31 research outputs found

    Genetic relatedness and virulence potential of Salmonella Schwarzengrund strains with or without an IncFIB-IncFIC(FII) fusion plasmid isolated from food and clinical sources

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    A total of 55 food and clinical S. Schwarzengrund isolates were assayed for plasmid content, among which an IncFIB-IncFIC(FII) fusion plasmid, conferring streptomycin resistance, was detected in 17 isolates. Among the 17 isolates, 9 were food isolates primarily collected from poultry meat, and 8 clinical isolates collected from stool, urine, and gallbladder. SNP—based phylogenetic analyses showed that the isolates carrying the fusion plasmid formed a subclade indicating the plasmid was acquired and is now maintained by the lineage. Phylogenetic analysis of the plasmid suggested it is derived from avian pathogenic plasmids and might confer an adaptive advantage to the S. Schwarzengrund isolates within birds. IncFIB-IncFIC(FII) fusion plasmids from all food and three clinical isolates were self-conjugative and successfully transferred into E. coli J53 by conjugation. Food and clinical isolates had similar virulome profiles and were able to invade human Caco-2 cells. However, the IncFIB-IncFIC(FII) plasmid did not significantly add to their invasion and persistence potential in human Caco-2 cells

    In silico analyses of diversity and dissemination of antimicrobial resistance genes and mobile genetics elements, for plasmids of enteric pathogens

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    IntroductionThe antimicrobial resistance (AMR) mobilome plays a key role in the dissemination of resistance genes encoded by mobile genetics elements (MGEs) including plasmids, transposons (Tns), and insertion sequences (ISs). These MGEs contribute to the dissemination of multidrug resistance (MDR) in enteric bacterial pathogens which have been considered as a global public health risk.MethodsTo further understand the diversity and distribution of AMR genes and MGEs across different plasmid types, we utilized multiple sequence-based computational approaches to evaluate AMR-associated plasmid genetics. A collection of 1,309 complete plasmid sequences from Gammaproteobacterial species, including 100 plasmids from each of the following 14 incompatibility (Inc) types: A/C, BO, FIA, FIB, FIC, FIIA, HI1, HI2, I1, K, M, N, P except W, where only 9 sequences were available, was extracted from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) GenBank database using BLAST tools. The extracted FASTA files were analyzed using the AMRFinderPlus web-based tools to detect antimicrobial, disinfectant, biocide, and heavy metal resistance genes and ISFinder to identify IS/Tn MGEs within the plasmid sequences.Results and DiscussionIn silico prediction based on plasmid replicon types showed that the resistance genes were diverse among plasmids, yet multiple genes were widely distributed across the plasmids from enteric bacterial species. These findings provide insights into the diversity of resistance genes and that MGEs mediate potential transmission of these genes across multiple plasmid replicon types. This notion was supported by the observation that many IS/Tn MGEs and resistance genes known to be associated with them were common across multiple different plasmid types. Our results provide critical insights about how the diverse population of resistance genes that are carried by the different plasmid types can allow for the dissemination of AMR across enteric bacteria. The results also highlight the value of computational-based approaches and in silico analyses for the assessment of AMR and MGEs, which are important elements of molecular epidemiology and public health outcomes

    Antimicrobial Resistance and Increased Virulence of <i>Salmonella</i>

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    This special issue of Microorganisms highlights the importance of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and increased virulence of Salmonella with multiple research papers [...

    Immunomodulatory and Protective Roles of Quorum-Sensing Signaling Molecules N-Acyl Homoserine Lactones during Infection of Mice with Aeromonas hydrophila ▿ †

