205 research outputs found

    O(αsa)O(\alpha_{s}a) matching coefficients for axial vector current and ΔB\Delta B==2 operator

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    We present a calculation of the perturbative matching coefficients including mixing with higher dimensional operators for the temporal component of the heavy-light axial current, A4A_{4}, and the ΔB=2\Delta B=2 operator, OSO_S. For A4static,NRQCDA_{4}^{\scriptsize static, NRQCD}, calculations with various RG-improved gauge actions are peformed. Matching coefficients with NRQCD and heavy-clover actions are also compared.Comment: LATTICE99 (Heavy Quarks), 3 pages, 2 figures, espcrc2.st

    First study of B→πB \to \pi semileptonic decay form factors using NRQCD

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    We present a quenched calculation of the form factors of the semileptonic weak decay B→πlνˉB \to \pi l \bar{\nu} with O(1/mQ)O(1/m_Q) NRQCD heavy quark and Wilson light quark on a 163×3216^3 \times 32 lattice at β=5.8\beta=5.8. The form factors are evaluated at six heavy quark masses, in the range of mQ∼1.5−8m_Q \sim 1.5-8 GeV. 1/mQ1/m_Q dependence of matrix elements are investigated and compared with HQET predictions. We observe clear signal for the form factors near qmax2q^2_{max}, even at the bb-quark mass range. f0(qmax2)f^0(q^2_{max}) is compared with fB/fπf_B/f_{\pi} based on the soft pion theorem and significant difference is observed.Comment: 3 pages, 5 ps figures, uses espcrc2.sty and epsf.sty, Talk presented at Lattice'9

    Scaling behavior of fBf_{B} with NRQCD

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    We investigate the scaling behavior of the BB meson decay constant fBf_B and fBsf_{B_{s}} at β\beta==5.7,5.9,6.15.7, 5.9, 6.1, employing the NRQCD heavy quark action and the clover light quark action. Mixing effect from dimension-4 operator in the heavy-light axial-vector current is studied, and we find that the aa dependence of fBf_B is significantly reduced. Our preliminary result for the decay constants in the quenched approximation is fBf_{B}==162(−18+35)162(^{+35}_{-18}) MeV, fBsf_{B_{s}}==190(−19+40)190(^{+40}_{-19}) MeV, and fBs/fBf_{B_{s}}/f_{B}==1.18(−6+6)1.18(^{+6}_{-6}).Comment: LATTICE98(matrixelement), 3 pages, 3 eps figure

    Multidimensional analysis of human intestinal fluid composition

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    The oral administration of solid dosage forms is the commonest method to achieve systemic therapy and relies on the drug’s solubility in human intestinal fluid (HIF), a key factor that influences bioavailability and biopharmaceutical classification. However, HIF is difficult to obtain and is known to be variable, which has led to the development of a range of simulated intestinal fluid (SIF) systems to determine drug solubility in vitro. In this study we have applied a novel multidimensional approach to analyse and characterise HIF composition using a published data set in both fasted and fed states with a view to refining the existing SIF approaches. The data set provided 152 and 172 measurements of five variables (total bile salt, phospholipid, total free fatty acid, cholesterol and pH) in time-dependent HIF samples from 20 volunteers in the fasted and fed state, respectively. The variable data sets for both fasted state and fed state are complex, do not follow normal distributions but the amphiphilic variable concentrations are correlated. When plotted 2-dimensionally a generally ellipsoid shaped data cloud with a positive slope is revealed with boundaries that enclose published fasted or fed HIF compositions. The data cloud also encloses the majority of fasted state and fed state SIF recipes and illustrates that the structured nature of design of experiment (DoE) approaches does not optimally cover the variable space and may examine media compositions that are not biorelevant. A principal component analysis in either fasted or fed state in combination with fitting an ellipsoid shape to enclose the data results in 8 points that capture over 95% of the compositional variability of HIF. The variable’s average rate of concentration change in both fasted state and fed state over a short time scale (10 min) is zero and a Euclidean analysis highlights differences between the fasted and fed states and among individual volunteers. The results indicate that a 9-point DoE (8 + 1 central point) could be applied to investigate drug solubility in vitro and provide statistical solubility limits. In addition, a single point could provide a worst-case solubility measurement to define the lowest biopharmaceutical classification boundary or for use during drug development. This study has provided a novel description of HIF composition. The approach could be expanded in multiple ways by incorporation of further data sets to improve the statistical coverage or to cover specific patient groups (e.g., paediatric). Further development might also be possible to analyse information on the time dependent behaviour of HIF and to guide HIF sampling and analysis protocols

