227 research outputs found

    Advances in RNA Secondary and Tertiary Structure Analysis by Chemical Probing

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    RNA is arguably the most versatile biological macromolecule due to its ability both to encode and to manipulate genetic information. The diverse roles of RNA depend on its ability to fold back on itself to form biologically functional structures that bind small molecules and large protein ligands, to change conformation, and to affect the cellular regulatory state. These features of RNA biology can be structurally interrogated using chemical mapping experiments. The usefulness and applications of RNA chemical probing technologies have expanded dramatically over the past five years due to several critical advances. These innovations include new sequence-independent RNA chemistries, algorithmic tools for high-throughput analysis of complex data sets composed of thousands of measurements, new approaches for interpreting chemical probing data for both secondary and tertiary structure prediction, facile methods for following time-dependent processes, and the willingness of individual research groups to tackle increasingly bold problems in RNA structural biology

    The Mrs1 Splicing Factor Binds the bI3 Group I Intron at Each of Two Tetraloop-Receptor Motifs

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    Most large ribozymes require protein cofactors in order to function efficiently. The yeast mitochondrial bI3 group I intron requires two proteins for efficient splicing, Mrs1 and the bI3 maturase. Mrs1 has evolved from DNA junction resolvases to function as an RNA cofactor for at least two group I introns; however, the RNA binding site and the mechanism by which Mrs1 facilitates splicing were unknown. Here we use high-throughput RNA structure analysis to show that Mrs1 binds a ubiquitous RNA tertiary structure motif, the GNRA tetraloop-receptor interaction, at two sites in the bI3 RNA. Mrs1 also interacts at similar tetraloop-receptor elements, as well as other structures, in the self-folding Azoarcus group I intron and in the RNase P enzyme. Thus, Mrs1 recognizes general features found in the tetraloop-receptor motif. Identification of the two Mrs1 binding sites now makes it possible to create a model of the complete six-component bI3 ribonucleoprotein. All protein cofactors bind at the periphery of the RNA such that every long-range RNA tertiary interaction is stabilized by protein binding, involving either Mrs1 or the bI3 maturase. This work emphasizes the strong evolutionary pressure to bolster RNA tertiary structure with RNA-binding interactions as seen in the ribosome, spliceosome, and other large RNA machines

    Direct identification of base-paired RNA nucleotides by correlated chemical probing

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    Many RNA molecules fold into complex secondary and tertiary structures that play critical roles in biological function. Among the best-established methods for examining RNA structure are chemical probing experiments, which can report on local nucleotide structure in a concise and extensible manner. While probing data are highly useful for inferring overall RNA secondary structure, these data do not directly measure through-space base-pairing interactions. We recently introduced an approach for single-molecule correlated chemical probing with dimethyl sulfate (DMS) that measures RNA interaction groups by mutational profiling (RING-MaP). RING-MaP experiments reveal diverse through-space interactions corresponding to both secondary and tertiary structure. Here we develop a framework for using RING-MaP data to directly and robustly identify canonical base pairs in RNA. When applied to three representative RNAs, this framework identified 20%–50% of accepted base pairs with a <10% false discovery rate, allowing detection of 88% of duplexes containing four or more base pairs, including pseudoknotted pairs. We further show that base pairs determined from RING-MaP analysis significantly improve secondary structure modeling. RING-MaP-based correlated chemical probing represents a direct, experimentally concise, and accurate approach for detection of individual base pairs and helices and should greatly facilitate structure modeling for complex RNAs

    Role of Context in RNA Structure: Flanking Sequences Reconfigure CAG Motif Folding in Huntingtin Exon 1 Transcripts

