57 research outputs found

    Örgütlerde etik çalışma ortamının ve liderlik tarzlarının çalışanların kariyer memnuniyetine etkisinin incelenmesi

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    Human resources policies continue as a concept that constantly renews and improves itself. Training and personal development opportunities are provided both to increase the performance of employees as a result of the competitive environment and the expectation that the performance criteria (a determiner of the motivation of employees) is realized. When employee satisfaction starts to decrease in organizations, the intention to leave in organizations starts to increase. In terms of human resources policies, these development opportunities are aimed at keeping challenges to a minimum. And, as a result, the performance of the companies increases based on the leadership roles of the senior managers, in addition to the human resources policies implemented. The leadership style and human resources policies of the managers shape the future of the organization. As a result of the research, we better understand how important leadership and a desirable working environment is for organizations. Thanks to the studies conducted in these areas, it is important that senior managers set an example for the decisions they make and contribute to shaping their leadership roles. In this context, we aim to examine the career satisfaction levels of white-collar employees working in the furniture industry against their leadership styles in an ethical working environment. The data obtained from the research were collected from the furniture producing companies in the marmara region where 388 white-collar employees were surveyed in 2019. Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS 25 and AMOS programs. Firstly, factor analysis and reliability analysis were performed for the validity of the scales representing the variables. Correlation analysis was used to analyze the relationships between variables and regression analysis was used to test hypotheses. The Sobel test was used to analyze the mediation effect. As a result of the research and as stated by the analysis, the change of leader members and transparent leadership have positive effects, but visionary leadership has no positive effect.İnsan kaynakları politikaları sürekli kendini yenileyen, geliştiren bir kavram olarak devam etmektedir. Rekabet ortamından kaynaklı olarak çalışanların performanslarını arttırmaya yönelik eğitimler ve kişisel gelişim imkânları sağlanmakta, bu sayede çalışanların motivasyonlarını en üst seviyede sağlayarak belirlenen performans kriterlerinin gerçekleştirilmesi beklenmektedir. Çalışanların memnuniyet seviyelerinin düşük olması durumunda, örgütlerde çalışan sirkülasyonu meydana gelmektedir. İnsan kaynakları politikaları açısından bu sirkülasyonun minimum seviyede tutulması amaçlanmaktadır. Örgütlerin başarılı olmasındaki en önemli etkenlerden biri liderlerin sahip oldukları özellikler ile çalışanların uyumlu bir iletişim içinde olmalarıdır. Liderler ve çalışanlar arasındaki etkileşim insan kaynakları politikaları neticesinde önem kazanmaktadır. Bu nedenle örgütlerin öncelikle insan kaynakları politikalarını çalışan odaklı belirlemeleri gerekmektedir. Literatürde bu alanda yapılacak çalışmalarla, yeni liderlik rolleri ve çalışan odaklı teorilerle katkıda bulunulması önem arz etmektedir. Bu kapsamda mobilya sektöründe çalışmakta olan beyaz yakalıların etik çalışma ortamında liderlik tarzları karşısında kariyer memnuniyeti düzeylerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma da anketler 2019 yılında marmara bölgesinde mobilya üretimi yapan firmalarda çalışan 388 beyaz yakalıdan toplanmıştır. Verilerin analiz edilmesinde IBM SPSS 25 ve AMOS programları kullanılmış, öncelikle değişkenleri temsil eden ölçeklerin geçerliliği için faktör analizi ve güvenirlilik analizi yapılmıştır. Değişkenler arasındaki ilişkilerin analiz edilmesinde korelasyon analizi, hipotezlerin test edilmesinde regresyon analizi yapılmıştır. Aracı değişken etkisinin analizin de sobel testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda lider üye değişimi ve şeffaf liderliğin olumlu etkileri olduğu ancak vizyoner liderliğin olumlu etkisinin olmadığı analizlerle belirtilmektedir

