4 research outputs found

    Study on agricultural waste and brackish waters in Ahvaz and Khuramshahr to development aquaculture

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    This study was done in 2008 on agricultural sewage for aquaculture in six stations. Two stations were in Ahvaz Khorramshahr road near sugar cane plantation sewage in west Karoon, Two stations were in Ahvaz-Abadan road in sugar cane plantation sewage in east Karoon and Azadegan sewage and two stations were in agricultural sewage in the north of Ahvaz. Monthly Samplings of planktons, physical, chemical parameters were taken during Aprile to March 2008. In addition seasonal sampling of benthic fauna and fish were carried out. Heavy metal and toxic samples were done only one time during the study period. Measurement of some parameters such as temperature and pH were done during sampling procedure and other parameters were measured in laboratory based on standard methods. Heavy metal concentrations were measured with polarography and voltammetry techniques and toxic substances were extracted and concentrated to determine the concentration of them in water using GC device. For identifying phytoplanktons, 1 liter water from middle depth was sampled in each station and 4% formalin was added. Zooplankton were sampled monthly using 55µ plankton net. Fish samplings were done using cast net regarding regional condition, and sampling from benthic invertebrate of river were done using Petersen grab with 15.5cm*15.5cm. Results of water quality index (WQI) from Koushk Talaieh (station1), Artificial lake station (station 2), Farabi(station 3), and Azadegan aquaculture sewage station (station4) showed that water quality is in group four. WQS index was used for Maleh(station 5) and Pumping station (6 station) stations due to high levels of salinity. The WQS results showed that water quality of these stations were moderate to low. Heavy metals in water, the ordination is as follows: Ni>Zn>Pb>Cu>Co>Cd>Hg Mercury levels in all cases were less than the standard and all the elements have been somewhat less than chronic toxicity level. The values of all studied metals are lower than the WHO limit. The results indicated that chlorinated pesticides in all samples are at low level and they are at acceptable levels for aquaculture. In this study, 34 genus of phytoplankton from Bacilariophyceae (diatoms), Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae and Dinophyceae were present with 11, 8, 14 and one genus respectively and the percentage of frequencies were respectively 37.64, 34.26, 23.24 and 4.87%. In general phytoplanktons of wastewater were in modest condition for using in aquaculture. In this study, about 1,000 samples of zooplankton in 6 stations were identified and counted during the year. The high percentage of zooplankton were belonged to three groups of protozoa (mainly ciliates), Rotifer and copepods were. The Rotifers with more than 90 percent frequency had the maximum prevalence. The dominant rotifer species was Brachionus calciferous. Although in this study the dominant group of zooplanktons was rotifers but the frequency is not high. Therefore we cannot call this circumstance as eutrophic condition, however the growing trend of high food phenomenon has announced. High benthic diversity was observed in artificial lake wastewater station and Azadegan aquaculture sewage station. The most frequent taxa were in Azadegan aquaculture sewage station during autumn and winter which belonged to resistant Chironemidae larvae. In Koushk Talaieh, Farabi and Maleh stations, Chironemidae was dominanted and in Pumping station Coleoptera was dominant group. Hilsenhoff index showed that most of waste water stations were in poor to very poor condition, indicating that they were heavily contaminated. The data analysis of macrobenthose data in wastewaters based on Satropi and biological value (Z) showed that potential of fish production in Azadegan and artificial lake was high during the year. These two water sources have suitable situation for potential production and biological value, therefore with special plans for culturing low demand fish would be possible. In this study, 7 fish species belongs to 7 genera from 4 families were collected. Freshwater and marine water species was observed in the catch composition. According to the results of the four studied stations, artificial lake station and Farabi had the highest number of catch which mostly belonged to Acanttopetrus Latus and Liza Abuo. In general, based on biological parameters, such as zooplankton frequency, all stations had similar conditions but in terms of phytoplankton, Azadegan aquaculture sewage station, Pumping stations and Farabi wastewater have better condition for aquaculture. The FBI index showed that the artificial lake station and pumping station are more suitable for aquaculture activity. Low demand fish is recommended for Azadegan aquaculture sewage station. Artificial lake station had lower primary production but it is more suitable for aquaculture because of its lower FBI index value. Most of the fish presence was in the artificial lake station and Farabi wastewater which belonged to two predominant species of Acanttopetrus Latus and Liza Abuo. In general, based on biological and non-biological parameters, artificial lake station in the west Karoon and Azadegan aquaculture sewage station have better water quality than the other stations for aquaculture activities. This requires management action and special schemes

