45 research outputs found

    Over-wintering performance of mixed sex and monosex tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) in Bangladesh

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    An experiment was conducted for six months in 6 experimental ponds (each size 80 of m2) to assess the over-wintering performance between mixed sex and monosex tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. The experiment was carried out with two treatments each with three replicates. In the first treatment (T1), mixed sex tilapia were stocked in 3 ponds with a mean initial of 4.80±0.18 g. In the second treatment (T2), monosex tilapia were stocked in another 3 ponds with a mean initial weight of 4.81 ±0.20 g. Each pond was stocked with 250 fingerlings. Fish were fed at the rate of 6% of fish body weight at the beginning. The feeding rate was gradually reduced to 2% for the third month and finally increased to 3% for rest of the period. Water quality was monitored fortnightly and the ranges were: temperature17.86-29.10°C, dissolved oxygen 4.25-6.10 mg/1, pH 6.97-7.20 and transparency 24.10-36.50 cm. After 6 months of rearing monosex tilapia attained a significantly (p<O.OS) higher mean final weight of 146.26±0.34 g compared to 112.40±0.36 g for mixed sex tilapia. Monosex tilapia also resulted in significantly (P<O.OS) higher specific growth rate than those of mixed sex tilapia. However, there was no significant (p<O.OS) difference of food conversion ratio and survival (%)values between the mixed sex and monosex tilapia. The production of monosex tilapia (3723.10 kg/ha) was about 32% higher than that of mixed sex tilapia (2776.28 kg/ha). The net profit/ha generated from the 6 months culture period was calculated as Tk. 43,311.45 and. 69,277.32/- for mixed sex and monosex tilapia respectively. The results of the present study suggested that it is possible to successfully culture tilapia during the winter period and the culture of monosex tilapia is more profitable due to its higher growth rate than that of mixesex tilapia

    Allozyme and morphological variation in four hatchery stocks of Thai pangas, Pangasius hypophthalmus in Mymensingh, Bangladesh

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    Genetic and morphological characters of four hatchery population (Shambhuganj, Brahmaputra, Anudan and Bhai-Bhai) of Thai pangas, Pangasius hypophthalmus in Mymensingh region of Bangladesh was studied using morphological characters and allozyme markers from 29 November 2001 to 29 November 2002. A total of 14 morphometric and 6 meristic characters were verified, among which 3 morphometric (BDA, PELFL and HW) and 2 meristic characters (AFR, CFR) of Anudan hatchery population were found to be significantly higher (p>0.001) than those of the other three hatchery populations. Brahmaputra hatchery population was also significantly higher in two meristic characters (PCFR and CFR). For allozyme electrophoresis nine enzyme markers were used viz.: Esr-1*, G3pdh-2*, Gpi-1*, Gpi-2*, Ldh-1*, Ldh-2*, Mdh-1*, Mdh-2* and Pgm* where three loci (Esr-1*, Gpi-2* and Pgm*) were polymorphic (p>0.95) in Anudan and Brahmaputra hatchery populations. The mean proportion of polymorphic loci per population was higher (33.3%) in Brahmaputra and Anudan hatchery populations. Also the expected heterozygosity levels were 0.149 and 0.177 in Brahmaputra and Anudan hatchery populations, respectively. Based on Nei's (1972) genetic distances, the UPGMA dendrogram grouped the populations into two clusters. The Brahmaputra and Anudan populations are in one group; Shambhuganj, and Bhai-Bhai populations are in the second group. High genetic variation in Thai pangas was observed in the Brahmaputra and Anudan hatchery populations and less variation in the other two hatchery populations

    Allozyme variation in four hatchery populations of Thai pangas, Pangasius hypophthalmus in Bogra, Bangladesh

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    Genetic variation of four hatchery stocks of Thai pangas, Pangasius hypophthalmu [sic] of Bogra region, Bangladesh was studied from 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2003. Muscle samples were collected for allozyme analysis from four (Bhai-Bhai, Jahangir, Belal and Bhai-Bon) different hatchery populations. For allozyme electrophoresis, eight enzymes were used and 11 loci viz. Adh-1*, Est-1*, GJpdh-1*, Gpi-1*, Gpi-2*, Jdhp-1*, Ldh-1*, Ldh-2*, Mdh-1*, Mdh-2*and Pgm* were identified, of which three loci (Est-1*, Gpi-2*, G3pdh-1 and Pgm*) were polymorphic in all the four populations. The mean proportion of polymorphic loci per population and the mean proportion of heterozygous loci per individual was 36.36% and 13.33, respectively for all the population studied. The highest variability measured by the mean number of alleles per locus was 1.545 in Bhai-Bon hatchery population. Based on Nei's (1972) genetic distance, the dendrogram (UPGMA) shows that four populations have made two clusters by D-value (D=0.043). Bhai-Bhai and Jahangir hatchery populations have made cluster-I, and Belal Uddin and Bhai-Bon hatchery populations formed cluster-II. Among the four populations, BhaiBhai and Jahangir hatchery populations were differentiated from each other by the D-value of 0.013, and Belal Uddin and Bhai-Bon populations were differentiated from each other by the D-value of 0.002, which suggests that the four populations may be fallen into the local population or race

    Use of allozyme markers to determine the genetic structure of hatchery population of Thai pangas, Pangasius hypophthalmus of Jessore, Bangladesh

