47 research outputs found

    Towards Distributed Quantum Computing by Qubit and Gate Graph Partitioning Techniques

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    Distributed quantum computing is motivated by the difficulty in building large-scale, individual quantum computers. To solve that problem, a large quantum circuit is partitioned and distributed to small quantum computers for execution. Partitions running on different quantum computers share quantum information using entangled Bell pairs. However, entanglement generation and purification introduces both a runtime and memory overhead on distributed quantum computing. In this paper we study that trade-off by proposing two techniques for partitioning large quantum circuits and for distribution to small quantum computers. Our techniques map a quantum circuit to a graph representation. We study two approaches: one that considers only gate teleportation, and another that considers both gate and state teleportation to achieve the distributed execution. Then we apply the METIS graph partitioning algorithm to obtain the partitions and the number of entanglement requests between them. We use the SeQUeNCe quantum communication simulator to measure the time required for generating all the entanglements required to execute the distributed circuit. We find that the best partitioning technique will depend on the specific circuit of interest.Comment: Presented at IEEE Quantum Week 2023 (QCE23

    Scientific Image Restoration Anywhere

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    The use of deep learning models within scientific experimental facilities frequently requires low-latency inference, so that, for example, quality control operations can be performed while data are being collected. Edge computing devices can be useful in this context, as their low cost and compact form factor permit them to be co-located with the experimental apparatus. Can such devices, with their limited resources, can perform neural network feed-forward computations efficiently and effectively? We explore this question by evaluating the performance and accuracy of a scientific image restoration model, for which both model input and output are images, on edge computing devices. Specifically, we evaluate deployments of TomoGAN, an image-denoising model based on generative adversarial networks developed for low-dose x-ray imaging, on the Google Edge TPU and NVIDIA Jetson. We adapt TomoGAN for edge execution, evaluate model inference performance, and propose methods to address the accuracy drop caused by model quantization. We show that these edge computing devices can deliver accuracy comparable to that of a full-fledged CPU or GPU model, at speeds that are more than adequate for use in the intended deployments, denoising a 1024 x 1024 image in less than a second. Our experiments also show that the Edge TPU models can provide 3x faster inference response than a CPU-based model and 1.5x faster than an edge GPU-based model. This combination of high speed and low cost permits image restoration anywhere.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Picosecond Synchronization of Photon Pairs through a Fiber Link between Fermilab and Argonne National Laboratories

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    We demonstrate a three-node quantum network for C-band photon pairs using 2 pairs of 59 km of deployed fiber between Fermi and Argonne National Laboratories. The C-band pairs are directed to nodes using a standard telecommunication switch and synchronized to picosecond-scale timing resolution using a coexisting O- or L-band optical clock distribution system. We measure a reduction of coincidence-to-accidental ratio (CAR) of the C-band pairs from 51 ±\pm 2 to 5.3 ±\pm 0.4 due to Raman scattering of the O-band clock pulses. Despite this reduction, the CAR is nevertheless suitable for quantum networks