25 research outputs found

    Chemical, Colour and Strength Changes of Eco-friendly Hot Oil Treatment on 15 Year-old Cultivated Acacia Hybrid

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    The chemical, colour and strength properties of thermally modified cultivated 15-year-old Acacia hybrid were investigated. Logs of A. hybrid were harvested and cut at the bottom, middle and top sections. The wood later underwent hot oilthermal modification using palm oil at temperatures 180°C, 200°C and 220°C for 30, 60 and 90 min. Untreated wood was used as control. The hot oil thermal modification process caused some features changed in the chemical composition, colour appearances and strength properties of A. hybrid wood. Parameters such as temperatures and treatment time were closely monitored as they influence the chemical, colour and strength changes in the treated wood. Temperatures of 180°C, 200°C and 220°C, and treatment time of 1 hr, 2 hrs. and 3 hrs. were used in the study. The degradation in holocellulose, cellulose, and hemicellulose contents was recognized when acacia woods were exposed to oil thermally modified process. Holocellulose and celulose degraded with the increasing of treatment temperature and duration of heating exposure, while lignin showed the increment in content through this treatment. The colour changes in the sapwood and heartwood were measured using the Minolta Chroma-meter CR-310 and the results are presented according to the CIE L*a*b* colour co-ordinates system. The results show that temperature at certain treatment time enhanced and darkened the treated wood. The colour of the treated sapwood can be enhanced to match the colour of the natural A. hybrid heartwood. The strength properties of the oil heat treated A. hybrid wood decreases in values of both MOR and MOE throughout thetreatment process. The decreases in values were influenced by temperature and duration of the treatment

    Anatomical and physical properties of cultivated two- and four-year-old bambusa vulgaris

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    Cultivated Bambusa vulgaris of two and four-year old were harvested and studied for their anatomy and physical properties. The anatomy properties between the two age-group of bamboo were observed to have some degrees of variation. This showed that the bamboo anatomy structure has strong correlation with age. The frequency of vascular bundles was greater at the bottom and top portion than in the middle portion of both age-groups. There was no difference in vessel diameter between the two and four-year old culms at the middle of the culms wall thickness. The cell’s wall thickness of both parenchyma and fibre were greater in the 4 year-old than in the 2 year-old culms. In the physical aspect, basic density was found to be higher in the 4 year-old culms than in the 2 year-old by 5 to 8%, and increases from lower to upper internodes showing that there is a maturing process going on between the two age-group relative to the tissue type that they possess

    Anatomical properties and microstructures features of four cultivated bamboo gigantochloa species

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    Anatomical properties and microstructure features of four (4) cultivated species of popular tropical bamboo genus Gigantochloa were studied. Gigantochloa brang, G. levis, G. scotechinii and G. wrayi of age-group 3 were selected, harvested and processed for the anatomical and microstructure studies. The studies focussed mainly on the vascular bundles and fiber cells located at the internodes and nodes 8 at the outer, middle and inner layers of the bamboo. The sizes of the vascular bundles length, vascular bundles width, fiber length, fiber diameter, fiber lumens diameter, fiber walls thickness and fiber Runkle’s ratio were measured between each of the species in relation to the samples positions at the internodes, nodes, and positions in the cross-section of the bamboo culms. The results in the fibers morphology studies showed that the fibers for each species has different lengths, diameters, cell walls thickness and lumen sizes. The size of vascular bundle is smaller at outer position and become bigger at the inner position. All the four (4) bamboo species exhibited similar in characteristics but having different sizes in anatomy and microstructure features

    Chemical, colour and strength changes of hot oil treatment process on 15-year-old cultivated acacia hybrid

