121 research outputs found


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    International audienceA novel coaxial resonator to investigate two-surface multipactor discharges on metal and dielectric surfaces in the gap region under vacuum conditions (~10-8 mbar) has been developed and tested. The resonator is ~ 100 mm in length with an outer diameter of ~ 60 mm (internal dimensions). A pulsed RF source delivers up to 30 W average power over a wide frequency range 650-900 MHz to the RF resonator. The incident and reflected RF signals are monitored by calibrated RF diodes. An electron probe provides temporal measurements of the multipacting electron current with respect to the RF pulses. In this paper we compare and contrast the results from the RF power tests of the alumina (97.6% Al2O3) and quartz samples without a coating, “the non-coated samples” and the Alumina and quartz samples with a TiN coating in order to evaluate a home made sputtered titanium nitride (TiN) thin layers as a Multipactor suppressor. The effectiveness of this method is presented and discussed in the paper

    Impact of the food safety policies on the reduction of poverty in Tunisian rural areas

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    The observed trend of decreasing poverty in Tunisian rural areas, where agriculture is still dominated by family and where illiteracy rate and family size are high, questions may be raised about the economic policies adopted by the state. This article puts the analyses of these policies in the framework of food safety issue as food and poverty are tightly related and as food safety objective is multi-sectorial and multi-disciplinary. In economic development plans, food safety objective took the place of self-sufficiency. The analysis of food safety policy is based on a macro-economic analysis of the offer (policies of production pricing and subsidizing, investment policies) and demand (Policies of consumption subsidies and consumer prices) as well as the policies of fight against poverty. This analysis covers two periods: before and after the economic reforms of privatization and liberalization of 1987 (PAS: Structural Adjustment Plan). The assessment of these policies shows that poverty fighting programs are numerous and rich in experiences. These policies are more and more based on assistance programs oriented toward productive actions. The liberalization and privatization efforts were reflected by better performance and competitiveness of the agricultural sector. This had a positive impact on the employment, the migration and the availability of food products in rural areas. The self targeting of the subsidies by differentiating the products reduced the budgetary cost of these transfers and enhanced the equity and the nutritional and food situation of the poor people. The higher increase in income of country people and the decrease of subsidies indicate the more and more use of income direct transfers.Poverty, rural area, structure adjustment, food safety, agricultural and food policies., Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Food Security and Poverty,

    Learner Modeling Based on Bayesian Networks

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    The work presented in this chapter lies within Learner modeling in an adaptive educational system construed as a computational modeling of the learner. All actions of the learner in a learning situation on an adaptive hypermedia systems are not limited to valid or invalid actions (true and false), but they are a set of actions that characterize the learning path of his formation. Thus, we cannot represent the information from the system of each learner using relative data. It requires putting our work in a probabilistic context due to the changes in the learner model information during formation. We propose in this work to use Bayesian networks as a probabilistic framework to resolve the issue of dynamic management and update of the learner model. The experiments and results presented in this work are arguments in favor of our hypothesis, and can also promote reusing the modeling obtained through different systems and similar modeling situations


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    L’objectif de cet article est de prĂ©senter un modĂšle pour mesurer la performance organisationnelle. Il s’inscrit dans la continuitĂ© des travaux de la centrale des bilans de la banque de France qui sont basĂ©s sur une approche Ă©conomique. Notre modĂšle s’appuie sur les revenus rĂ©partis qui mesurent la richesse totale produite par la firme. Ces revenus sont Ă©gaux Ă  la valeur ajoutĂ©e de CDB plus les autres produits encaissables moins les autres charges dĂ©caissables. Notre modĂšle va dĂ©passer la mĂ©thode des revenus rĂ©partis, qui ne fait pas le lien avec la crĂ©ation de la valeur telle qu’elle se dĂ©finit en finance sur la base des flux de trĂ©sorerie, en l’élargissant aux flux de trĂ©sorerie. Notre raisonnement sera en termes d’encaissement dĂ©caissement

    Ontology Alignment OWL-Lite

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    Un systĂšme de formation Ă  l’enseignement des sciences dans le contexte Ă©ducatif marocain : des conditions pour une Ă©volution possible

