57 research outputs found

    Signal discovery in sparse spectra: a Bayesian analysis

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    A Bayesian analysis of the probability of a signal in the presence of background is developed, and criteria are proposed for claiming evidence for, or the discovery of a signal. The method is general and in particular applicable to sparsely populated spectra. Monte Carlo techniques to evaluate the sensitivity of an experiment are described. As an example, the method is used to calculate the sensitivity of the GERDA experiment to neutrinoless double beta decay.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Top-Quark Physics at the LHC

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    The top quark is the heaviest of all known elementary particles. It was discovered in 1995 by the CDF and D0 experiments at the Tevatron. With the start of the LHC in 2009, an unprecedented wealth of measurements of the top quark's production mechanisms and properties have been performed by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations, most of these resulting in smaller uncertainties than those achieved previously. At the same time, huge progress was made on the theoretical side yielding significantly improved predictions up to next-to-next-to-leading order in perturbative QCD. Due to the vast amount of events containing top quarks, a variety of new measurements became feasible and opened a new window to precisions tests of the Standard Model and to contributions of new physics. In this review, originally written for a recent book on the results of LHC Run 1, top-quark measurements obtained so far from the LHC Run 1 are summarised and put in context with the current understanding of the Standard Model.Comment: 35 pages, 25 figures. To appear in "The Large Hadron Collider -- Harvest of Run 1", Thomas Sch\"orner-Sadenius (ed.), Springer, 2015 (532 pages, 253 figures; ISBN 978-3-319-15000-0; eBook ISBN 978-3-319-15001-7, for more details, see http://www.springer.com/de/book/9783319150000

    Synergies of Drell-Yan, top and beauty in global SMEFT fits

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    We present a global fit of Drell-Yan, top-quark and beauty-physics data in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory framework using the Minimal Flavor Violation ansatz for the quark-flavor structure. The different energy scales are thereby connected by applying the renormalization group equation and matching onto the Weak Effective Theory in order to incorporate b→sb\to s FCNCs at low energies into the fit. We find that the combination of the different sectors greatly improves the bounds on the Wilson coefficients.Comment: Talk at the 15th International Workshop on Top Quark Physics, Durham, UK, 4-9 September 202

    BAT - The Bayesian Analysis Toolkit

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    We describe the development of a new toolkit for data analysis. The analysis package is based on Bayes' Theorem, and is realized with the use of Markov Chain Monte Carlo. This gives access to the full posterior probability distribution. Parameter estimation, limit setting and uncertainty propagation are implemented in a straightforward manner. A goodness-of-fit criterion is presented which is intuitive and of great practical use.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figure

    Planar n-in-n quad module prototypes for the ATLAS ITk upgrade at HL-LHC

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    In order to meet the requirements of the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), it will be necessary to replace the current tracker of the ATLAS experiment. Therefore, a new all-silicon tracking detector is being developed, the so-called Inner Tracker (ITk). The use of quad chip modules is intended in its pixel region. These modules consist of a silicon sensor that forms a unit along with four read-out chips. The current ATLAS pixel detector consists of planar n-in-n silicon pixel sensors. Similar sensors and four FE-I4 read-out chips were assembled to first prototypes of planar n-in-n quad modules. The main focus of the investigation of these modules was the region between the read-out chips, especially the central area between all four read-out chips. There are special pixel cells placed on the sensor which cover the gap between the read-out chips. This contribution focuses on the characterization of a non-irradiated device, including important sensor characteristics, charge collection determined with radioactive sources as well as hit efficiency measurements, performed in the laboratory and at testbeams. In addition, first laboratory results of an irradiated device are presented
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