151 research outputs found

    From Dish to Bedside: Lessons Learned While Translating Findings from a Stem Cell Model of Disease to a Clinical Trial

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    While iPSCs have created unprecedented opportunities for drug discovery, there remains uncertainty concerning the path to the clinic for candidate therapeutics discovered with their use. Here we share lessons that we learned, and believe are generalizable to similar efforts, while taking a discovery made using iPSCs into a clinical trial

    Nanog-Independent Reprogramming to iPSCs with Canonical Factors

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    Summary It has been suggested that the transcription factor Nanog is essential for the establishment of pluripotency during the derivation of embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). However, successful reprogramming to pluripotency with a growing list of divergent transcription factors, at ever-increasing efficiencies, suggests that there may be many distinct routes to a pluripotent state. Here, we have investigated whether Nanog is necessary for reprogramming murine fibroblasts under highly efficient conditions using the canonical-reprogramming factors Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and cMyc. In agreement with prior results, the efficiency of reprogramming Nanog−/− fibroblasts was significantly lower than that of control fibroblasts. However, in contrast to previous findings, we were able to reproducibly generate iPSCs from Nanog−/− fibroblasts that effectively contributed to the germline of chimeric mice. Thus, whereas Nanog may be an important mediator of reprogramming, it is not required for establishing pluripotency in the mouse, even under standard conditions

    Loss of mouse Stmn2 function causes motor neuropathy

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is characterized by motor neuron degeneration accompanied by aberrant accumulation and loss of function of the RNA-binding protein TDP43. Thus far, it remains unresolved to what extent TDP43 loss of function directly contributes to motor system dysfunction. Here, we employed gene editing to find whether the mouse ortholog of the TDP43-regulated gene STMN2 has an important function in maintaining the motor system. Both mosaic founders and homozygous loss-of-function Stmn2 mice exhibited neuromuscular junction denervation and fragmentation, resulting in muscle atrophy and impaired motor behavior, accompanied by an imbalance in neuronal microtubule dynamics in the spinal cord. The introduction of human STMN2 through BAC transgenesis was sufficient to rescue the motor phenotypes observed in Stmn2 mutant mice. Collectively, our results demonstrate that disrupting the ortholog of a single TDP43-regulated RNA is sufficient to cause substantial motor dysfunction, indicating that disruption of TDP43 function is likely a contributor to ALS