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    The chemical, color and strength properties of thermally modified cultivated 15-year-old Acacia hybrid were investigated. Logs of A. hybrid were harvested and cut at the bottom, middle and top sections. The wood later underwent hot oil thermal modification using palm oil at temperatures 180, 200 and 220ºC for 30,60 and 90 min. Untreated wood was used as control. The hot oil thermal modification process caused some features changed in the chemical composition, color appearances and strength properties of A. hybrid wood. Parameters such as temperatures and treatment time were closely monitored as they influence the chemical, color and strength changes in the treated wood. Temperatures of 180, 200 and 220ºC, and treatment time of 1,2 and 3 h. were used in the study. The degradation in holocellulose, cellulose, and hemicellulose contents was recognized when acacia woods were exposed to oil thermally modified process. Holocellulose and cellulose degraded with the increasing of treatment temperature and duration of heating exposure, while lignin showed the increment in content through this treatment. The color changes in the sapwood and heartwood were measured using the Minolta Chroma-meter CR-310 and the results are presented according to the CIE L* a*b* color co-ordinates system. The results show that temperature at certain treatment time enhanced and darkened the treated wood. The color of the treated sapwood can be enhanced to match the color of the natural. A hybrid heartwood. The strength properties of the oil heat treated A. hybrid wood decreases in values of both MOR and MOE throughout the treatment process. The decreases in values were influenced by temperature and duration of the treatmen

    Anatomical and microstructures features of tropical bamboo Gigantochloa brang, G. levis, G. scotechinii and G. wrayi.

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    Anatomical and microstructure studies on four of cultivated tropical bamboo species of genus Gigantochloa were studied. Gigantochloa brang, G. levis, G. scotechinii and G. wrayi of age-group 3 were selected, harvested and processed for use in the studies. The studies focussed mainly on the vascular bundles and fibers located at the internodes and nodes at the outer, middle and inner sections of the bamboo culm wall. The sizes of the vascular bundles length, vascular bundles width, fiber length, fiber diameter, fiber lumens diameter, fiber walls thickness and fiber Runkle's ratio were measured between each of the species in relation to the samples positions at the internodes, nodes, and positions in the cross-section of the bamboo culms. The results in the fibers morphology studies showed that the fibers for each species have different lengths, diameters, cell walls thickness and lumen sizes. The size of vascular bundle is smaller at outer position and becomes bigger at the inner position. All the four (4) bamboo species exhibited similar in characteristics but their anatomical features and microstructures were different. Introduction Bamboo has been the focus of research and development in recent years. Bamboos are considered to be among the fastest growing plant on earth. This makes them the best possible alternative to replace timber as a source of cellulose in the future. Research and development which covers all aspects in silviculture, propagation, processing, properties and utilization of bamboo found naturally growing wild in the forest and cultivated has been intensified. However, study on cultivated bamboo stands has so far mostly confined to selected species in silviculture and fertilizers application to enhance growing (Azmy et al. 2007). Information on the properties such as anatomical and structural properties of various bamboo species is rather limited. The anatomy and physical properties of bamboo culms have been known to have significant effects on their durability and strength (Liese, 1985; Latif & Tamizi, 1993; Razak, 1998). Studies on the anatomical and physical properties of cultivated Bambusa vulgaris conducted by Razak et al. (2010) support this statement. Information generated on the anatomical properties of bamboo can be used to determine their possible proper utilization. Currently, bamboo used for making traditional products such as handicraft, basketry, and high-value added products of panels, parquets, furniture and construction materials. Gigantochloa species of bamboo are among the most popular tropical bamboo species for plantation. These bamboo are easily cultivated and possess thick culms wall, and having uniform sizes between the nodes and internodes. This makes them suitable as materials for industrial usage

    Effects of hot oil treatment on colour and chemical changes in 15-yaar-old Acacia hybrid

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    Acacia hybrid trees aged 15 years were harvested and cut into samples consisting of sapwood and heartwood taken from the bottom, middle and top portions of the tree. The wood samples were thermally modified using temperatures of 180, 200 and 220 °C, and treatment times of 30, 60 and 90 min. The colour changes in the sapwood and heartwood were measured using a chroma meter and the results presented according to the CIE L*a*b * colour coordinate system. The results showed that temperature at a certain treatment time enhanced and darkened the treated wood. The colour of treated sapwood could be enhanced to match the colour of natural Acacia hybrid heartwood. For chemical analysis, wood samples were dried and ground into sawdust. Untreated samples were used as controls. The results showed that the holocellulose contents decreased between 1.0 and 11.7% for sapwood, and 2.3 and 12.8% for heartwood. The cellulose contents decreased as much as 1.9% to 20.0% for sapwood and 2.3 to 22.1% for heartwood. The hemicellulose contents increased to 4.1% for sapwood and 5.7% for heartwood. Lignin contents increased to 15.4% for sapwood and 11.6% for heartwood