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    Genetic structure of hatchery population of Thai pangas (Pangasius hypophthalmus) of Jessore region, Bangladesh has been investigated from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2004. Samples for this study were collected from five fish hatcheries viz. Asrom, Banchte Shekha, Chowdhury, Maola and Rezaul Haque. The enzymes were encoded by 15 gene loci: Adh-1*, Est-1*, G3pdh-2*, Gpi-1*, Gpi-2*, Idhp-1*, Idhp-2*, Ldh-1*, Ldh-2*, Mdh-1*, Mdh-2*, Pgm*, Sdh-1*, Sdh-2* and Sod*. Among them four (Est-1*, G3pdh-2*, Gpi-2*and Pgm*) were found to be polymorphic in different populations but only Gpi-2* was polymorphic in all the sampled populations. The mean proportion of polymorphic loci per population was the highest (26.7%) in Banchte Shekha hatchery while the mean proportion of heterozygous loci was 13.33% per individual in Banchte Shekha and Maola hatcheries. The UPGMA dendrogram of Nei's (1972) genetic distances indicated a relationship between the genetic distance and geographical difference. High genetic variability in stocks of Thai pangas was observed in the Banchte Shekha and Maola hatcheries and less variability was found in the other three hatcheries

    Growth performances of three microalgal species in filtered brackishwater with different inorganic media

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    The growth of three microalgae species, viz., Nannochloropsis oculata, Tetraselmis chui and Chaetoceros muelleri which are commonly used in aquaculture, was investigated using three different inorganic nutrient media: (i) Modified Guillard's f/2 medium (ii) Rix Mix medium and (iii) BFRI medium. Each microalgae species was cultured for 24 days in small- scale with initial inoculation density of 17xl04 cell /ml in the three media with triplicates. N. oculata cultured in modified Guillard's f/2 medium showed superior growth with a mean peak density of 221 ±4.24 x 104 cell/ ml, to Rix Mix medium (141 ± 10.54xl04 cell/ml) and BFRI medium (47±4.94 x 104 cell/ml) on the 16th day of culture at stationary phase. Considering the increase in cell density for 20 days of culture in Rix Mix medium, C. muelleriwas significantly (P<0.05) highest than in other two media. N. oculata cultured in BFRI medium resulted in the poorest growth with a mean peak increase in density of 84±9.19 x 104 cell/ml in 12 days of culture. However, with an increase in cell density, growth of T. chui (182 ± 6.26 x 104 cell/ml) was significantly (P<0.05) higher in BFRI medium than in modified Guillard's f/2 medium. The results of the present study suggest that N. oculata and C. muelleri can be grown very well in both the modified Guillard's f/2 medium and Rix Mix medium. Better growth of T. chui can be obtained while culturing either in BFRI and Rix Mix medium. These three nutrient media used in the present study may be useful for microalgae species culture for establishing green-water culture for suitable target zooplankton, and fish and crustacean larvae in marine and brackishwater hatcheries

    An Application of the Concept of the Therapeutic Alliance To Sadomasochistic Pathology

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    This paper traces the history of the therapeutic alliance concept, examining how it has been used and misused, at times elevated to a central position and at others rejected altogether. The loss of this concept created a vacuum in classical psychoanalysis that has been filled by rival theories. The continuing usefulness of looking at the treatment process through the lens of the therapeutic alliance, particularly in relation to the manifold difficulties of working with sadomasochistic pathology, is suggested. To this end, revisions of the theory of the therapeutic alliance are suggested to address some of the difficulties that have arisen in conceptualizing this aspect of the therapeutic relationship, and to provide an integrated dynamic model for working with patients at each phase of treatment. This revised model acknowledges the complexity of the domain and encompasses the multiple tasks, functions, partners, and treatment phases involved. The utility of the revised theory is illustrated in application to understanding the sadomasochistic, omnipotent resistances of a female patient through the phases of her analysis.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66889/2/10.1177_00030651980460031301.pd

    The Irredeemable Debt: On the English Translation of Lacan's First Two Public Seminars

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Edinburgh University Press in Psychoanalysis and History . The Version of Record is available online at: https://www.euppublishing.com/doi/10.3366/pah.2017.0214Drawing on archival sources and personal recollections, this essay reconstructs the troubled history of the first robust attempt at making the works of the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan newly available to an anglophone readership, after his death in 1981. It details how the project was initiated by John Forrester as part of a large-scale initiative to generate translations of both Lacan’s own texts and seminars, and various books written in the Lacanian tradition. If, almost seven years after it was conceived, Forrester’s project only resulted in the publication of English translations of Lacan’s first two public seminars, the essay demonstrates that this was not owing to disagreements over the quality of Forrester’s work, but because of two consecutive sources of resistance. External resistance from publishers first led to the initial project being reduced to the translation of two seminars, whereas internal resistance from Lacan’s son-in-law Jacques-Alain Miller to Forrester’s vision of presenting the seminars with a full scholarly apparatus subsequently brought about delays in its execution

    Book Review: Essential Papers on Object Relations

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    Mitigating soft error risks through protecting critical variables and blocks

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    Smaller feature size, higher clock frequency and lower power consumption are of core concerns of today's nano-technology, which has been resulted by continuous downscaling of CMOS technologies. The resultant 'device shrinking' reduces the soft error tolerance of the VLSI circuits, as very little energy is needed to change their states. Safety critical systems are very sensitive to soft errors. A bit flip due to soft error can change the value of critical variable and consequently the system control flow can completely be changed which leads to system failure. To minimize soft error risks, a novel methodology is proposed to detect and recover from soft errors considering only 'critical code blocks' and 'critical variables' rather than considering all variables and/or blocks in the whole program. The proposed method shortens space and time overhead in comparison to existing dominant approaches