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    The length of the CAG repeat region in the huntingtin messenger RNA is predictive of Huntington’s disease. Structural studies of CAG repeat-containing RNAs suggest that these sequences form simple hairpin structures; however, in the context of the full-length huntingtin mRNA, CAG repeats may form complex structures that could be targeted for therapeutic intervention. We examined the structures of transcripts spanning the first exon of the huntingtin mRNA with both healthy and disease-prone repeat lengths. In transcripts with 17 to 70 repeats, the CAG sequences base paired extensively with bases in the 5′ UTR and with a conserved region downstream of the CCG repeat region. In huntingtin transcripts with healthy numbers of repeats, the previously observed CAG hairpin was either absent or short. In contrast, in transcripts with disease-associated numbers of repeats, a CAG hairpin was present and extended from a three-helix junction. Our findings demonstrate the profound importance of sequence context in RNA folding and identify specific structural differences between healthy and disease-inducing huntingtin alleles that may be targets for therapeutic intervention

    The SL1-SL2 (Stem-Loop) Domain Is the Primary Determinant for Stability of the Gamma Retroviral Genomic RNA Dimer

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    Retroviral genomes are assembled from two sense-strand RNAs by noncovalent interactions at their 5' ends, forming a dimer. The RNA dimerization domain is a potential target for antiretroviral therapy and represents a compelling RNA folding problem. The fundamental dimerization unit for the Moloney murine sarcoma gamma retrovirus spans a 170-nucleotide minimal dimerization active sequence. In the dimer, two self-complementary sequences, PAL1 and PAL2, form intermolecular duplexes, and an SL1-SL2 (stem-loop) domain forms loop-loop base pairs, mediated by GACG tetraloops, and extensive tertiary interactions. To develop a framework for assembly of the retroviral RNA dimer, we quantified the stability of and established nucleotide resolution secondary structure models for sequence variants in which each motif was compromised. Base pairing and tertiary interactions between SL1-SL2 domains contribute a large free energy increment of -10 kcal/mol. In contrast, even though the PAL1 and PAL2 intermolecular duplexes span 10 and 16 bp in the dimer, respectively, they contribute only -2.5 kcal/mol to stability, roughly equal to a single new base pair. First, these results emphasize that the energetic costs for disrupting interactions in the monomer state nearly balance the PAL1 and PAL2 base pairing interactions that form in the dimer. Second, intermolecular duplex formation plays a biological role distinct from simply stabilizing the structure of the retroviral genomic RNA dimer

    Ribosome RNA Assembly Intermediates Visualized in Living Cells

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    In cells, RNAs likely adopt numerous intermediate conformations prior to formation of functional RNA-protein complexes. We used single-nucleotide resolution selective 2'-hydroxyl acylation analyzed by primer extension (SHAPE) to probe the structure of Escherichia coli 16S rRNA in healthy growing bacteria. SHAPE-directed modeling indicated that the predominant steady-state RNA conformational ensemble in dividing cells had a base-paired structure different from that expected on the basis of comparative sequence analysis and high-resolution studies of the 30S ribosomal subunit. We identified the major cause of these differences by stopping ongoing in-cell transcription (in essence, an in-cell RNA structure pulse-chase experiment) which caused the RNA to chase into a structure that closely resembled the expected one. Most helices that formed alternate RNA conformations under growth conditions interact directly with tertiary-binding ribosomal proteins and form a C-shape that surrounds the mRNA channel and decoding site. These in-cell experiments lead to a model in which ribosome assembly factors function as molecular struts to preorganize this intermediate and emphasize that the final stages of ribonucleoprotein assembly involve extensive protein-facilitated RNA conformational changes

    SHAPE-directed RNA secondary structure prediction

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    The diverse functional roles of RNA are determined by its underlying structure. Accurate and comprehensive knowledge of RNA structure would inform a broader understanding of RNA biology and facilitate exploiting RNA as a biotechnological tool and therapeutic target. Determining the pattern of base pairing, or secondary structure, of RNA is a first step in these endeavors. Advances in experimental, computational, and comparative analysis approaches for analyzing secondary structure have yielded accurate structures for many small RNAs, but only a few large (>500 nts) RNAs. In addition, most current methods for determining a secondary structure require considerable effort, analytical expertise, and technical ingenuity. In this review, we outline an efficient strategy for developing accurate secondary structure models for RNAs of arbitrary length. This approach melds structural information obtained using SHAPE chemistry with structure prediction using nearest-neighbor rules and the dynamic programming algorithm implemented in the RNAstructure program. Prediction accuracies reach ≥95% for RNAs on the kilobase scale. This approach facilitates both development of new models and refinement of existing RNA structure models, which we illustrate using the Gag-Pol frameshift element in an HIV-1 M-group genome. Most promisingly, integrated experimental and computational refinement brings closer the ultimate goal of efficiently and accurately establishing the secondary structure for any RNA sequence

