21 research outputs found
It is well know that the power function is not monogenic. There are basically two ways to include the power function into the set of solutions: The hypermonogenic functions or holomorphic Cliffordian functions. L. Pernas has found out the dimension of the space of homogenous holomorphic Cliffordian polynomials of degree m, but his approach did not include a basis. It is known that the hypermonogenic functions are included in the space of holomorphic Cliffordian functions. As our main result we show that we can construct a basis for the right module of homogeneous holomorphic Cliffordian polynomials of degree m using hypermonogenic polynomials and their derivatives. To that end we first recall the function spaces of monogenic, hypermonogenic and holomorphic Cliffordian functions and give the results needed in the proof of our main theorem. We list some basic polynomials and their properties for the various function spaces. In particular, we consider recursive formulas, rules of differentiation and properties of linear independency for the polynomials
Empowering Citizens with Digital Twins: A Blueprint
The exponentially growing amount of digital information and data analysis increase the ability to perceive the holistic situation of people. This article applies the digital twin paradigm to strengthen a person's ability to utilize information about themselves by creating a digital representation of their situation to support their well-being. More specifically, we propose a blueprint to empower individuals by improving their self-determination regarding their personal data. The blueprint will help service and data providers, both public and private, to develop a common understanding of the role and possibilities of a citizen's controlled personal digital twin of themselves-a citizen digital twin (CDT)-for creating people-centric solutions. The blueprint also provides a rational framework for service development based on CDTs and serves as a basis for strategic guidance of service development. We demonstrate this with a case study of confirmation class students.Peer reviewe
Changes in hemodynamics associated with metabolic syndrome are more pronounced in women than in men
The increase in cardiovascular risk associated with metabolic syndrome (MS) seems higher in women than in men. We examined hemodynamics during head-up tilt in 252 men and 250 women without atherosclerosis, diabetes, or antihypertensive medication, mean age 48 years, using whole-body impedance cardiography and radial pulse wave analysis. MS was defined according to Alberti et al. 2009. Men and women with MS presented with corresponding elevations of systolic and diastolic blood pressure (10-14%, p ≤ 0.001) versus controls. Supine pulse wave velocity (16–17%, p publishedVersionPeer reviewe
Short-term survival of cementless Oxford unicondylar knee arthroplasty based on the Finnish Arthroplasty Register
Background: Cementless unicondylar knee arthroplasty (UKA) was introduced to secure longterm fixation and reduce the risk of revision. Experience with cementless UKA fixation is limited. Methods: The short-term survival (up to five years) of cementless Oxford UKA was assessed using data from the Finish Arthroplasty Register and was compared with that of cemented Oxford 3 UKA and total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Datawere obtained, from the Finnish Arthroplasty Register, on 1076 cementless Oxford UKAs and 2279 cemented Oxford 3 UKAs performed for primary osteoarthritis in 2005-2015. The Kaplan-Meier method, with revision for any reason as the endpoint, was used to assess the survival of these two UKA groups, and the results were compared with that of 65,563 cemented TKAs treated for primary osteoarthritis over the same period. The risk of revision of both Oxford prostheses was compared using Cox regression model, with adjustment for age and sex, with the cemented TKA group as reference. Results: The three-year survival was 93.7% for the cementless Oxford, 922% for the cemented Oxford 3, and 97.3% for the cemented TKA. The corresponding figures at five years were 92.3%, 88.9%, and 96.6%, respectively. The revision rate for both the cementless Oxford and the cemented Oxford 3 was significantly increased when compared with the cemented TKA (P <0.001). Conclusions: The survival of the cementless Oxford method was higher than that of the cemented Oxford 3 in the short term. The overall survival of Oxford UKA was poor in comparison with contemporary TKAs. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe
Kuntien tilintarkastuksen laatu ja toimivuus : Nykytila ja kehittämistarpeet
Tutkimushankkeen tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten hyvin kuntien ja kuntayhtymien tilintarkastus täyttää sille laissa asetetut tavoitteet hallinnon ja talouden laillisuuden varmentajana. Tutkimusraportissa esitetään useita toimenpide-ehdotuksia ja lainsäädännön kehittämisehdotuksia.
