360 research outputs found

    Noise Effects on Synchronized Globally Coupled Oscillators

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    The synchronized phase of globally coupled nonlinear oscillators subject to noise fluctuations is studied by means of a new analytical approach able to tackle general couplings, nonlinearities, and noise temporal correlations. Our results show that the interplay between coupling and noise modifies the effective frequency of the system in a non trivial way. Whereas for linear couplings the effect of noise is always to increase the effective frequency, for nonlinear couplings the noise influence is shown to be positive or negative depending on the problem parameters. Possible experimental verification of the results is discussed.Comment: 6 Pages, 4 EPS figures included (RevTeX and epsfig needed). Submitted to Phys. Re

    Nonlinear dynamics in one dimension: On a criterion for coarsening and its temporal law

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    We develop a general criterion about coarsening for a class of nonlinear evolution equations describing one dimensional pattern-forming systems. This criterion allows one to discriminate between the situation where a coarsening process takes place and the one where the wavelength is fixed in the course of time. An intermediate scenario may occur, namely `interrupted coarsening'. The power of the criterion lies in the fact that the statement about the occurrence of coarsening, or selection of a length scale, can be made by only inspecting the behavior of the branch of steady state periodic solutions. The criterion states that coarsening occurs if lambda'(A)>0 while a length scale selection prevails if lambda'(A)<0, where lambdalambda is the wavelength of the pattern and A is the amplitude of the profile. This criterion is established thanks to the analysis of the phase diffusion equation of the pattern. We connect the phase diffusion coefficient D(lambda) (which carries a kinetic information) to lambda'(A), which refers to a pure steady state property. The relationship between kinetics and the behavior of the branch of steady state solutions is established fully analytically for several classes of equations. Another important and new result which emerges here is that the exploitation of the phase diffusion coefficient enables us to determine in a rather straightforward manner the dynamical coarsening exponent. Our calculation, based on the idea that |D(lambda)|=lambda^2/t, is exemplified on several nonlinear equations, showing that the exact exponent is captured. Some speculations about the extension of the present results to higher dimension are outlined.Comment: 16 pages. Only a few minor changes. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Theory for a dissipative droplet soliton excited by a spin torque nanocontact

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    A novel type of solitary wave is predicted to form in spin torque oscillators when the free layer has a sufficiently large perpendicular anisotropy. In this structure, which is a dissipative version of the conservative droplet soliton originally studied in 1977 by Ivanov and Kosevich, spin torque counteracts the damping that would otherwise destroy the mode. Asymptotic methods are used to derive conditions on perpendicular anisotropy strength and applied current under which a dissipative droplet can be nucleated and sustained. Numerical methods are used to confirm the stability of the droplet against various perturbations that are likely in experiments, including tilting of the applied field, non-zero spin torque asymmetry, and non-trivial Oersted fields. Under certain conditions, the droplet experiences a drift instability in which it propagates away from the nanocontact and is then destroyed by damping.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Nonlinear dynamics of coupled transverse-rotational waves in granular chains

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    The nonlinear dynamics of coupled waves in one-dimensional granular chains with and without a substrate is theoretically studied accounting for quadratic nonlinearity. The multiple time scale method is used to derive the nonlinear dispersion relations for infinite granular chains and to obtain the wave solutions for semiinfinite systems. It is shown that the sum-frequency and difference-frequency components of the coupled transverse-rotational waves are generated due to their nonlinear interactions with the longitudinal wave. Nonlinear resonances are not present in the chain with no substrate where these frequency components have low amplitudes and exhibit beating oscillations. In the chain positioned on a substrate two types of nonlinear resonances are predicted. At resonance, the fundamental frequency wave amplitudes decrease and the generated frequency component amplitudes increase along the chain, accompanied by the oscillations due to the wave numbers asynchronism. The results confirm the possibility of a highly efficient energy transfer between the waves of different frequencies, which could find applications in the design of acoustic devices for energy transfer and energy rectification

    Enzyme kinetics for a two-step enzymic reaction with comparable initial enzyme-substrate ratios