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    Des enjeux et des problĂ©matiques actuels et futurs vont constituer des facteurs puissants de changement, de modulation et de rĂ©gulation des modes de pensĂ©es, des modes de consommation, et des relations interpersonnelles et intercommunautaires. Une Ă©volution parallĂšle devrait concerner le systĂšme de la formation, plus particuliĂšrement la formation Ă  l’enseignement des sciences. Cependant, par incompĂ©tence ou par peur de transgresser les rĂšgles Ă©tablies, dictĂ©es par les programmes officiels de formation, la majoritĂ© des formateurs perpĂ©tuent une tradition de formation et adopteraient exceptionnellement une posture critique par rapport Ă  leurs pratiques de formation. Le systĂšme de formation Ă  l’enseignement des sciences au Maroc ne semble pas Ă©voluer en dĂ©pit des intentions de rĂ©forme manifestĂ©es concernant l’amĂ©lioration de l’enseignement des sciences. Ce texte relate quelques obstacles et des conditions d'une Ă©volution possible du systĂšme de formation Ă  l'enseignement des sciences de la vie et de la terre au Maroc. En fait, cet article essaye d’articuler deux questions principales Ă  savoir les obstacles Ă  l’évolution du systĂšme de formation Ă  l’enseignement des sciences et celle relative aux conditions de possibilitĂ© de la conception, d’élaboration et de la mise en Ɠuvre de nouveaux modules de formation relativement Ă  l'enseignement des sciences de la vie et de la terre.Stakes and problems, current and future, are going to establish powerful factors of change, modulation and regulation of the ways of thinking, the modes of consumption, and intrapersonal and intercommunity relationship. A parallel evolution should concern the formation system, more particularly the formation or training in the teaching of sciences. However, by incompetence or by fear of breaking established rules dictated by the official programs of the formation, some trainers perpetuate the formation tradition and would exceptionally adopt a critical posture, with regard to their practices of formation. In the teaching of sciences in Morocco, the formation system does not seem to evolve, in spite of intended reforms in the field. The present study deals with obstacles and possible conditions of an evolution of the formation in the education of life and earth sciences, in Morocco. In fact, this article tries to articulate two main questions, on the one hand, to know obstacles to the evolution of the system of training in the education of sciences, and on the second hand, the obstacles relating to the conditions of the comprehension possibility, elaboration and the implementation of new formation modules in relation to the education of life an earth sciences


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    L’objectif de cet article est double, mesurer l’incidence de la crise financiĂšre sur la crĂ©ation de la valeur partenariale et son appropriation par les parties prenantes explicites en Europe et proposer une typologie des secteurs les plus favorables en matiĂšre d’appropriation de la valeur partenariale par ces parties prenantes. Notre Ă©tude est fondĂ©e sur une base benchmark de 553 sociĂ©tĂ©s europĂ©ennes rĂ©parties dans huit secteurs d’activitĂ©s. Globalement, il ressort de cette recherche que la valeur partenariale crĂ©Ă©e en 2008 a augmentĂ© de 13,1% par rapport Ă  celle de 2006. En 2010 l’augmentation est de 4,9% par rapport Ă  celle de 2008. En matiĂšre d’appropriation, les secteurs favorables aux bailleurs de fonds, aux salariĂ©s ainsi qu’à la firme sont les secteurs Ă  forte intensitĂ© capitalistique et technologique. Les secteurs favorables aux clients sont ceux oĂč les produits de substitution sont facilement disponibles et le coĂ»t de changement de fournisseur est relativement bas. Il ressort Ă©galement que les fournisseurs disposent de plus de pouvoir de nĂ©gociation dans les secteurs oĂč le coĂ»t de changement de ces derniers est Ă©levĂ© Ă  cause d’une marque forte ou de produits trĂšs diffĂ©renciĂ©s. Cette Ă©tude fournit enfin un tableau de bord rĂ©capitulatif de l’appropriation de la valeur partenariale par les parties prenantes en Europe
