9 research outputs found

    Ten-year audit of clients presenting to a specialised service for young people experiencing or at increased risk for psychosis

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    Background: Despite strong research interest in psychosis risk identification and the potential for early intervention, few papers have sought to document the implementation and evaluation of specialised psychosis related services. Assessment of Ultra High Risk (UHR) has been given priority, but it is equally as important to identify appropriate comparison groups and other baseline differences. This largely descriptive service evaluation paper focuses on the ‘baseline characteristics’ of referred clients (i.e., previously assessed characteristics or those identified within the first two months following service presentation). Methods: Data are reported from a 10-year layered service audit of all presentations to a ‘Psychological Assistance Service’ for young people (PAS, Newcastle, Australia). Baseline socio-demographic and clinical characteristics (N =1,997) are described (including clients’ psychosis and UHR status, previous service contacts, hospitalisation rates, and diagnostic and comorbidity profiles). Key groups are identified and comparisons made between clients who received ongoing treatment and those who were primarily assessed and referred elsewhere. Results: Clients averaged 19.2 (SD =4.5) years of age and 59% were male. One-tenth of clients (9.6%) were categorised as UHR, among whom there were relatively high rates of attenuated psychotic symptoms (69.1%), comorbid depression (62.3%), anxiety (42.9%), and attentional and related problems (67.5%). Overall, one-fifth (19.8%) experienced a recent psychotic episode, while a further 14.5% were categorised as having an existing psychosis (46.7% with a schizophrenia diagnosis), amongst whom there were relatively high rates of comorbid substance misuse (52.9%), psychosocial (70.2%) and physical health (37.7%) problems. The largest group presenting to PAS were those with non-psychotic disorders (43.7%), who provide a valuable comparison group against which to contrast the health trajectories of those with UHR and recent psychosis. Ongoing treatment by PAS was preferentially given to those experiencing or at risk for psychosis and those reporting greater current distress or dysfunction. Conclusions: Whether or not UHR clients transition to psychosis, they displayed high rates of comorbid depression and anxiety at service presentation, with half receiving ongoing treatment from PAS. Although international comparisons with similar services are difficult, the socio-demographic and comorbidity patterns observed here were viewed as largely consistent with those reported elsewhere

    Offending behaviour and mental illness : characteristics of a mental health court liaison service

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    This paper begins with a brief review of recent literature about relationships between offending behaviour and mental illness, classifying studies by the settings within which they occurred. The establishment and role of a mental health court liaison (MHCL) service is then described, together with findings from a 3-year service audit, including an examination of relationships between clients’ characteristics and offence profiles, and comparisons with regional offence data. During the audit period, 971 clients (767 males, 204 females) were referred to the service, comprising 1139 service episodes, 35.5% of which involved a comorbid substance use diagnosis. The pattern of offences for MHCL clients was reasonably similar to the regional offence data, except that among MHCL clients there were proportionately more offences against justice procedures (e.g., breaches of apprehended violence orders [AVOs]) and fewer driving offences and “other offences”. Additionally, male MHCL clients had proportionately more malicious damage and robbery offences and lower rates of offensive behaviour and drug offences. A range of service and research issues is also discussed. Overall, the new service appears to have forged more effective links between the mental health and criminal justice systems

    Adverse incidents in acute psychiatric inpatient units: rates, correlates and pressures