    A phenomenological investigation on ethical leadership and workplace engagement from a multi-cultural perspective

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    Despite continuous attempts to introduce employee engagement measures, leaders worldwide have been increasingly concerned about diminishing employee engagement levels. The issue of workplace engagement continues to be a source of contention for academics and practitioners alike. There is still a need to comprehend this phenomenon since previous research lacks a thorough understanding of employee work engagement concerning ethical leadership. This qualitative study explores the perceptions of the leaders working in service organizations regarding ethical leadership on employee work engagement in three countries, i.e., Malaysia, Turkey, and Pakistan. The phenomenon of work engagement was explored in this study. The theory of self-determination supports the proposed theoretical framework of the current study. Purposive sampling was applied to select 28 leaders in the service sector. Semi-structured interviews were performed to understand employee engagement better using participant observations, opinions, strategic perspectives, and the employee handbook and recordings of interviews and meetings with service sector leaders. The findings highlighted eight major ethical leadership themes suggested by 28 managers in the interviews. Eight themes of ethical leadership are (1) Role Modeling, (2) Trust, (3 Honesty, (4) Integrity, (5) Justice, (6) Religiosity, (7) Responsibility, (8) Intellectual competence. The present study found that leaders applying different strategies and understanding the importance of employee engagement could improve employee engagement and have a more robust workforce and beneficial organization. (C) CIKD Publishing

    Impact of Leaders’ Emotional and Cultural Intelligence on Leadership Effectiveness: Mediating Role of Transformational Leadership

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    For leaders to serve as effective change agents in the organization, significance of leaders’ intelligence cannot be overlooked. Current empirical study was carried out with an intention to investigate the impact of leaders’ emotional and cultural intelligence on leadership effectiveness through the mediating role of transformational leadership as perceived by followers. With the help of questionnaire, data was collected from the employees of private banks of twin cities (Islamabad and Rawalpindi) of Pakistan. A total of 262 responses were entered in SPSS for analyzing data and interpreting results. The mediating, dependent and independent variables were modeled in a path diagram and tested through structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings of the study indicate that transformational leadership fully mediates the relationships of leaders’ emotional and cultural intelligence with leadership effectiveness. The results of the study provide useful insight into the fact that emotionally and culturally intelligent leaders are more effective because they exhibit more transformational leadership style. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed along with limitations and recommendations for future researc

    Reassessing leadership traits: An Islamic perspective

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    The phenomena of leadership has long been cited and discussed in business and management literature. Discourse on effective leadership qualities is popular in management circles. Interestingly, traditional literature on leadership has presented rather diverse results. And recent developments in the field of leadership and management reveal a growing interest in religion and spirituality. The present study attempts to understand leadership and submit a comprehensive framework exploring leadership traits from an Islamic viewpoint. A sample of 16 respondents was selected, most of whom had extensive knowledge and experience in leadership and management. They belonged to diverse industries such as manufacturing, construction, telecommunications, banking and education. The study found that Islamic Leadership is based around the notion of stewardship of Allah's creation. An Islamic leader must be a role model with exemplary personality, attitude, character and competence. And only those individuals may be selected as leaders who have piety (Taqwa) and goodness. The study also presented that Taqwa, Consultation and Intellectual competence are the key traits for a Muslim leader. In addition, Taqwa encompasses Islamic Spirituality and Islamic Social responsibly. The sub-constructs of Taqwa include; belief (Iman), worship (Ibadat) and repentance (Tawbah), patience, emotional control, forgiveness, the establishment of zakah and giving sadakah, fulfillment of contracts, justice and integrity. Together, these traits frame the overall description of Islamic leadership