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    Aeromonas hydrophila leads to both intestinal and extraintestinal infections in animals and humans, and the underlying mechanisms leading to mortality are largely unknown. By using a septicemic mouse model of infection, we showed that animals challenged with A. hydrophila die because of kidney and liver damage, hypoglycemia, and thrombocytopenia. Pretreatment of animals with quorum-sensing-associated signaling molecules N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs), such as butanoyl and hexanoyl homoserine lactones (C4- and C6-HSLs), as well as N-3-oxododecanoyl (3-oxo-C12)-HSL, prevented clinical sequelae, resulting in increased survivability of mice. Since little is known as to how different AHLs modulate the immune response during infection, we treated mice with the above AHLs prior to lethal A. hydrophila infection. When we compared results in such animals to those in controls, the treated animals exhibited a significantly reduced bacterial load in the blood and other mouse organs, as well as various levels of cytokines/chemokines. Importantly, neutrophil numbers were significantly elevated in the blood of C6-HSL-treated mice compared to those in animals given phosphate-buffered saline and then infected with the bacteria. These findings coincided with the fact that neutropenic animals were more susceptible to A. hydrophila infection than normal mice. Our data suggested that neutrophils quickly cleared bacteria by either phagocytosis or possibly another mechanism(s) during infection. In a parallel study, we indeed showed that other predominant immune cells inflicted during A. hydrophila infections, such as murine macrophages, when they were pretreated with AHLs, rapidly phagocytosed bacteria, whereas untreated cells phagocytosed fewer bacteria. This study is the first to report that AHL pretreatment modulates the innate immune response in mice and enhances their survivability during A. hydrophila infection

    Molecular and Functional Characterization of a ToxR-Regulated Lipoprotein from a Clinical Isolate of Aeromonas hydrophila

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    Human diseases caused by species of Aeromonas have been classified into two major groups: septicemia and gastroenteritis. In this study, we reported the molecular and functional characterization of a new virulence factor, ToxR-regulated lipoprotein, or TagA, from a diarrheal isolate, SSU, of Aeromonas hydrophila. The tagA gene of A. hydrophila exhibited 60% identity with that of a recently identified stcE gene from Escherichia coli O157:H7, which encoded a protein (StcE) that provided serum resistance to the bacterium and prevented erythrocyte lysis by controlling classical pathway of complement activation by cleaving the complement C1-esterase inhibitor (C1-INH). We purified A. hydrophila TagA as a histidine-tagged fusion protein (rTagA) from E. coli DE3 strain using a T7 promoter-based pET30 expression vector and nickel affinity column chromatography. rTagA cleaved C1-INH in a time-dependent manner. The tagA isogenic mutant of A. hydrophila, unlike its corresponding wild-type (WT) or the complemented strain, was unable to cleave C1-INH, which is required to potentiate the C1-INH-mediated lysis of host and bacterial cells. We indeed demonstrated colocalization of C1-INH and TagA on the bacterial surface by confocal fluorescence microscopy, which ultimately resulted in increased serum resistance of the WT bacterium. Likewise, we delineated the role of TagA in contributing to the enhanced ability of C1-INH to inhibit the classical complement-mediated lysis of erythrocytes. Importantly, we provided evidence that the tagA mutant was significantly less virulent in a mouse model of infection (60%) than the WT bacterium at two 50% lethal doses, which resulted in 100% mortality within 48 h. Taken together, our data provided new information on the role of TagA as a virulence factor in bacterial pathogenesis. This is the first report of TagA characterization from any species of Aeromonas

    Microbial Genetics and Clonal Dissemination of Salmonella&nbsp;enterica Serotype Javiana Isolated from Human Populations in Arkansas, USA

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    Salmonella is estimated to cause over a million infections and ~400 deaths annually in the U.S. Salmonella enterica serotype Javiana strains (n = 409) that predominantly originated from the State of Arkansas over a six-year period (2003 to 2008) were studied. This period coincided with a rapid rise in the incidence of S. Javiana infections in the U.S. Children under the age of 10 displayed the highest prevalence of S. Javiana infections, regardless of sex or year of detection. Antimicrobial susceptibility to 15 different antimicrobials was assessed and 92% (n = 375) were resistant to at least one of the antimicrobials. Approximately 89% of the isolates were resistant to sulfisoxazole alone and 3% (n = 11) were resistant to different antimicrobials, including gentamicin, ciprofloxacin or ceftiofur. The pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analyses assessed the genotypic diversity and distribution of S. Javiana strains using XbaI restriction. Nine major clusters were identified and isolates from each group were digested with the restriction enzyme AvrII. Isolates with identical profiles of XbaI and AvrII were found to be disseminated in human populations. These distinct &ldquo;types&rdquo; of S. Javiana were persistent in human populations for multiple years. A subset of isolates (n = 19) with unique resistance phenotypes underwent plasmid and incompatibility (Inc) type analyses and the isolates resistant to more than one antimicrobial harbored multiple plasmids (&lt;3 to 165 kb). Furthermore, these strains possessed 14 virulence genes, including pagC, cdtB, and iroN. The whole genome sequences (WGS) of 18 isolates that mostly originated from Arkansas from 2003 to 2011 were compared with isolates collected from different areas in the U.S. in 1999, indicating the perseverance of S. Javiana in disseminating antimicrobial resistance and virulence genes