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    We extend the validity of the quasi-steady state assumption for a model double intermediate enzyme-substrate reaction to include the case where the ratio of initial enzyme to substrate concentration is not necessarily small. Simple analytical solutions are obtained when the reaction rates and the initial substrate concentration satisfy a certain condition. These analytical solutions compare favourably with numerical solutions of the full system of differential equations describing the reaction. Experimental methods are suggested which might permit the application of the quasi-steady state assumption to reactions where it may not have been obviously applicable before

    Gravitational radiation reaction and inspiral waveforms in the adiabatic limit

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    We describe progress evolving an important limit of binary orbits in general relativity, that of a stellar mass compact object gradually spiraling into a much larger, massive black hole. These systems are of great interest for gravitational wave observations. We have developed tools to compute for the first time the radiated fluxes of energy and angular momentum, as well as instantaneous snapshot waveforms, for generic geodesic orbits. For special classes of orbits, we compute the orbital evolution and waveforms for the complete inspiral by imposing global conservation of energy and angular momentum. For fully generic orbits, inspirals and waveforms can be obtained by augmenting our approach with a prescription for the self force in the adiabatic limit derived by Mino. The resulting waveforms should be sufficiently accurate to be used in future gravitational-wave searches.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    On phenomenon of scattering on resonances associated with discretisation of systems with fast rotating phase

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    Numerical integration of ODEs by standard numerical methods reduces a continuous time problems to discrete time problems. Discrete time problems have intrinsic properties that are absent in continuous time problems. As a result, numerical solution of an ODE may demonstrate dynamical phenomena that are absent in the original ODE. We show that numerical integration of system with one fast rotating phase lead to a situation of such kind: numerical solution demonstrate phenomenon of scattering on resonances that is absent in the original system.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    The self-consistent gravitational self-force

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    I review the problem of motion for small bodies in General Relativity, with an emphasis on developing a self-consistent treatment of the gravitational self-force. An analysis of the various derivations extant in the literature leads me to formulate an asymptotic expansion in which the metric is expanded while a representative worldline is held fixed; I discuss the utility of this expansion for both exact point particles and asymptotically small bodies, contrasting it with a regular expansion in which both the metric and the worldline are expanded. Based on these preliminary analyses, I present a general method of deriving self-consistent equations of motion for arbitrarily structured (sufficiently compact) small bodies. My method utilizes two expansions: an inner expansion that keeps the size of the body fixed, and an outer expansion that lets the body shrink while holding its worldline fixed. By imposing the Lorenz gauge, I express the global solution to the Einstein equation in the outer expansion in terms of an integral over a worldtube of small radius surrounding the body. Appropriate boundary data on the tube are determined from a local-in-space expansion in a buffer region where both the inner and outer expansions are valid. This buffer-region expansion also results in an expression for the self-force in terms of irreducible pieces of the metric perturbation on the worldline. Based on the global solution, these pieces of the perturbation can be written in terms of a tail integral over the body's past history. This approach can be applied at any order to obtain a self-consistent approximation that is valid on long timescales, both near and far from the small body. I conclude by discussing possible extensions of my method and comparing it to alternative approaches.Comment: 44 pages, 4 figure

    Hamiltonian formulation of nonequilibrium quantum dynamics: geometric structure of the BBGKY hierarchy

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    Time-resolved measurement techniques are opening a window on nonequilibrium quantum phenomena that is radically different from the traditional picture in the frequency domain. The simulation and interpretation of nonequilibrium dynamics is a conspicuous challenge for theory. This paper presents a novel approach to quantum many-body dynamics that is based on a Hamiltonian formulation of the Bogoliubov-Born-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon (BBGKY) hierarchy of equations of motion for reduced density matrices. These equations have an underlying symplectic structure, and we write them in the form of the classical Hamilton equations for canonically conjugate variables. Applying canonical perturbation theory or the Krylov-Bogoliubov averaging method to the resulting equations yields a systematic approximation scheme. The possibility of using memory-dependent functional approximations to close the Hamilton equations at a particular level of the hierarchy is discussed. The geometric structure of the equations gives rise to reduced geometric phases that are observable even for noncyclic evolutions of the many-body state. The formalism is applied to a finite Hubbard chain which undergoes a quench in on-site interaction energy U. Canonical perturbation theory, carried out to second order, fully captures the nontrivial real-time dynamics of the model, including resonance phenomena and the coupling of fast and slow variables.Comment: 17 pages, revise
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