13,813 research outputs found

    Iterative approximation of common attractive points of further generalized hybrid mappings

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    Our purpose in this paper is (i) to introduce the concept of further generalized hybrid mappings (ii) to introduce the concept of common attractive points (CAP) (iii) to write and use Picard-Mann iterative process for two mappings. We approximate common attractive points of further generalized hybrid mappings by using iterative process due to Khan SHK generalized to the case of two mappings in Hilbert spaces without closedness assumption. Our results are generalizations and improvements of several results in the literature in different ways.Comment: 12 pages of pdf file created form this tex fil

    Approximating fixed point of({\lambda},{\rho})-firmly nonexpansive mappings in modular function spaces

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    In this paper, we first introduce an iterative process in modular function spaces and then extend the idea of a {\lambda}-firmly nonexpansive mapping from Banach spaces to modular function spaces. We call such mappings as ({\lambda},{\rho})-firmly nonexpansive mappings. We incorporate the two ideas to approximate fixed points of ({\lambda},{\rho})-firmly nonexpansive mappings using the above mentioned iterative process in modular function spaces. We give an example to validate our results

    Anti Money Laundering Mechanism: An Application of Principal-Agent Model for Pakistan

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    In this paper anti money laundering policy of the international financial regime is analyzed in principal agent model perspective. The strategy of the principal for formal agents is deliberated for global financial stability. This strategy encompasses incentive and dis-incentive for cooperation of formal agent. Formal agent by cooperating with principal may induce dis-incentive for informal agent. All the integrating stake holders make decision on the basis of comparison of present value of marginal cost of non-cooperation and present value of returns from cooperation. As the desired objective of the principal is to minimize transaction of money through informal channels therefore it has to include informal agents and clients in the strategy. The successful anti money laundering strategy can only be evolved by the cooperation of all the stakeholders.International Financial Regime, Principal Agent model and Money Laundering

    Monetary aggregates in Pakistan: theoretical and empirical underpinnings

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    The objective of this study is to analyze theoretical as well as empirical soundness of the current monetary aggregates (M2) and to propose a broader monetary aggregate (M3), by exploring the functional characteristics and empirical relevance of financial assets. We used annual time series data from FY76 to FY03 and employed both the functional and empirical (F-M dual criteria) approaches. The results indicate that current monetary aggregates seemed to have been defined more on functional considerations compared to the empirical evidence. The analysis of new set of financial assets suggests that, while the various savings schemes individually as well as in aggregate were able to meet F-M dual criteria, deposits of NBFIs failed to satisfy this criteria. However, the functional considerations suggest that these deposits should, nevertheless, be included in a broader definition of monetary aggregates (M3).Monetary Aggregates, Pakistan

    An analysis of the asymmetric impact of exchange rate changes on G.D.P. in Pakistan: application of non-linear A.R.D.L.

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    Exchange rate fluctuations play a vital role in influencing macro- economic variables including economic growth via the channels of net exports and investments. This study claims to be the first in assessing the asymmetric effect of exchange rate fluctuations on G.D.P. in Pakistan whose currency had the title of‘worst currency of South Asia’in 2018 after more than 20% depreciation in just three months. In this study, we employ a recently developed technique of Non-linear A.R.D.L. by Shin, Yu, and Greenwood-Nimmo (2014) to test for possible asymmetric effect of exchange rate on G.D.P. along with the proxies of fiscal and monetary policies. Both A.R.D.L. and N.A.R.D.L. are applied on annual data range from 1972 to 2014. The results of A.R.D.L. are found poor and co-integration relationship lost when the assumption of symmetry is taken into consideration. On the contrary, Non-linear A.R.D.L. technique carry more rich information related to the issue at hand and co-integration relationship is confirmed. From the results we found that week currency hurts G.D.P. growth, while strong currency adds to growth. Besides these, we confirm asymmetric impact of exchange rate on G.D.P. growth in Pakistan and find the evidence of short-run, long-run and adjustment asymmetry. To achieve the objective of sustained growth, exchange rate management should focus to restore stability and go for more strong currency in Pakistan. Future research needs to consider capital flows and exchange rate regimes in the form of‘Sudden Stop hypothesis’ when investigating the asymmetric impact of exchange rate

    Micro-econometric Analysis of Impact of Remittances on Household’s Welfare: Empirical Evidence from District Peshawar

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    The present study has been conducted in the year 2010 in district Peshawar to assess the impact of inflow of remittances on household’s welfare. The concept welfare was measured in terms of consumption expenditures of the household. A sample of 60 household was interviewed using snowball sampling combined with the convenient sampling technique. A regression model which was a mixture of direct elasticity and semi-elasticity was used to quantify the relationships. Apart from inflow of remittances (lnremt), three control variables (i.e. years of schooling of the household’s head – edu, age of household’s head – age & family size – fz) were employed to standardize the impact. Controlling for edu, age & edu, this paper conclude that inflow of remittances enhance household’s welfare. All control variables have theoretically correct positive signs. These results were statistically significant and results showed no major econometric problems that can influence statistical inference derived from the model. So it is highly recommended, in light of the present study, that govt. of Pakistan should take all possible steps to export labors abroad. It has dual positive impacts, one enhancing household’s prosperity (welfare) and other reducing unemployment at local level.