    Ecological study on rearing shrimp ponds (Litopenaeus vannemei) in Choebdeh Abadan

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    Following to introduce Vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) into Iran aquaculture industries by fisheries organization its postlarvae were successfully reared in ponds in Bushehr and Choebdeh in Khuzestan. Due to activity of Shrimp site and importance of input and output water quality, this study was done in 11 stations including: two stations in Bahmanshir river, two station in C4 and C5 irrigation canals, six staions in active farms along C4 cannel (Yonesi, Mosavei and Salman Zadeh), and C5 cannel (Mohamadi, Khairi and Ashraf Por) and one staion in output draing were selected. Sampling were carried out from May2009 befor beginning stocking to harvest time in October 2009. Physico- chemical parameters and plankton sampled biweekly and benthic animals and heavy metals were sampled monthly. Some parameters such as pH and temperature by using portable multy parameters and others. Analyzed with standard methods. Heavy metals were measured by plarography method (797 Vamtro). Plankton and benthos samples were studied only in Bahmanshir station. According to results the maximum values for DO (11.1 ppm) PO4 (1.86 ppm) NO3 (8.4 ppm) and TSS (4992 ppm), pH (8.4) NO2 (0.18 ppm) BOD5 (9.06 ppm) were measured. In comparison to aquaculture water quality standards except for TSS in river stations others are located in allowable range. We didn’t observed any main changes in water quality from river to output drainage. The results of biotic parameters in river stations showed that diatoms were the most group of phytoplanktons. Zooplankton groups were Copepods, Rotifera and Protozoa. Tintinids and Nematoda larvae were the most abundant zooplankton. Benthic animals were included nine crustacean species and two annelid species. Isopods with 52% were the most and ant group

    Environmental impact assessment for Indian carp introduction to Azadegan fish pond

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    Azadegan aquaculture site is located 25 km south of Ahvaz in southern of Khuzestan plain. Primary study of Azadegan aquaculture site was done in 1992 with the aim of developing feasibility of warm water aquaculture and the second phase was done in 1996-1998 by Mohandesin Moshaver Pandam. Now, cyprinus carpio, Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Ctenopharyngodon idella), Barbus grypus) and Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi rear in this site. Considering special traits of Indian carps such as different level of production in earth pool, diet diversity, and more favorability for consumers, possibility of alternation with common carps, adaptability, growth and maturity in Khuzestan climate, this species can increase the efficiency of Khuzestan aquaculture industry as one of the poles of production in country. In this study the environmental impact assessment of the region was done because of the importance of Shadegan wetland as receiving waste area. Leopold matrix was used for assessment and quantifying environmental impacts of India carp aquaculture. Identification and prediction of effects were done based on the matrix. In using phase, 101 effects were identified which 34 were negative and 67 were positive. 18.8 percentage of effects were physic-chemical, 25.7% was biologic and ecologic and 55.5% was in socio-economic environment. In the operation phase, from all of the anticipated effects in physic-chemical environment 5 effects were positive and 14 effects were negative and in ecologic-biologic environment 17 effects were negative and 9 effects were positive. In socio-economic environment from 56 effects 3 were negative and 53 were positive. In order to summarizing the scores in environmental impact assessment matrix, final scores concluded from weighted scores of different environments including physic- chemical, ecological-biological and socio- economic environments. These scores showed that physical activities will have negative effects due to sewage production and negative effect on water resources. However, because of positive effects in socio-economic and ecologic environments, the final score in +83 that shows general result will be positive especially in economic and social environment. Due to the positive effects of the project on the economic and social conditions such as improving living conditions, creating job opportunities due to culturing this species and changing patterns of employment, increasing income levels at local, provincial and even national scale, increasing the price of land, supporting lateral and related industries, including hatcheries, fish-producing industries, manufacturing and processing industries and conversion, marketing and export, as well as the pharmaceutical industry (veterinary drugs), education development of specialized human resources and its role in the development of aquaculture projects in compliance with the recommendations of management and control is permitted