    Mutations within the Catalytic Motif of DNA Adenine Methyltransferase (Dam) of Aeromonas hydrophila Cause the Virulence of the Dam-Overproducing Strain To Revert to That of the Wild-Type Phenotype

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    In this study, we demonstrated that the methyltransferase activity associated with Dam was essential for attenuation of Aeromonas hydrophila virulence. We mutated aspartic acid and tyrosine residues to alanine within the conserved DPPY catalytic motif of Dam and transformed the pBAD/dam(D/A), pBAD/dam(Y/A), and pBAD/dam(AhSSU) (with the native dam gene) recombinant plasmids into the Escherichia coli GM33 (dam-deficient) strain. Genomic DNA (gDNA) isolated from either of the E. coli GM33 strains harboring the pBAD vector with the mutated dam gene was resistant to DpnI digestion and sensitive to DpnII restriction endonuclease cutting. These findings were contrary to those with the gDNA of E. coli GM33 strain containing the pBAD/dam(AhSSU) plasmid, indicating nonmethylation of E. coli gDNA with mutated Dam. Overproduction of mutated Dam in A. hydrophila resulted in bacterial motility, hemolytic and cytotoxic activities associated with the cytotoxic enterotoxin (Act), and protease activity similar to that of the wild-type (WT) bacterium, which harbored the pBAD vector and served as a control strain. On the contrary, overproduction of native Dam resulted in decreased bacterial motility, increased Act-associated biological effects, and increased protease activity. Lactone production, an indicator of quorum sensing, was increased when the native dam gene was overexpressed, with its levels returning to that of the control strain when the dam gene was mutated. These effects of Dam appeared to be mediated through a regulatory glucose-inhibited division A protein. Infection of mice with the mutated Dam-overproducing strains resulted in mortality rates similar to those for the control strain, with 100% of the animals dying within 2 to 3 days with two 50% lethal doses (LD(50)s) of the WT bacterium. Importantly, immunization of mice with a native-Dam-overproducing strain at the same LD(50) did not result in any lethality and provided protection to animals after subsequent challenge with a lethal dose of the control strain

    Comparative genomic analysis and characterization of incompatibility group FIB plasmid encoded virulence factors of Salmonella enterica isolated from food sources

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    Abstract Background The degree to which the chromosomal mediated iron acquisition system contributes to virulence of many bacterial pathogens is well defined. However, the functional roles of plasmid encoded iron acquisition systems, specifically Sit and aerobactin, have yet to be determined for Salmonella spp. In a recent study, Salmonella enterica strains isolated from different food sources were sequenced on the Illumina MiSeq platform and found to harbor the incompatibility group (Inc) FIB plasmid. In this study, we examined sequence diversity and the contribution of factors encoded on the IncFIB plasmid to the virulence of S. enterica. Results Whole genome sequences of seven S. enterica isolates were compared to genomes of serovars of S. enterica isolated from food, animal, and human sources. SeqSero analysis predicted that six strains were serovar Typhimurium and one was Heidelberg. Among the S. Typhimurium strains, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based phylogenetic analyses revealed that five of the isolates clustered as a single monophyletic S. Typhimurium subclade, while one of the other strains branched with S. Typhimurium from a bovine source. DNA sequence based phylogenetic diversity analyses showed that the IncFIB plasmid-encoded Sit and aerobactin iron acquisition systems are conserved among bacterial species including S. enterica. The IncFIB plasmid was transferred to an IncFIB plasmid deficient strain of S. enterica by conjugation. The transconjugant SE819::IncFIB persisted in human intestinal epithelial (Caco-2) cells at a higher rate than the recipient SE819. Genes of the Sit and aerobactin operons in the IncFIB plasmid were differentially expressed in iron-rich and iron-depleted growth media. Conclusions Minimal sequence diversity was detected in the Sit and aerobactin operons in the IncFIB plasmids present among different bacterial species, including foodborne Salmonella strains. IncFIB plasmid encoded factors play a role during infection under low-iron conditions in host cells