3 research outputs found

    The spectrum of Evans syndrome: a literature review

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    Evans syndrome (ES) is an autoimmune disorder characterized by the simultaneous or sequential development of autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) and immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) and/or immune neutropenia in the absence of any underlying cause. Evans syndrome is a rare disorder although the exact frequency is unknown. No sex predilection is known and Evans syndrome has been described in all ethnic groups and at all ages. Classification of ES includes primary, with this being an exclusion diagnosis with no underlying condition, and secondary in the presence of an underlying disease. Clinical features are associated with anemia and thrombocytopenia including pallor, weakness, fatigue, jaundice, petechiae, ecchymosis, gingivorrhagia and epistaxis. First, a detailed history must be taken from the patient to determine the risk factors for developing ES then a family history of immune disorders along with a thorough physical examination. The management of Evans syndrome remains a challenge. Steroids with and without IVIG are recommended as front-line therapy. Red blood cell/platelet transfusion is indicated only in severe symptomatic patients due to the risk of exacerbations. Splenectomy may also be considered a second-line treatment

    Anaemia in acute coronary syndrome: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are an imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand, and the presence of anaemia further potentiates this imbalance. The burden of anaemia in patients presenting with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) is significant. Anaemia has the potential to worsen myocardial ischemic insult by decreasing the oxygen content of the blood supplied to the jeopardized myocardium. Present study investigates the prevalence of anaemia in ACS patients attending a tertiary health care institute.Methods: A total of 148 patients with ACS were recruited in the study from July 2018 to October 2018 in Multan institute of cardiology, Pakistan. All patients were subjected to a detailed history and thorough clinical examination and investigations after obtaining informed consent. Patient having any other diseases known to cause anaemia were excluded.Results: Mean age of patients was 49 years. Out of 148, 114 (77%) were males and 34(23%) were females. Prevalence of anaemia was 38% in Male and 58.8% in Female. Among Male, 18.8% were microcytic, 4.54% were macrocytic and 77.27% were normocytic. Among Female, 50% were microcytic and 50%% were normocytic. Prevalence of ACS was higher is patients with diabetes and hypertension combined (31%) than in patient with diabetes alone (17.56%) or hypertension alone (21.62%). 13.51% were pure vegetarians  while 78.37% were on mixed diet consisting of vegetables+meat+pulses.Conclusions: Higher incidence of anaemia was reported in subjects having acute coronary syndrome. Incidence of anaemia in STEMI patients was greater than NSTEMI and unstable angina patients. Severe form of acute coronary syndrome i.e. STEMI was associated with higher incidence of anaemia

    Impact of diabetes mellitus on nerves

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    Background: Involvement of the peripheral and autonomic nervous systems is probably the most common complication of diabetes. The main symptoms of diabetic polyneuropathy include negative symptoms (those related to nerve fiber loss or dysfunction) such as numbness and weakness, and positive symptoms (those related to abnormal function of surviving nerve fibers) such as tingling and pain.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study held in diabetic clinic of Nishter hospital, Multan, Pakistan. The study included any diabetic patients showing symptoms of neuropathy.Results: There were total of 140 in this study. This study included 85% of male and 15% of female. Most common symptoms of diabetic neuropathy were pain (70%) and tingling (70%) followed by numbness in 65% of patients. There were 28 patients in 5 years duration of diabetes, 35 people in 6-10 years duration, 21 patients in 11-15 years duration, and 14 patients in 20+ years duration.Conclusions: Neuropathy due to diabetes is crippling especially when pain is the prominent symptoms. Autonomic symptoms like constipation and lightheadedness are discomforting for the patients. The most commonly used screening test is vibrating tuning fork test which is east to perform is clinical setting and is not time consuming. Diabetic patients need to take special care of