    One-loop renormalization of heavy-light currents

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    We calculate the mass dependent renormalization factors of heavy-light bilinears at one-loop order of perturbation theory, when the heavy quark is treated with the Fermilab formalism. We present numerical results for the Wilson and Sheikholeslami-Wohlert actions, with and without tree-level rotation. We find that in both cases our results smoothly interpolate from the static limit to the massless limit. We also calculate the mass dependent Brodsky-Lepage-Mackenzie scale q∗q^*, with and without tadpole-improvement.Comment: Lattice2001(improvement), 3 pages, 4 figure

    A lattice NRQCD calculation of the B0−Bˉ0B^0-\bar{B}^0 mixing parameter B_B

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    We present a lattice calculation of the B meson B-parameter B_B using the NRQCD action. The heavy quark mass dependence is explicitly studied over a mass range between m_b and 4m_b with the O(1/mQ)O(1/m_Q) and O(1/mQ2)O(1/m_Q^2) actions. We find that the ratios of lattice matrix elements /2/^2 and /2/^2, which contribute to B_B through mixing, have significant 1/mQ1/m_Q dependence while that of the leading operator /2/^2 has little 1/mQ1/m_Q effect. The combined result for B_B(m_b) has small but non-zero mass dependence, and the B_B(m_b) becomes smaller by 10% with the 1/m_Q correction compared to the static result. Our result in the quenched approximation at \beta=5.9 is B_{B_d}(5 GeV) = 0.75(3)(12), where the first error is statistical and the second is a systematic uncertainty.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, uses REVTeX, typos correcte

    A Study of Meson Correlators at Finite Temperature

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    We present results for mesonic propagators in temporal and spatial directions at T below and above the deconfining transition in quenched QCD. Anisotropic lattices are used to get enough information in the temporal direction. We use the Wilson fermion action for light quarks and Fermilab action for heavy quarks.Comment: LATTICE 99 (finite temperature and density), 3 pages, LaTeX with 3 eps figures, espcrc2.sty, psfig.st

    Multi-modal dissolution testing system for pharmaceutical tablets

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    This project aims to develop a novel multimodal sensor system that is capable of resolving the key processes, as well as how these processes are linked to microstructure, formulation and raw material attributes

    Lattice QCD calculation of Bˉ→Dlνˉ\bar{B}\to Dl\bar{\nu} decay form factors at zero recoil

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    A lattice QCD calculation of the Bˉ→Dlνˉ\bar{B}\to Dl\bar{\nu} decay form factors is presented. We obtain the value of the form factor h+(w)h_+(w) at the zero-recoil limit w=1w=1 with high precision by considering a ratio of correlation functions in which the bulk of the uncertainties cancels. The other form factor h−(w)h_-(w) is calculated, for small recoil momenta, from a similar ratio. In both cases, the heavy quark mass dependence is observed through direct calculations with several combinations of initial and final heavy quark masses. Our results are h+(1)=1.007(6)(2)(3)h_+(1) = 1.007(6)(2)(3) and h−(1)=−0.107(28)(04)(3010)h_-(1)=-0.107(28)(04)(^{10}_{30}). For both the first error is statistical, the second stems from the uncertainty in adjusting the heavy quark masses, and the last from omitted radiative corrections. Combining these results, we obtain a precise determination of the physical combination FB→D(1)=1.058(1720)F_{B\to D}(1)=1.058(^{20}_{17}), where the mentioned systematic errors are added in quadrature. The dependence on lattice spacing and the effect of quenching are not yet included, but with our method they should be a fraction of FB→D−1F_{B\to D}-1.Comment: 32 pp, 10 figs; final, published versio

    Heavy quark mass dependence of semileptonic form factors for B decays

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    We present our study of the dependence of the heavy-to-light semileptonic B decay form factors on the heavy-light meson mass MPSM_{PS}. Simulations are made over a range of the heavy quark mass covering both the charm and bottom quarks using the O(a)O(a)-improved clover action at β=5.9\beta=5.9 on a 163×4016^3\times 40 and 243×6424^3\times 64 lattice. We find that a weak dependence of form factors on MPSM_{PS} observed in previous studies in the region of charm quark persists up to the region ofbb quark. The soft pion relation f0(qmax2)=fB/fπf^0(q^2_{max})=f_B/f_\pi is examined and found to be largely violated.Comment: 3 pages, latex source-file, 4 figures as epsf-file, uses espcrc2.sty. Talk presented by S. Tominaga at Lattice 97, Edinburgh, Scotland, 22-26 Jul 199
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