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    Objective: This paper reports findings from a multicentre service evaluation project conducted in acute psychiatric inpatient units in NSW, Australia. Overall rates of aggression, absconding and early readmission are reported, as well as length-of-stay profiles and associations between these outcomes and selected sociodemographic and clinical characteristics routinely collected by health services. Method: Data from the 11 participating units were collected for a 12 month period from multiple sources, including electronic medical records, routine clinical modules, incident forms, and shift based project-specific logs. For the current analyses, two admission-level datasets were used, comprising aggregated patient-level events (n=3242 admissions) and basic sociodemographic, clinical, admission and discharge information (n=5546 admissions by 3877 patients). Results: The participating units were under considerable strain: 23.3% of admissions were high acuity; 60.4% had previous hospital stays; 47.6% were involuntary; 25-30% involved adverse incidents; bed occupancy averaged 88.4%; median length of stay was 8 days (mean=14.59 days); and 17.4% had a subsequent early readmission. Reportable aggressive incidents (11.2% of admissions) were intermittent (averaging 0.55 incidents per month per occupied bed) and associated with younger age, personality disorder, less serious aggression, longer periods of hospitalization, and subsequent early readmission. Less serious aggressive incidents (15.0% of admissions) were maximal in the first 24 h (averaging 3.73 incidents per month per occupied bed) and associated with younger age, involuntary status, bipolar and personality disorders, the absence of depression, and longer hospital stays. Absconding (15.7% of admissions) peaked in the second week following admission and was associated with drug and alcohol disorder, younger age, and longer periods of hospitalization. Conclusions: By examining relationships between a core set of risk factors and multiple short-term outcomes, we were able to identify several important patterns, which were suggestive of the need for a multi-level approach to intervention, shifting from a risk management focus during the early phase of hospitalization to a more targeted, therapeutic approach during the later phase. But the latter approach may not be achievable under current circumstances with existing resources

    Measuring observed mental state in acute psychiatric inpatients

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    Background: Relationships within acute psychiatric units between patient-level experiences and events and fluctuations in mental state have rarely been examined. Aim: Data from a multi-centre service evaluation (11 units, 5,546 admissions) were used to examine mental state patterns and associations with clinical characteristics, events and adverse incidents. Method: During the 12-month evaluation period, nursing staff completed shift-level ratings using a new rating scale, the observed mental state (OMS) scale, which assessed active psychopathology (emotional distress, disinhibition, psychosis, cognitive impairment) and withdrawal (45,885 sets of day/afternoon shift ratings). Results: The OMS scale performed satisfactorily and is worth considering elsewhere (e.g., active psychopathology: internal consistency, α = 0.72; short-term stability, r = 0.72; sensitivity to change, adjusted standardised difference, ASD = 0.71). Levels of active psychopathology were much higher on shifts in which reportable (ASD = 1.47) and less serious aggression occurred (ASD = 1.44), compared with other shifts in which pro re nata medications were also administered (ASD = 0.76), suggesting that medication usage often followed these events, and possibly that agitation and distress levels either rose rapidly or went initially unnoticed on these shifts. Although mental state improved steadily across the admission, one-fifth of the patients with schizophrenia received OMS psychosis ratings in the moderate to severe range during the days prior to discharge. Conclusions: Observed mental state ratings were strongly linked with diagnosis and reflected key events and incidents. Routine recording using the OMS scale may assist clinical decision-making and evaluation in acute psychiatric units

    The Effects of Information Framing on the Practices of Physicians

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    OBJECTIVE: The presentation format of clinical trial results, or the “frame,” may influence perceptions about the worth of a treatment. The extent and consistency of that influence are unclear. We undertook a systematic review of the published literature on the effects of information framing on the practices of physicians. DESIGN: Relevant articles were retrieved using bibliographic and electronic searches. Information was extracted from each in relation to study design, frame type, parameter assessed, assessment scale, clinical setting, intervention, results, and factors modifying the frame effect. MAIN RESULTS: Twelve articles reported randomized trials investigating the effect of framing on doctors' opinions or intended practices. Methodological shortcomings were numerous. Seven papers investigated the effect of presenting clinical trial results in terms of relative risk reduction, or absolute risk reductions or the number needing to be treated; gain/loss (positive/negative) terms were used in four papers; verbal/numeric terms in one. In simple clinical scenarios, results expressed in relative risk reduction or gain terms were viewed most positively by doctors. Factors that reduced the impact of framing included the risk of causing harm, preexisting prejudices about treatments, the type of decision, the therapeutic yield, clinical experience, and costs. No study investigated the effect of framing on actual clinical practice. CONCLUSIONS: While a framing effect may exist, particularly when results are presented in terms of proportional or absolute measures of gain or loss, it appears highly susceptible to modification, and even neutralization, by other factors that influence doctors' decision making. Its effects on actual clinical practice are unknown