

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    Pipeline systems serve a crucial role in an effective transport of fluids to the designated location for medium to long span of distances. Owing to its paramount economic significance, pipeline design field have undergone extensive development over the past few years for enhancing the optimization and transport efficiency. This research paper attempts to propose a methodology for flexibility analysis of pipeline systems through employing contemporary computational tools and practices. A methodical procedure is developed, which involves modeling of the selected pipeline system in CAESAR II followed by the insertion of pipe supports and restraints. The specific location and selection of the inserted supports is based on the results derived from the displacement, stress, reaction, and nozzle analysis of the concerned pipeline system. Emphasis is laid on the compliance of the design features to the leading code of pipeline transportation systems for liquid and slurries, ASME B31.4. The discussed procedure and approach can be successfully adjusted for the analysis of various other types of pipeline system configuration. In addition to the provision of systematic flow in analysis, the method also improves efficient time-saving practices in the pipeline stress analysis

    An agent based architecture for cognitive spectrum management

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    In the recent years, wireless technologies and devices have progressed dramatically that has augmented the demand for electromagnetic spectrum. Some research work showed that spectrum access and provision to user is not possible due to shortage of spectrum but federal communication commission refused to accept this theory and indicated that the spectrum is available since most of the frequency bands are underutilized. In order to allow the use of these frequency bands without interference, cognitive radio was proposed that characterizes the growing intelligence of radio systems can adapt to the radio environment, allowing opportunistic usage and sharing with the existing uses of spectrum. To take this concept a step further, we propose to use intelligent agent for spectrum management in the context of cognitive radio in this paper. In our proposed architecture, agents are embedded in the radio devices that coordinate their operations to benefit from network and avoid interference with the primary user. Agents carry a set of modules to gather information about the terminal status and the radio environment and act accordingly to the constraints of the user application

    Identification of an effective nondestructive technique for bond defect determination in laminate composites—A technical review

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    Laminate composites are commonly used for the production of critical mechanical structures and components such as wind turbine blades, helicopter rotors, unmanned aerial vehicle wings and honeycomb structures for aircraft wings. During the manufacturing process of these composite structures, zones or areas with weak bond strength are always issues, which may affect the strength and performance of components. The identification and quantification of these zones are always challenging and necessary for the mass production. Non-destructive testing methods available, including ultrasonic A, B, and C-Scan, laser shearography, X-ray tomography, and thermography can be useful for the mentioned purposes. A comparison of these techniques concerning their capacity of identification and quantification of bond defects; however, still needs a comprehensive review. In this paper, a detailed comparison of several non-destructive testing techniques is provided. Emphasis is placed to institute a guideline to select the most suitable technique for the identification of zones with bond defects in laminated composites. Experimental tests on different composite based machined components are also discussed in detail. The discussion provides practical evidence about the effectiveness of different non-destructive testing techniques.N/

    Low-velocity impact characterization of fiber-reinforced composites with hygrothermal effect

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    In this article, low-velocity impact characteristics of UHN125C carbon fiber/epoxy composite, including unidirectional (0°), cross-directional (0°/90°), and quasi-isotropic layups, were experimentally measured. The effect of the fiber orientation angle and stacking sequences on impact force and induced strain were measured via an instrumented drop-weight apparatus with special concern for the moisture absorption effect. Dried specimens were immersed in distilled water for a certain period of time to absorb water for intermediate and saturated moisture content. It was observed that the impulse was reduced with the increase in moisture content; on the other hand, strain increased with moisture, as measured by DBU-120A strain-indicating software (MADSER Corp., El Paso, TX). Impact damage is widely recognized as one of the most detrimental damage forms in composite laminates because it dissipates the incident energy by a combination of matrix damage, fiber fracture, and fiber-matrix debonding. Therefore, it is extremely important to know the impact strength of a structure, especially for applications in industries such as aerospace, ship design, and some other commercial applications. The use of composite materials in engineering applications is increasing rapidly because they have higher strength-to-weight ratios than metals. The strength, stiffness, and, eventually, the life of composite materials are affected more than conventional materials by the presence of moisture and temperature. Thus, it is necessary to analyze the response of composites in a hydrothermal environment

    Nanoparticles Synergistic Effect with Various Substrate Pretreatment and their Comparison on Biogas Production from Algae Waste

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    Algae waste is one of the potential substrates for biogas and biohydrogen production and can comprehend multiple benefits of waste treatment and resource utilization. In view of the key bottlenecks such as low substrate degradation rate and poor productivity of algae waste production process, this study analyzes the combined effect of two metallic and metallic oxide nanoparticles with different substrate pretreatment methods (autoclave, ultrasonic, and microwave methods) to investigate the effect of anaerobic digestion of green algae (Enteromorpha). The results showed that out of the three pretreatment methods, microwave pretreatment and nanoparticles' synergistic effect significantly increases biogas production. The microbial community composition at the phylum level was analyzed. It was observed that the Firmicutes were most abundant across all samples. The relative abundance of Firmicutes for control, Ni NPs + MW, Co NPs + MW, and Fe3O4 NPs + MW groups were 51.78, 70.37, 75.77, and 83.93%,      respectively. The second most abundant was of Bacteroidetes that also contributes to hydrogen production. This relatively high abundance of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes promises its potential applications in a hydrogen production facility. Copyright © 2021 by Authors, Published by BCREC Group. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0).

    Predicting the effect of voids on mechanical properties of woven composites.

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    An accurate yet easy to use methodology for determining the effective mechanical properties of woven fabric reinforced composites is presented. The approach involves generating a representative unit cell geometry based on randomly selected 2D orthogonal slices from a 3D X-ray micro-tomographic scan. Thereafter, the finite element mesh is generated from this geometry. Analytical and statistical micromechanics equations are then used to calculate effective input material properties for the yarn and resin regions within the FE mesh. These analytical expressions account for the effect of resin volume fraction within the yarn (due to infiltration during curing) as well as the presence of voids within the composite. The unit cell model is then used to evaluate the effective properties of the composite.DelPHE 780 Project funded by UK Department of International Development (DFID), through British Council managed DelPHE scheme

    Anaphylaxis: incidence, presentation, causes and outcome in patients in a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan

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    Background: Anaphylaxis is a potentially fatal condition requiring immediate resuscitation. Data regarding the epidemiology of anaphylaxis are limited and inconsistent. A reason for the variability was unavailability of a universally acceptable case definition till 2005. We reviewed cases using this new definition Aim: To review the incidence, clinical presentation, cause and outcome of anaphylaxis at a tertiary care center in a low income country. Design: Retrospective, case series Methods: Chart review of all patients discharged from Aga Khan University Hospital between January 1988 - December 2012 (24 years) with anaphylaxis definition as per second National Institute of Allergy and Infection disease/Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network Symposium Results: Total of 129 cases were found with mean age of 41.6 years (SD 18.8). Majority of patients had cutaneous features (76.7 %), followed by respiratory (68.9 %), cardiac (64.3 %) and gastrointestinal (20.9 %) symptoms respectively. About 22.4 % of patients had positive history for allergens out of which 31% (n=9) were exposed to the same allergens. The common causes identified for anaphylaxis were drugs (60.5 %), food (16.3 %) and intravenous contrast (10.9 %) respectively. Only 22.5 % of cases received epinephrine as part of their initial management. In 4 patients (3.1 %) the cause of death was attributed to anaphylaxis. Conclusion: Anaphylaxis is a rare but life threatening condition. Though cutaneous features are most common, their absence does not exclude the diagnosis. Drugs were the most common cause and epinephrine was not commonly used as first line agent for its management
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