536 research outputs found

    Imaging of Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia

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    This pictorial review is based on our experience of the follow-up of 120 patients at our multidisciplinary center for hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT). Rendu-Osler-Weber disease or HHT is a multiorgan autosomal dominant disorder with high penetrance, characterized by epistaxis, mucocutaneous telangiectasis, and visceral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). The research on gene mutations is fundamental and family screening by clinical examination, chest X-ray, research of pulmonary shunting, and abdominal color Doppler sonography is absolutely necessary. The angioarchitecture of pulmonary AVMs can be studied by unenhanced multidetector computed tomography; however, all other explorations of liver, digestive bowels, or brain require administration of contrast media. Magnetic resonance angiography is helpful for central nervous system screening, in particular for the spinal cord, but also for pulmonary, hepatic, and pelvic AVMs. Knowledge of the multiorgan involvement of HHT, mechanism of complications, and radiologic findings is fundamental for the correct management of these patients

    Regulation of a progenitor gene program by SOX4 is essential for mammary tumor proliferation

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    In breast cancer the transcription factor SOX4 has been shown to be associated with poor survival, increased tumor size and metastasis formation. This has mostly been attributed to the ability of SOX4 to regulate Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal-Transition (EMT). However, SOX4 regulates target gene transcription in a context-dependent manner that is determined by the cellular and epigenetic state. In this study we have investigated the loss of SOX4 in mammary tumor development utilizing organoids derived from a PyMT genetic mouse model of breast cancer. Using CRISPR/Cas9 to abrogate SOX4 expression, we found that SOX4 is required for inhibiting differentiation by regulating a subset of genes that are highly activated in fetal mammary stem cells (fMaSC). In this way, SOX4 re-activates an oncogenic transcriptional program that is regulated in many progenitor cell-types during embryonic development. SOX4-knockout organoids are characterized by the presence of more differentiated cells that exhibit luminal or basal gene expression patterns, but lower expression of cell cycle genes. In agreement, primary tumor growth and metastatic outgrowth in the lungs are impaired in SOX4KO tumors. Finally, SOX4KO tumors show a severe loss in competitive capacity to grow out compared to SOX4-proficient cells in primary tumors. Our study identifies a novel role for SOX4 in maintaining mammary tumors in an undifferentiated and proliferative state. Therapeutic manipulation of SOX4 function could provide a novel strategy for cancer differentiation therapy, which would promote differentiation and inhibit cycling of tumor cells

    Spatial collagen stiffening promotes collective breast cancer cell invasion by reinforcing extracellular matrix alignment

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    The tumor micro-environment often contains stiff and irregular-bundled collagen fibers that are used by tumor cells to disseminate. It is still unclear how and to what extent, extracellular matrix (ECM) stiffness versus ECM bundle size and alignment dictate cancer cell invasion. Here, we have uncoupled Collagen-I bundling from stiffness by introducing inter-collagen crosslinks, combined with temperature induced aggregation of collagen bundling. Using organotypic models from mouse invasive ductal and invasive lobular breast cancers, we show that increased collagen bundling in 3D induces a generic increase in breast cancer invasion that is independent of migration mode. However, systemic collagen stiffening using advanced glycation end product (AGE) crosslinking prevents collective invasion, while leaving single cell invasion unaffected. Collective invasion into collagen matrices by ductal breast cancer cells depends on Lysyl oxidase-like 3 (Loxl3), a factor produced by tumor cells that reinforces local collagen stiffness. Finally, we present clinical evidence that collectively invading cancer cells at the invasive front of ductal breast carcinoma upregulate LOXL3. By uncoupling the mechanical, chemical, and structural cues that control invasion of breast cancer in three dimensions, our data reveal that spatial control over stiffness and bundling underlie collective dissemination of ductal-type breast cancers

    A YAP-centered mechanotransduction loop drives collective breast cancer cell invasion

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    Dense and aligned Collagen I fibers are associated with collective cancer invasion led by protrusive tumor cells, leader cells. In some breast tumors, a population of cancer cells (basal-like cells) maintain several epithelial characteristics and express the myoepithelial/basal cell marker Keratin 14 (K14). Emergence of leader cells and K14 expression are regarded as interconnected events triggered by Collagen I, however the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Using breast carcinoma organoids, we show that Collagen I drives a force-dependent loop, specifically in basal-like cancer cells. The feed-forward loop is centered around the mechanotransducer Yap and independent of K14 expression. Yap promotes a transcriptional program that enhances Collagen I alignment and tension, which further activates Yap. Active Yap is detected in invading breast cancer cells in patients and required for collective invasion in 3D Collagen I and in the mammary fat pad of mice. Our work uncovers an essential function for Yap in leader cell selection during collective cancer invasion.</p