    A Threefold RNA–Protein Interface in the Signal Recognition Particle Gates Native Complex Assembly

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    Intermediate states play well established roles in the folding and misfolding reactions of individual RNA and protein molecules. In contrast, the roles of transient structural intermediates in multi-component ribonucleoprotein (RNP) assembly processes and their potential for misassembly are largely unexplored. The mammalian signal recognition particle SRP19 protein is unstructured but forms a compact core domain and two extended RNA-binding loops upon binding the SRP RNA. The SRP54 protein subsequently binds to the fully assembled SRP19-RNA complex to form an intimate three-fold interface with both SRP19 and the SRP RNA and without significantly altering the structure of SRP19. We show, however, that the presence of SRP54 during SRP19-SRP RNA assembly dramatically alters the folding energy landscape to create a non-native folding pathway that leads to an aberrant SRP19-RNA conformation. The misassembled complex arises from the surprising ability of SRP54 to bind rapidly to an SRP19-RNA assembly intermediate and to interfere with subsequent folding of one of the SRP19 RNA-binding loops at the three-way protein-RNA interface. An incorrect temporal order of assembly thus readily yields a non-native three-component ribonucleoprotein particle. We propose there may exist a general requirement to regulate the order of interaction in multi-component RNP assembly by spatial or temporal compartmentalization of individual constituents in the cell

    Nonhierarchical Ribonucleoprotein Assembly Suggests a Strain-Propagation Model for Protein-Facilitated RNA Folding

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    Proteins play diverse and critical roles in cellular ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) including promoting formation of and stabilizing active RNA conformations. Yet, the conformational changes required to convert large RNAs into an active RNPs have proven difficult to characterize fully. Here we use high-resolution approaches to monitor both local nucleotide flexibility and solvent accessibility for nearly all nucleotides in the bI3 group I intron RNP in four assembly states: the free RNA, maturase-bound RNA, Mrs1-bound RNA, and the complete six-component holocomplex. The free RNA is misfolded relative to the secondary structure required for splicing. The maturase and Mrs1 proteins each stabilized long-range tertiary interactions but neither protein alone induced folding into the functional secondary structure. In contrast, simultaneous binding by both proteins results in large secondary structure rearrangements in the RNA and yielded the catalytically active group I intron structure. Secondary and tertiary folding of the RNA component of the bI3 RNP are thus not independent: RNA folding is strongly non-hierarchical. These results emphasize that protein-mediated stabilization of RNA tertiary interactions functions to pull the secondary structure into an energetically disfavored, but functional, conformation and emphasize a new role for facilitator proteins in RNP assembly

    Time-resolved RNA SHAPE chemistry: quantitative RNA structure analysis in one-second snapshots and at single-nucleotide resolution

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    RNA SHAPE chemistry exploits the discovery that conformationally dynamic nucleotides preferentially adopt conformations that facilitate reaction between the 2′-OH group and a hydroxyl-selective electrophile, such as benzoyl cyanide (BzCN), to form a 2′-O-adduct. BzCN is ideally suited for quantitative, time-resolved analysis of RNA folding and RNP assembly mechanisms because this reagent both reacts with flexible RNA nucleotides and also undergoes auto-inactivating hydrolysis with a half-life of 0.25 s at 37 °C. RNA folding is initiated by addition of Mg2+ or protein, or other change in solution conditions, and nucleotide resolution structural images are obtained by adding aliquots of the evolving reaction to BzCN and then “waiting” for 1 sec. Sites of 2′-O-adduct formation are subsequently scored as stops to primer extension using reverse transcriptase. This time resolved SHAPE protocol makes it possible to obtain 1 sec snapshots in time-resolved kinetic studies for RNAs of arbitrary length and complexity in a straightforward and concise experiment
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