    Effectiveness of hot oil treatment on cultivated 15 year-old acacia hybrid against Coriolus versicolors, Gloeophyllum trabeum and Pycnoporus sanguineus

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    The effectiveness of the hot oil treatment process on 15 year old cultivated Acacia hybrid was studied. Accelerated laboratory durability studies were conducted on the hot oil treated Acacia hybrid inoculated with fungi Coriolus versicolors, Gloeophyllum trabeum and Pycnoporus sanguineus. The logs of Acacia hybrid were harvested, segregated into bottom, middle and top portions, and later were oil-heat treated in an organic palm oil at temperatures of 180, 200 and 220°C for the duration of 30, 60 and 90 min. The wood samples that were dried and ground into sawdust was air-dried again before undergoing accelerated laboratory durability tests. Untreated samples were used as control. The durability of the wood increases with an increase in temperature and duration of the treatment. The hot oil treated samples could reduce the attack of G. trabeum from 20.89%, 20.94% and 21.29% in the control samples to 0.88-4.07%, 1.22-4.84% and 1.28-4.22% at bottom, middle and top portions, respectively. The attack of C. versicolors were reduced from 26.59%, 30.28% and 34.79% in the control samples to 2.89-9.41%, 3.88-16.84 and 4.27-17.34% at bottom, middle and top portions. However, the attacked of P. sanguineus were least effective with 31.42%, 36.33% and 36.55% in control samples to 3.26-12.55%, 4.67-15.36% and 4.69-19.22% at bottom, middle and top portions. Massive colonization of mycelia occurs in vessels of the untreated Acacia hybrid wood in comparison to the hot oil treated wood when observed through scanning electron microscope

    Impact of instagram on self-esteem among students in Northern University: a case study in UUM

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    Instagram is utilized each day universally and it is a more up to date free social networking site. It is an online versatile photograph sharing, video-sharing and social networking service that empowers its users to take pictures and recordings and offer them on various stages. Self esteem refers to both an individual’s affective feeling towards themselves (how much they like themselves) as well as their cognitive judgment of their own self-worth. This study was conducted through interview among selected students in Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). Focus of this study is the impact of Instagram on selfesteem in individual and the different on self-esteem between genders. The result shows many of the responses were positive feelings about themselves. Meanwhile, findings also show that there is a difference in self-esteem between the male and a female students which is female students has more self-esteem than male students. Social media play an important role in individual life. It is further pointed out that more current and future research is relevant to the use of social media and its importance to the development of one's self-esteem

    Changes in strength and chemical contents of oil heat treated 15-year-old cultivated Acacia hybrid

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    Studies were conducted on the changes in strength and chemical contents of cultivated 15 year-old Acacia hybrid treated through oil heat treatment process. The timbers harvested and cut at the portions bottom, middle and top, were oil heat treated using palm oil for durations of 30, 60 and 90 min. at temperatures of 180, 200 and 220℃. The untreated A. hybrid was used as control. The results of the studies showed that the oil heat treatment process causes some changes in the strength and chemical composition of the timbers. Strength reduction during the bending tests in both the MOR and MOE were noted throughout the treatment process. The chemical constituents of the treated timber also underwent changes in their contents. The holocellulose and cellulose degraded with the increasing of treatment temperature and duration in the oil heat treatment, while lignin showed the increment in content through this treatment. The changes in values of both the strength and chemical contents were influenced by temperature and duration of the treatment


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    Household Expenditure Survey (HES) was utilized to accumulate information on the level and patterns of consumption expenditure of private households. It was additionally used to update the weighting patterns and to decide the items in the basket of goods and services for the compilation of the Consumer Price Index for Malaysia. The primary goals of HES are to assemble information on the level and pattern of consumption expenditure by household on a comprehensive range of goods and services. It additionally to decide the goods and services to be included into the basket of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and to update the CPI weights which is a proportion of expansion rate in the country. Hence, this study is conducted based on HES information gathered on 1998 and 2014. The objectives of this study are to implement Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) approach on HES data for the year 1998 and 2014 and to define who is the good spender and the bad spender is based on their income and expenditure. Keywords: Household Expenditure Survey (HES), Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), expenditure, incom