2 research outputs found

    COVID-19 Vaccination Among Diverse Population Groups in the Northern Governorates of Iraq

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    Objectives: The present study was carried out to investigate COVID-19 vaccination coverage among populations of internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees, and host communities in northern Iraq and the related underlying factors.Methods: Through a cross-sectional study conducted in five governorates in April–May 2022, 4,564 individuals were surveyed. Data were collected through an adapted questionnaire designed to gather data on participants.Results: 4,564 subjects were included (59.55% were 19–45 years old; 54.51% male). 50.48% of the participants (51.49% of host communities, 48.83% of IDPs, and 45.87% of refugees) had been vaccinated with at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine. 40.84% of participants (42.28% of host communities, 35.75% of IDPs, and 36.14% of refugees) had been vaccinated by two doses, and 1.56% (1.65% of host communities, 0.93% of IDPs, and 1.46% of refugees) were vaccinated with three doses.Conclusion: Sociodemographic factors including age, gender, education, occupation, and nationality could affect vaccination coverage. Moreover, higher acceptance rate of vaccination is associated with belief in vaccine safety and effectiveness and trust in the ability of the vaccine to prevent complications

    Folic acid: friend or foe in cancer therapy

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    Folic acid plays a crucial role in diverse biological processes, notably cell maturation and proliferation. Here, we performed a literature review using articles listed in electronic databases, such as PubMed, Scopus, MEDLINE, and Google Scholar. In this review article, we describe contradictory data regarding the role of folic acid in cancer development and progression. While some studies have confirmed its beneficial effects in diminishing the risk of various cancers, others have reported a potential carcinogenic effect. The current narrative review elucidates these conflicting data by highlighting the possible molecular mechanisms explaining each point of view. Further multicenter molecular and genetic studies, in addition to human randomized clinical trials, are necessary to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between folic acid and cancer