    Understanding Port Efficiency: A CPEC Perspective

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    This paper aims to provide an insight into the efficacious use and development of Pakistani ports located along the ChinaPakistan Economic corridor. The main objective of this paper is to understand how the physical infrastructure, logistics suprastructure and value-added services contribute in the enhancing port efficiency in the wake of CPEC operationalization. A sample of 15 well-experienced respondents from the domains of supply chain management, logistics, trade and public sector were selected. The study concluded that physical infrastructure, logistics suprastructure and logistics services at a port play a vital role in improving port efficiency. The study further pointed out that adequate port structure and value-added services would significantly contribute to port efficiency and facilitate the smooth clearance of CPEC cargo

    Influence of responsible leadership on inclusive organizations: A mixed- method study

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    The ever-increasing diversity in organizations demands deliberate efforts to include the members in organizational activities. Responsible leadership, a blend of corporate social responsibility, ethics, and leadership, can generate willing cooperation and an urge to fully participate, which is pivotal to the success of the inclusive organization. This study explores the influence of responsible leadership on inclusive organization and uncovers its domains and pathways. Sequential mixed methods design has been adopted using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitative data comprise 25 semi-structured in-depth interviews, and quantitative data 800 responses on questionnaires, collected from eight organizations, four each from the manufacturing and services sectors. It has been found that responsible leadership significantly influences the inclusive organization. The influence is exerted in social and ethical domains and follows five different pathways within each domain. It is also concluded that a responsible leadership style is better suited for inclusive organizations

    Investigating the non-work antecedents of workplace deviance

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    Deviance in the workplace, which has a huge destructive and harmful impact on the organization, is of key concern to academicians and practitioners. Existing literature focuses on the work-related antecedents of workplace deviance. However, the non-work-related antecedents have received little attention. Hence, the present research attempts to understand, the non-work antecedents that aggravate deviant behavior among employees at a workplace. The Gioia qualitative research approach was used to understand, examine, analyze, and interpret the views of respondents. A semi-structured interviewing technique was adopted. The respondents were encouraged to share their own experiences, thoughts, and understanding regarding the phenomenon. A sample of 25 experienced respondents from public and private organisations in Pakistan were interviewed. The results indicate that commuting factors (road hindrances, conflict behaviors, traffic discipline, and over-speeding), social factors (family-work conflict, and disturbed social relations), and an individual's lifestyle (attitude, physical inactivity, and sleep deprivation) are the contributing factors pertaining to the non-work antecedents of workplace deviance. The current study contributes to the literature by focusing on the non-work antecedents of workplace deviance

    Örgütler ve çalışanlar üzerinde psikolojik güçlendirme ve katılımcı liderliğin etkilerinin incelenmesi

