43 research outputs found

    Pairing without Superfluidity: The Ground State of an Imbalanced Fermi Mixture

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    Radio-frequency spectroscopy is used to study pairing in the normal and superfluid phases of a strongly interacting Fermi gas with imbalanced spin populations. At high spin imbalances the system does not become superfluid even at zero temperature. In this normal phase full pairing of the minority atoms is observed. This demonstrates that mismatched Fermi surfaces do not prevent pairing but can quench the superfluid state, thus realizing a system of fermion pairs that do not condense even at the lowest temperature

    Superfluid Expansion of a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas

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    We study the expansion of a rotating, superfluid Fermi gas. The presence and absence of vortices in the rotating gas is used to distinguish superfluid and normal parts of the expanding cloud. We find that the superfluid pairs survive during the expansion until the density decreases below a critical value. Our observation of superfluid flow at this point extends the range where fermionic superfluidity has been studied to densities of 1.2 10^{11} cm^{-3}, about an order of magnitude lower than any previous study.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Observation of Feshbach resonances between two different atomic species

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    We have observed three Feshbach resonances in collisions between lithium-6 and sodium-23 atoms. The resonances were identified as narrow loss features when the magnetic field was varied. The molecular states causing these resonances have been identified, and additional lithium-sodium resonances are predicted. These resonances will allow the study of degenerate Bose-Fermi mixtures with adjustable interactions, and could be used to generate ultracold heteronuclear molecules

    Formation Time of a Fermion Pair Condensate

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    The formation time of a condensate of fermionic atom pairs close to a Feshbach resonance was studied. This was done using a phase-shift method in which the delayed response of the many-body system to a modulation of the interaction strength was recorded. The observable was the fraction of condensed molecules in the cloud after a rapid magnetic field ramp across the Feshbach resonance. The measured response time was slow compared to the rapid ramp, which provides final proof that the molecular condensates reflect the presence of fermion pair condensates before the ramp.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Observation of Bose-Einstein Condensation of Molecules

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    We have observed Bose-Einstein condensation of molecules. When a spin mixture of fermionic Li-6 atoms was evaporatively cooled in an optical dipole trap near a Feshbach resonance, the atomic gas was converted into Li_2 molecules. Below 600 nK, a Bose-Einstein condensate of up to 900,000 molecules was identified by the sudden onset of a bimodal density distribution. This condensate realizes the limit of tightly bound fermion pairs in the crossover between BCS superfluidity and Bose-Einstein condensation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Fifty-fold improvement in the number of quantum degenerate fermionic atoms

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    We have produced a quantum degenerate Li-6 Fermi gas with up to 7 x 10^7 atoms, an improvement by a factor of fifty over all previous experiments with degenerate Fermi gases. This was achieved by sympathetic cooling with bosonic Na-23 in the F=2, upper hyperfine ground state. We have also achieved Bose-Einstein condensation of F=2 sodium atoms by direct evaporation

    Observation of Phase Separation in a Strongly-Interacting Imbalanced Fermi Gas

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    We have observed phase separation between the superfluid and the normal component in a strongly interacting Fermi gas with imbalanced spin populations. The in situ distribution of the density difference between two trapped spin components is obtained using phase-contrast imaging and 3D image reconstruction. A shell structure is clearly identified where the superfluid region of equal densities is surrounded by a normal gas of unequal densities. The phase transition induces a dramatic change in the density profiles as excess fermions are expelled from the superfluid.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Two-Photon Spectroscopy of the NaLi Triplet Ground State

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    We employ two-photon spectroscopy to study the vibrational states of the triplet ground state potential (a3Σ+a^3\Sigma^+) of the 23^{23}Na6^{6}Li molecule. Pairs of Na and Li atoms in an ultracold mixture are photoassociated into an excited triplet molecular state, which in turn is coupled to vibrational states of the triplet ground potential. Vibrational state binding energies, line strengths, and potential fitting parameters for the triplet ground a3Σ+a^3\Sigma^+ potential are reported. We also observe rotational splitting in the lowest vibrational state.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Spectroscopic insensitivity to cold collisions in a two-state mixture of fermions

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    We have experimentally demonstrated the absence of spectroscopic resonance shifts in a mixture of two interacting Fermi gases. This result is linked to observations in an ultracold gas of thermal bosons. There, the measured resonance shift due to interstate collisions is independent of the coherence in the system, and twice that expected from the equilibrium energy splitting between the two states in a fully decohered cloud. We give a simple theoretical explanation of these observations, which elucidates the effect of coherent radiation on an incoherent mixture of atoms

    Radio-Frequency Spectroscopy of Ultracold Fermions

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    Radio-frequency techniques were used to study ultracold fermions. We observed the absence of mean-field "clock" shifts, the dominant source of systematic error in current atomic clocks based on bosonic atoms. This is a direct consequence of fermionic antisymmetry. Resonance shifts proportional to interaction strengths were observed in a three-level system. However, in the strongly interacting regime, these shifts became very small, reflecting the quantum unitarity limit and many-body effects. This insight into an interacting Fermi gas is relevant for the quest to observe superfluidity in this system.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure