7 research outputs found
Dominant culture and bullying : personal accounts of workers in Malaysia
Workplace bullying has been termed the cancer of the workplace; it is a widespread and often intractable problem. Internationally, a wealth of research has examined the prevalence of workplace bullying and its negative effects. This research base and the scientific definition of workplace bullying are, however, based on Western perspectives and supported by theories, models, and research studies conducted in Western cultures. The differences in cultural perspectives of Western and Eastern countries mean that workplace bullying may not be understood in the same way across different cultural groups, particularly when cultures differ along the Individualism-Collectivism dimension. Given that Malaysia is an Eastern country with a number of ethnic groups, a more comprehensive understanding of workplace bullying in the Malaysian context is important. Through a case study comprising in-depth qualitative interviews with 20 employees from different organisations in Malaysia, this chapter reveals six lay beliefs of workplace bullying and 19 lay beliefs about bullying behaviors. The study also found that the 12 bullying behaviors are work related while the other seven are personal-nature bullying behaviors. These results emphasize the influence of culture on how bullying is perceived within the Malaysian context, and the importance of understanding lay representations of workplace bullying from the Eastern context that apparent across nation. Based on the interviews, a general definition of workplace bullying from Malaysian employees' perspectives is presented and developed. The chapter concludes with implications for understanding bullying as an important psychosocial hazard at work and recommendations for future research and practice across the Asia Pacific region
Non-verbal cues: an inevitable assesing skils in doctor-patient relationship
Introduction: Non-verbal cues are untold words that carry a significant meaning. As a doctor, this remark needs to be perceived correctly. It is an inevitable communication knowledge and skills ought to be mastered in any doctorpatient relationship, particularly when making patient’s assessment.
Methodology: This was a systematic communication assessment of a real observations on doctor-patient relationship in various setting. It was supported by feedbacks from many scholars who were involved in research and teaching and also reviews, papers and studies on the said subject.
Results: It has been realized that non-verbal communication was equally important and necessary to complement the verbal one. From all non-verbal cues we have recognized and listed, we have identified at least ten to be the most
vital areas to be observed while counseling or consulting a patient.
Conclusion: Non-verbal cues were always present to support doctor in making a final conclusion about his/her patient’s state. If doctor was patience enough, he or she could has a complete profile of his/her patient and this would lead
to the improvement in a person’s life. Having an observant attitude and being able to nose around appropriately were skills that have to be learnt, experienced and applied as these might make an effective doctor-patient
Empowering patient’s relatives: How to do it right using the media
Introduction : Relatives play an important role in patient care - not only providing social support but also help to complement the existing care. They must be empowered with relevant knowledge and skills of patient care including motivating patient towards immediate healing and acceptance of his fate. Although these are various approaches, the media is regarded as the most effective method in educating the family or the relatives. This paper highlights the significant role of the media as an educational tool to mobilize patient’s relatives in total patient care.
Methodology : This is a review conducted on reports, observations and feedbacks gathered from various sources involved in patient education in hospital setting. It was endorsed by a series of in-depth expert forum under patient education module.
Results : Relative empowerment has been identified to be as an important role and yet it is not fully utilized. The manpower resources are so scarce and crucial in patient as well as relative education. The media is the only alternative educational tool that could compliment the educational needs. Of all potential media available in the market we have recognized at least four types of media that can be optimally resourced and used. Through manipulation of its content and making it interactive, the role of media seemed to be extremely effective in patient management that include relatives.
Conclusion : The role of media in relative’s education in support of patient care is undeniable. The media with the most potential should be identified and the management of its content to be enhanced. It must be incorporated with an interactive approach in order to have more self-involvement and undersatanding of its content
Risk management: a new dimension in health management
Introduction : Health management is a tool to ensure an effective running of health program and at the same time avoiding flaws to its components including patients, workers and the entire organization. Risk management is a new concept in health management where the determinants of the problems or the risks are put to minima. It’s strategies are oriented towards prevention as well as controlling to all its administrative system.
Methodology : This is a systematic review on various papers, studies and observations put forwards by risk management experts. It is also supported by feedbacks from many scholars who are involved in research and teaching.
Results : It is been observed that risk management activities have been on practiced in health care delivery system. It is not a new form, but rather a situational action based on certain issues. In fact, it happens in any organization – public or private. Close observation on this area has triggered development of various risk management
models including some administrative standard and guidelines.
Conclusion: Risk management is a new approach that need to be practiced by all manager and leader. Its discipline involves interpretation of risk at all angles. It is not only confined to the explicit component, but should also be expended to others area as well. It needs a good sense and good attitude of the manager. The essence of risk
management is to minimize the risk to patient, staff, public and the entire organization
Perbandingan klinik swasta di bandar dan luar bandar di Negeri Selangor, 2009
Introduction : Selangor’s private clinic registry system had been introduced in 2006 following gazettment of The Private Healthcare Facilities and Services Act. Through the act, data’s from the private clinics can be obtained and its characteristics can be compared between the urban and rural private clinic. An overview of the services can be known and an appropriate action can be planned.
Methodology : A cross-sectional study was done on private clinics registered in state of Selangor. Using databased known as MedPCs (Medical Practice Control System), a purposive sampling was used to select four districts – two urban and two rural. All private clinics in the selected districts were studied and all details shall be collected on line.
Result : District of Gombak and Klang were selected as urban and Sabak Bernam and Kuala Selangor represented rural area. Of a total 625 clinics selected, 90.0% (562) from
urban and 10.0% (63) rural. Distributions of clinic were in line with the act. The most prominent services were general treatment (89.4%) and ability to serve more than eight hours daily (89.4%). Medical clinic still dominated at 84.0% compared to dentistry at 16.0%. About 70.6% were operated by male doctors. Though clinic services in rural were relatively as good as urban, the different were significantly observed to the ethnicity of the doctor. Indian doctors more in rural (46.03%), whilst in urban, Malay doctors were more dominant (39.50%). Followed closely by seniority, where rural doctors were much senior (51.02 years old), however, most of the doctors in rural private clinics experienced less exposure in government sectors,
compared to those in urban areas.
Conclusion : There were obvious difference in terms of distribution, where more clinics were
located in urban compared to rural, but all were still in line to the act and their services were comparable. Most noticeable differences were ethnicity, seniority and past experience working in the public sector. Indian doctors were dominant in rural and Malay in urban. Although rural doctors were more senior, relatively they were less experienced working in the government sector
Comparing the sustainability of an Islamic dietary intervention to maintain weight loss 6 months after Ramadan between intervention and control groups
Maintaining weight loss after the initial phases of any weight loss intervention is a challenge. Rationally, it depends on how well the adherence is to the prescribed treatment. This study is to test the sustainability of an intervention in maintaining weight lost during Ramadan by using voluntary fasting. Methods: Two groups of respondents (Muslim women with body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25.0 kg/m2) were randomly recruited from two states in Malaysia. One group received the Islamic based intervention (Group A) and the other received the standard intervention (Group B). The intervention consisted of three phases. The first phase was the intensive phase which was the control of food quantity intake during the fasting month of Ramadan. The second phase was the maintenance phase where the respondents were assisted to continue monitoring their food consumption using the food diary for 3 months and the third phase was the following 3 months without any assistance. The variables studied were BMI, blood pressure (systolic and diastolic pressure) and selected blood biochemical (i.e. total cholesterol (TC) and high density lipoprotein (HDL-C)). Variables were measured at baseline, at the end of Ramadan and at 6 months post Ramadan. Results: At 6 months post Ramadan the BMI, diastolic pressure, TC, HDL-C and TC/HDL-C ratio changes were different between the two groups (except for BMI changes where P=0.02, all others
The Informal Caregivers\u27 Perception of Wandering
Although the term wandering is routinely used by clinicians, researchers, and informal caregivers (ICs), the meaning of this term varies depending on the source of the definition and the context in which it is used. The purpose of this study was to examine the terms ICs used to describe different scenarios that have been identified in literature as “wandering,” determine their perception of risk, and compare their definitions of wandering with the perspectives of researchers. Structured interviews were conducted with 128 ICs of older adults with dementia. Informal Caregivers rarely used the term wandering to label different scenarios that had been previously identified in the literature as wandering. Responses to a survey of 17 wandering experts did not reflect agreement on a definition for wandering. These findings suggest that a broad set of terms should be used to describe this potentially dangerous behavior when health care providers communicate with ICs