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    Regardless of the sector, companies need to be effective in their organizational structures and support the innovative behavior of their employees in order to ensure their sustainability in a constantly changing and developing competitive environment. The success of companies in innovative activities depends on the innovative behavior of the employees. For this reason, employees should be psychologically strong and at the same time share their thoughts and ideas in a participatory environment. Therefore, companies within the organizational structure should be able to use their human resources well because one of the criteria of being successful in competition depends on the ability to offer innovative products/services different from their competitors in the market where they are located. The human resources department is one of the most important factors in differentiating organizations. In order to benefit from human resources in the most efficient way and to ensure their motivation, it is necessary to psychologically strengthen the employees and ensure their participation within an organization. The aim of the study is to analyze the reactions of white-collar employees who work in food companies that have to make continuous production in order to meet the food needs of people, all while working against the leadership’s attitude in the busy pace of work. Within the scope of the research, surveys were collected from 365 personnel working in food companies in Istanbul operating in the production sector in 2019. Analyzes were made by using IBM SPSS 25 and AMOS. Correlation analysis, regression analysis, Sobel test, and Hayes process were performed respectively in order to examine variables and test hypotheses in the research model. As a result of the research, it was concluded that both psychological empowerment and participative leadership positively affect innovative behavior and organizational effectiveness.Şirketler hangi sektörde olursa olsun sürekli değişen ve gelişen rekabet ortamında sürdürülebilirliklerini sağlayabilmeleri için örgüt yapılarının etkililiğini ve çalışanlarının yenilikçi davranışlarını desteklemeleri gerekmektedir. Şirketlerin yenilikçi faaliyetlerde başarılı olması çalışanların yenilikçi davranışlar içinde olmasına bağlıdır. Çalışanların psikolojik açıdan güçlü olmalarıyla birlikte aynı zamanda düşüncelerini ve fikirlerini paylaşabilecekleri katılımcı bir ortamında sağlanabilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle şirketler insan kaynaklarını iyi kullanabilmelidirler. Çünkü rekabet de başarılı olabilmenin ölçütlerinden biride rakiplerden farklı yenilikçi ürünleri/hizmetleri bulundukları pazarda sunabilmelerine bağlıdır. Örgütlerin sahip oldukları insan kaynakları, örgütlerin farklılaşabilmesinde en önemli faktörlerden biridir. Dolayısıyla insan kaynakları faktörü birçok örgütsel araştırma alanında temel nokta olmaktadır. İnsan kaynağından en verimli bir şekilde yararlanabilmek, çalışanların motivasyonlarının iyi olmasını sağlayabilmek için çalışanların psikolojik açıdan güçlendirilmeleri ve örgüte katılımlarının sağlanabilmesi gerekmektedir. Araştırmanın amacı kapsamında insanların gıda ihtiyacını karşılamak amacıyla gıda sektöründe yer alan firmalarda çalışmakta olan beyaz yakalı çalışanların psikolojik güçlendirme ve katılımcı liderliğin etkisiyle yenilikçi davranışlarının ve örgütsel etkililiğin ne yönde etkilendiğini analiz etmek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında 2019 yılında İstanbul'da üretim sektöründe faaliyet gösteren gıda firmalarında görev yapan 365 personelden anketler toplandı. Verilerin analizinde IBM SPSS 25 ve AMOS programları kullanılmıştır. Sırasıyla korelasyon analizi, regresyon analizi, Sobel testi ve Hayes process yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda hem psikolojik güçlendirmenin hem de katılımcı liderliğin yenilikçi davranışı ve örgütsel etkinliği olumlu etkilediği sonucuna varılmıştır

    The conceptual review on the impact of organizational justice on workplace deviance and the mediating role of psychological contract breach

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    The prevalence of deviant behavior such as fraud, robbery, withholding effort, hostile acts, and sexual harassment in the workplace is a major problem for organizations. For good reasons, it is highly significant for executives and researchers to avoid deviant activity in the workplace. A recent report revealed that employees are found to be more involved than customers in deviant activities at the workplace. One in every fifteen employees steals from their employer. " The study finds that 33 to 75% of all workers have participated in deviant behaviors, and as many as 42% of women have been sexually abused at work. This article aims to analyze the phenomena of workplace deviance and destruction caused by workplace deviance in the form of huge psychological and financial losses to organizations. First, we discuss the need for research on workplace deviance, especially in the collectivistic culture, by reviewing previous studies from deviance literature. Next, we present the role of organizational justice in triggering workplace deviance. Then we also propose a new mediating variable in the form of a Psychological Contract Breach between Organizational justice and Workplace deviance. This paper also contributes significantly to the dimensions/facets of Organizational Justice. The presented theoretical framework can be useful for conducting future empirical research. Finally, we present the conclusion and future research in conducting cross-national research with respect to workplace deviance

    Editorial: Boosting positivity by utilizing spirituality as a tool for recovery: post-pandemic process

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    As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, people were confronted with several drastic experiences that led to fear and uncertainty. In traumatic times like the COVID-19 pandemic, spirituality can act as a healing agent for the immune system, helping to promote mental health and pave the way for a more positive psychological state. Many researchers in positive psychology argue that one of the most important roles of spirituality is to promote greater peace of mind and reduce anxiety (Arslan and Yildirim, 2021; Baykal, 2022)Hailey College of Commerce ; İstanbul Medipol Üniversites