109 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of the capital structure of the Sugar Industry in Pakistan. This study reviews different theories related to the capital structure to formulate testable propositions concerning the determinants of the capital structure of the sugar industry of Pakistan. Panel data econometric techniques such as fixed effects and random effects are used to investigate the most significant factors that affect the capital structure choice of sugar firms listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange for the period 2009-2018. The results of the study suggest that variables such as firm size, financial flexibility, asset structure, profitability, liquidity, growth, risk, and affect all measures of the capital structure of Pakistan corporations. Short-term debt is found to represent an important financing source for corporations in Pakistan. Firm size and current ratio have a negative and significant relationship with Capital Structure ratios. Long term debt, Working Capital, Asset Structure, asset utilization, Effective tax rate, Financial Flexibility, Growth opportunity, Risk Volatility have a positive and significant relationship with Capital Structure ratios. Due to the existence of a negative relationship between profitability and capital structure, investors must consider capital structure before making investment decisions

    Impact of Exports on Economic Growth- A Case of Luxemburg

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    The key purpose of this article is to analyze the significant impact of Exports, Government expenditures and Education expenditures on the economic growth of the developed economy of the Luxemburg, which is the member state of the EU: the biggest exporter in the world. The span of time is from the year 1975 to 2009 on yearly basis with total no. of observations of 35. Present analysis is based on the simple ordinary least square method to indentify the important linkage between the export and the growth considering the economy of Luxemburg. Experimental results reveal a significant positive relationship of exports, government spending, educational expenditure, on growth of the economy. Export shows that one unit increase in the export cause a positive change of .17 in the economic growth. In the same way government, exp. and education exp. show a coefficient of 2.67 and 9.93 with positive sign. This article identifies the association between the export and the economic growth with respect to Luxemburg

    Managerial latitude and adaptive selling:Important roles of salesperson perceived control and work centrality

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    Based on the Conservation of Resources theory, we propose a positive relationship between managerial latitude and salespeople’s adaptive-selling behavior. We also propose salesperson perceived control as a relevant mediator and salesperson work centrality as an important boundary condition. Using time-lagged (three rounds, two months apart) data from 321 sales manager-employee dyads, the present work shows that managerial latitude positively influences adaptive selling, both directly and indirectly, via salesperson perceived control. Furthermore, our findings demonstrate that salesperson work centrality functions as a moderator of the direct association between managerial latitude and perceived control, as well as in the indirect link between managerial latitude and adaptive selling. The present study carries several important practical implications for organizations operating in different service and manufacturing sectors.<br/

    A short report on epidemiological investigation of dog bite cases in association with temperature rise as a part of climate change

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    Background: Rabies is a neglected disease that claims more than 5000 human’s deaths in Pakistan that account for 10% global load of rabies related deaths annually. Dogs are major carriers for this zoonotic ailment in the country. Global climatic changes, especially rise in temperature, is altering ecological niche of reservoir of infectious diseases. Pakistan is among those countries which are most effected by the temperature rise. This rise has a relation in increase in dog bites and subsequent rabies cases to develop.Methods: Passive data of dog bite cases is acquired from Institute of Public health and were examined for 12 consecutive months. Data analyzed by SPSS software for frequency distribution of dog bite cases in comparison with different months of the year.Results: Data analysis indicate a positive correlation between temperature rise and dog bites rates. This study found prevalence of 2.56% dog bite cases and seasonality in dog bites.Conclusion: These finding recommend further study to investigate other factors involved in increase of dog bite cases in high temperature months of years.  In order to develop understanding the reasons of subsequent rabies cases associated with dog bites. Bats are the most sensitive mammals to high temperature and they migrate and even dye due to hike in temperature, which later may become source of various zoonotic diseases including rabies. Carnivorous bats are believed to be primary reservoir for rabies worldwide but Pakistan do not have this bat specie (Desmodus rotundus). However, increase in dog bite and rabies cases with every year suggest to monitor Indian fruit bat (Pteropus giganteus) which are prevalent in Pakistan.  Ecological Niche Model (ENM) should be used for bats to determine their role in rabies ecology in Pakistan.Keywords: Rabies; Dog bites; Climate shift; Disease ecology; Pteropus giganteu

    Managerial latitude and adaptive selling:Important roles of salesperson perceived control and work centrality

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    Based on the Conservation of Resources theory, we propose a positive relationship between managerial latitude and salespeople’s adaptive-selling behavior. We also propose salesperson perceived control as a relevant mediator and salesperson work centrality as an important boundary condition. Using time-lagged (three rounds, two months apart) data from 321 sales manager-employee dyads, the present work shows that managerial latitude positively influences adaptive selling, both directly and indirectly, via salesperson perceived control. Furthermore, our findings demonstrate that salesperson work centrality functions as a moderator of the direct association between managerial latitude and perceived control, as well as in the indirect link between managerial latitude and adaptive selling. The present study carries several important practical implications for organizations operating in different service and manufacturing sectors.<br/

    Bladder Hernia; A Case Report

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    Inguinal&nbsp;bladder&nbsp;hernia is a rare condition usually diagnosed per-operatively. Patients may present with inguinal swelling,&nbsp;dysuria,&nbsp;hematuria,or&nbsp;urinary urgency. Obesity, advancing age and poor musculature are risk factors. We hereby present a case of inguinal&nbsp;bladder&nbsp;hernia in a 47-year-old obese male presented to outpatient department with history of inguino-scrotal, partially reducible swelling, lower urinary tract symptoms, off and on haematuria and dysuria. Scrotal ultrasound showed clear fluid present in the scrotum which was communicating with bladder. This was confirmed by cystography showing “dog ear”sign. Hernia containing bladder was reduced and hernioplasty was performed

    A Shift From Logistic Software to Service Model: A Case Study of New Service-Driven-Software for Management of Emergency Supplies During Disasters and Emergency Conditions by WHO

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    World Health Organization (WHO) states access to medicine as a priority area for universal health coverage, wherein a well-functioning medicine supply chain is indispensable. Optimization of supply chains to cut losses related to overstocking, expiration, and inefficiencies protect the investments and strengthen health systems to better deliver the health services. This article shares the experience of developing a service-driven-software for pharmaceutical supplies during emergency conditions and disasters, and the advantages gained. In 2005, Logistic Support System (LSS), the updated version of SUMA (Supply Management), was introduced by WHO during the earthquake in Pakistan which had offered valuable but limited services to many countries. Moving from ad hoc to a more organized approach, the medical donations and stockpiles of essential medicinal supplies were inventoried on LSS database for managing the dispatch of medical supplies to the disaster-hit area in a shortest possible time. Post disaster rescue and rehabilitation work further instigated the need for development of a new software, Pharmaceutical Information Management System (PIMS), that was effective in the emergency as well as routine inventory operations. It was used for efficient and improved access of medicines and faster decision making. The new systems proved vital to anticipate over/under stocking through proactive alerts and prompting. The updated information on epidemiological and drug utilization needs were crucial for the effective quantification and ordering throughout the supply chain. Implementation of PIMS demanded appreciable customization including conversion of system from stand-alone to online system with consolidation of information on stocks from all locations. Provision of multi-user option allowed facilitation according to the user authorization, and was equipped with improved-speed, efficiency, and security. PIMS was successfully replicated by the pioneer team of pharmacist from Pakistan in other countries