    Study on Mahshahr creeks (north of Persian Gulf) as protected area

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    In recent years MPAs (Marine Protected Areas) have been known as a flexible tool to improve fishery management as well as to preserve biodiversity in valuable coastal waters habitats. This study was conducted to selecting the sensitive and high potential area that are impacted by several environmental stress and associated habitats are being damaged in Mahshahr creeks in Northwest of Persian Gulf. Study was done in eight creeks from October 2005 to September 2006. Different biotic parameters such as phytoplanktons, zooplankton, macro zooplankton, benthic animals and fishes (trawled species) communities and also physico-chemical parameters and sediments heavy metals were investigated. Different parameters were sampled monthly or seasonal from each creek. Water samples with bottle sampler and sediment were collected by Peterson grab. Several ecological and biological indices based on heavy metals and benthic communities were used. Concentrations of heavy metals were measured by using voltammetric plarography method (Methrom 797). The range and mean concentrations obtained in mg/kg were 35.16-15.03 (27.01) for Cu, 171.41-65.57 (102.672) for Ni, 20.06-4.63 (13.22) for Co, 0.78-0.093 (0.22) for Hg, 379-65.07 (113.7) for Zn, 1.00-0.27 (0.559) for Cd and 29.72-7.09 (14.66) for Pb. To evaluate the levels of sediment contaminations, the background values of the different heavy metals were calculated and contamination factor for each metals and degree of contamination for each creek determined as well. Measured concentrations were compared with International standards. Ultimately the heavy metals contamination factors (Cf) can be arranged as follows: Hg> Zn> Cu≥ Ni> Pb≥ Co > Cd and according to contamination degree (Cd), different creeks can be arranged as follows too: Ghannam> Ahmady≥ Zangy> Doragh≥ Darvish> ghazaleh> Patil> Bihad Regarding the results some elements such as Hg, Zn and Ni, are at risk level and all of the studied creeks are classified in moderate degree of pollution except Ghannam showing considerable degree of pollution. The benthic invertebrates are a well-established target in evaluations of environmental quality status. The AMBI (AZTI,s Marine Biotic Index) was developed to determine the impacts and the quality status in softbottom marine benthic communities. All creeks are characterized by muddy bottom. Macrobenthic animals, according to their sensitivity to an increasing stress gradient, classified in five ecological groups. In present study due to appearance of dominant species such as Capitella sp and nematodes (as opportunist species), diversity values was reduced. Two way ANOVAs showed only seasonal significant differences in mean abundance (P<0.05, f=5.712, df: 3,21) and Richness index values (p<0.05, f= 4.975, df=3,21), while all of creeks showed similar biological characters based on benthic communities. According to annual, mean of AMBI (BC) all of creeks classified in ecological group III with slightly pollution, except Darvish that was placed in unpolluted category. In general, according to AMBI and BI values, The most creeks are classified in unpolluted (34%) and slightly pollution (34%) categories except Zangy, Doragh and Patil in summer and also Zangy and Bihad in winter that showed moderate to heavily pollution (32%). The results of chemical quality of sediments, Cf values, Cd values, AMBI Index and water quality and risk Indices have confirmed each other. In general, the Mahshahr creeks are classified in moderate to heavy pollution status. In addition, biological parameters of benthic communities and other biotic parameters have showndescending trend in ecological quality in all of the studied creeks. Communities. According to annual, mean of AMBI (BC) all of creeks classified in ecological group III with slightly pollution, except Darvish that was placed in unpolluted category. In general, according to AMBI and BI values, the most creeks are classified in unpolluted (34%) and slightly pollution (34%) categories except Zangy, Doragh and Patil in summer and also Zangy and Bihad in winter that showed moderate to heavily pollution (32%). The results of chemical quality of sediments, Cf values, Cd values, AMBI Index and water quality and risk Indices have confirmed each other. In general, the Mahshahr creeks are classified in moderate to heavy pollution status. In addition, biological parameters of benthic communities and other biotic parameters have showndescending trend in ecological quality in all of the studied creeks. We used of some criteria for evaluation of biotic potential or sensitivity and also to explain the ecological health level of studied creeks. Positive and negative criteria are classified in three level 1, 3 and 5 for low, moderate and high degree of conservation value respectively. According to gained points the creeks Darvish, Doragh and Ghazaleh in high level and creeks Ghannam , Zangy and ahmady in low level of conservation value were classified