    A YAP-centered mechanotransduction loop drives collective breast cancer cell invasion

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    Dense and aligned Collagen I fibers are associated with collective cancer invasion led by protrusive tumor cells, leader cells. In some breast tumors, a population of cancer cells (basal-like cells) maintain several epithelial characteristics and express the myoepithelial/basal cell marker Keratin 14 (K14). Emergence of leader cells and K14 expression are regarded as interconnected events triggered by Collagen I, however the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Using breast carcinoma organoids, we show that Collagen I drives a force-dependent loop, specifically in basal-like cancer cells. The feed-forward loop is centered around the mechanotransducer Yap and independent of K14 expression. Yap promotes a transcriptional program that enhances Collagen I alignment and tension, which further activates Yap. Active Yap is detected in invading breast cancer cells in patients and required for collective invasion in 3D Collagen I and in the mammary fat pad of mice. Our work uncovers an essential function for Yap in leader cell selection during collective cancer invasion.</p

    A systems biology approach uncovers cell-specific gene regulatory effects of genetic associations in multiple sclerosis

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified more than 50,000 unique associations with common human traits. While this represents a substantial step forward, establishing the biology underlying these associations has proven extremely difficult. Even determining which cell types and which particular gene(s) are relevant continues to be a challenge. Here, we conduct a cell-specific pathway analysis of the latest GWAS in multiple sclerosis (MS), which had analyzed a total of 47,351 cases and 68,284 healthy controls and found more than 200 non-MHC genome-wide associations. Our analysis identifies pan immune cell as well as cell-specific susceptibility genes in T cells, B cells and monocytes. Finally, genotype-level data from 2,370 patients and 412 controls is used to compute intraindividual and cell-specific susceptibility pathways that offer a biological interpretation of the individual genetic risk to MS. This approach could be adopted in any other complex trait for which genome-wide data is available

    Age-specific burden of cervical cancer associated with HIV: A global analysis with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa

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    HIV substantially worsens human papillomavirus (HPV) carcinogenicity and contributes to an important population excess of cervical cancer, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). We estimated HIV- and age-stratified cervical cancer burden at a country, regional, and global level in 2020. Proportions of cervical cancer a) diagnosed in women living with HIV (WLHIV), and b) attributable to HIV, were calculated using age-specific estimates of HIV prevalence (UNAIDS) and relative risk. These proportions were validated against empirical data and applied to age-specific cervical cancer incidence (GLOBOCAN 2020). HIV was most important in SSA, where 24.9% of cervical cancers were diagnosed in WLHIV, and 20.4% were attributable to HIV (vs 1.3% and 1.1%, respectively, in the rest of the world). In all world regions, contribution of HIV to cervical cancer was far higher in younger women (as seen also in empirical series). For example, in Southern Africa, where more than half of cervical cancers were diagnosed in WLHIV, the HIV-attributable fraction decreased from 86% in women ≤34 years to only 12% in women ≥55 years. The absolute burden of HIV-attributable cervical cancer (approximately 28 000 cases globally) also shifted towards younger women: in Southern Africa, 63% of 5341 HIV-attributable cervical cancer occurred in women <45 years old, compared to only 17% of 6901 non-HIV-attributable cervical cancer. Improved quantification of cervical cancer burden by age and HIV status can inform cervical cancer prevention efforts in SSA, including prediction of the impact of WLHIV-targeted vs general population approaches to cervical screening, and impact of HIV prevention

    A YAP-centered mechanotransduction loop drives collective breast cancer cell invasion

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    Dense and aligned Collagen I fibers are associated with collective cancer invasion led by protrusive tumor cells, leader cells. In some breast tumors, a population of cancer cells (basal-like cells) maintain several epithelial characteristics and express the myoepithelial/basal cell marker Keratin 14 (K14). Emergence of leader cells and K14 expression are regarded as interconnected events triggered by Collagen I, however the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Using breast carcinoma organoids, we show that Collagen I drives a force-dependent loop, specifically in basal-like cancer cells. The feed-forward loop is centered around the mechanotransducer Yap and independent of K14 expression. Yap promotes a transcriptional program that enhances Collagen I alignment and tension, which further activates Yap. Active Yap is detected in invading breast cancer cells in patients and required for collective invasion in 3D Collagen I and in the mammary fat pad of mice. Our work uncovers an essential function for Yap in leader cell selection during collective cancer invasion