Kunnallisen tilintarkastuspalvelun tilaajat ovat asiakkaan roolissa saamaansa palveluun valtaosin tyytyväisiä. Kuntien ja kuntayhtymien hankintaosaamisessa esiintyy kuitenkin puutteita. Lisäksi kunnallisen tilintarkastuksen laadussa on PRH:n toimeksiantokohtaisissa laaduntarkastuksissa havaittu suhteellisen runsaasti puutteita. Tilintarkastusmarkkinoilla kuntatilintarkastusta tarjoavien yhteisöjen supistuminen on myös huolestuttavaa. Yksi ongelma kilpailutuksessa on tarjouspyyntöjen valintakriteeristön hintapainotus ja tarkastuspäivien lukumäärän kiinnittäminen etukäteen. Tilintarkastuksen kilpailutus näyttää johtaneen alhaisiin tarkastushintoihin ja siihen liittyen sellaiseen tarkastuspäivien määrään, joka on riski julkishallinnon hyvän tilintarkastustavan toteutumiselle. Em. ongelmiin liittyy kyselyissä ja haastatteluissa ilmi tullut toive julkishallinnon hyvän tilintarkastustavan nykyistä selkeämmästä määrittelystä. Toiveita esitettiin myös tilintarkastusvalvonnalle vuorovaikutuksen ja kehittävän otteen lisäämisestä.Tämä julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa. (tietokayttoon.fi) Julkaisun sisällöstä vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikä tekstisisältö välttämättä edusta valtioneuvoston näkemystä
The characteristics of elevated blood pressure in abdominal obesity correspond to primary hypertension : a cross-sectional study
Background: Obesity-related hypertension and the associated metabolic abnormalities are considered as a distinct hypertensive phenotype. Here we examined how abdominal fat content, as judged by waist:height ratio, influenced blood pressure and hemodynamic profile in normotensive subjects and never-treated hypertensive patients. Methods: The 541 participants (20–72 years) underwent physical examination and laboratory analyses and were divided into age and sex-adjusted quartiles of waist:height ratio. Supine hemodynamics were recorded using whole-body impedance cardiography, combined with analyses of radial tonometric pulse wave form and heart rate variability. Results: Mean waist:height ratios in the quartiles were 0.46, 0.51, 0.55 and 0.62. Radial and aortic blood pressure, systemic vascular resistance, pulse wave velocity, markers of glucose and lipid metabolism, leptin levels and C-reactive protein were higher in quartile 4 when compared with quartiles 1 and 2 (p < 0.05 for all). Cardiac index was lower in quartile 4 versus quartile 1, while no differences were seen in heart rate variability, augmentation index, plasma renin activity, and aldosterone concentration between the quartiles. Linear regression analyses showed independent associations of abdominal obesity with higher aortic systolic and diastolic blood pressure, systemic vascular resistance, and pulse wave velocity (p < 0.05 for waist:height ratio in all regression models). Conclusion: Higher waist:height ratio was associated with elevated blood pressure, systemic vascular resistance, and arterial stiffness, but not with alterations in cardiac sympathovagal modulation or activation of the circulating renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Although obesity-related elevation of blood pressure has distinct phenotypic features, these results suggest that its main characteristics correspond those of primary hypertension. Trial registration: ClinicalTrails.gov NCT01742702 (date of registration 5th December 2012).publishedVersionPeer reviewe
Generational Transition on a Farm
This thesis is a guidebook about generational transition for foreigners and for those who are interested and are planning a Generational Transition on their farm.
The thesis can be divided into two parts, terminology and case. The terminology part includes law, finance and taxation. The case part is theoretical and gives an example of how generational transition can be carried out.
The aim of the study was to a make guidebook of implementing Generational Transition on a farm in English as most of the sources were only in Finnish. Second aim was to gather general information of the agricultural situation in Finland.
The used research method in this thesis was qualitative research. The method was chosen as the material that was gathered for the thesis came from readymade materials.
As a result of the study a simplified guidebook in English was drawn up for those people who want to know how to start Generational Transition process and see it through, whether or not they are planning to implement generational transition in real life