25 research outputs found

    The Activity of Chromite in Multicomponent Spinels: An Experimental Study with Implications for the Metamorphic History of Equilibrated Ordinary Chondrites

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    An experimental technique for evaluating the activity of chromite in multicomponent spinels was developed by equilibrating the spinel of interest with a Pt-alloy under a controlled temperature and oxygen fugacity. The thermodynamic properties of the ternary Pt-Fe-Cr system was evaluated, such that activities of Cr and Fe in an equilibrated Pt-alloy can be used to calculate the activity of chromite in the spinel of interest. The ternary activity model formulation used is based on the characterization of each bounding binary system, Pt-Fe, Pt-Cr, Fe-Cr, with the addition of ternary interaction terms. The Pt-Fe and Pt-Cr systems are described as asymmetric regular solutions with interaction parameters of W_(PtFe)=-138.0±3.3, W_(FePt)=-90.8±24.0, and W_(PtCr)=-129.1±1.2, W_(CrPt)=-80.9±4.4, and D_(PtCr)=+94.4±2.5 kJ/mol (1σ), respectively. Combined with literature thermodynamic properties for the Fe-Cr system, the ternary interaction parameters in the Pt-Fe-Cr system were found to be C_(Cr)=0, C_(Pt)=+ll5.7, and C_(Fe)=-68.6 kJ/mol. Using this technique, the metamorphic history of equilibrated ordinary chondrites was evaluated by examining the compositions and textures of olivines, pyroxenes, spinels, and alloys. Equilibrium temperatures based on Fe-Mg exchange between olivine and spinel exhibit a range of 680-796°C in H, L, and LL ordinary chondrites spanning petrographic type 4 to 6. Type 4 chondrites in all groups record variable temperatures that are lower than or equal to those of types 5 and 6 chondrites, implying decoupling of metamorphic temperature from petrographic type. Cooling rates near 800°C were found to be 1-3 K/Ma, slow enough to allow continous re-equilibration of spinel grains from peak metamorphic temperatures to the olivine-spinel equilibration temperature. The temperature-oxygen fugacity relationships in equilibrated H chondrites were constrained from spinel-alloy and olivine-pyroxene-alloy phase assemblages based on the mineral compositions and activity-composition models. Log_(10)f_(02) values based on the assemblage olivine-pyroxene-alloy are -1.75±0.02 log units below Iron-Wüstite (IW) buffer, regardless of petrographic type. The log_(10)f_(02) values calculated based on the spinel-alloy coexistence are at least ~1.5 log units more oxidizing than those based on the olivine-pyroxene-alloy if olivine-spinel equilibration temperatures (728-820°C) are assumed. This probably indicates that closure for spinel-alloy equilibria occurred under retrograde conditions at temperatures below 700°C.</p

    Thermodynamic properties of the Pt-Fe system

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    We determined activity-composition relationships for the Pt-Fe system by equilibrating Fe-oxides with Pt-Fe alloys at temperatures in the range of 1200–1400 °C and oxygen fugacities from 1.6 to 7.7 log units above the iron-wüstite (IW) buffer. The system is characterized by strong negative deviations from ideality throughout the investigated temperature range (e.g., γ^(alloy)_Fe <0.02 for X^(alloy)_Fe <0.3). Our data are consistent with an asymmetric regular solution of the form: RTln γ^(alloy)_Fe = [W_(G1)+2(W_(G2)-W_(G1))X^(alloy)_Fe](X^(alloy)_(Pt))^2 where W_(G1) = –138.0 ± 3.3 kJ/mol and W_(G2) = –90.8 ± 24.0 kJ/mol (1σ). Based on experiments at 1200–1400 °C, variations in the activity coefficients at a given composition are consistent with ln γ^(alloy)_Fe(T_1)/ln γ^(alloy)_Fe(T_2)=T_2/T_1. The Pt-Fe alloy composition in equilibrium with a FeO-bearing silicate liquid can be obtained from: log_(10)f_(O_2) = log{exp[lna^(liq)_(Fe2SiO4) - lna^(liq)_Si)2 - 2 lna^(alloy)_(Fe) -(-ΔG^(0)_(r)/RT)]} where ΔG^(0)_(r) is the standard state free energy for the reaction 2Fe^(alloy) + O_2 + SiO^(liq)_2 = Fe_(2)SiO^(liq)_4. We obtained values of a^(alloy)_(Fe) from our model and used the program MELTS together with the thermodynamic properties of these elements to evaluate activities of SiO_2 and Fe_(2)SiO_4 components in the liquid and ΔG^(0)_(r). We provide sample calculations showing how to predict the optimum Fe concentrations for pre-saturation of Pt-bearing containers to reduce Fe loss from the charge during experiments on magmatic liquids at high temperatures and pressures from 1 atm to 40 kbar

    Experimental determination of the activity of chromite in multicomponent spinels

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    We determined activity–composition relationships in Pt-Cr and Pt-Fe-Cr alloys at 1300°C experimentally and used the results to constrain the thermodynamic properties of chromite–picrochromite spinels. The Pt-Cr binary is characterized by strong negative deviations from ideality throughout the investigated composition range and the activity–composition relationship can be fit by a four-suffix asymmetric regular solution with three binary interaction parameters. The ternary alloy was modeled as a four-suffix asymmetric regular solution; the three ternary interaction parameters in this model were constrained by combining interaction parameters for the three bounding binaries taken from this and previous work with results for a set of experiments in which the activity of Cr in Pt-Fe-Cr-alloys was fixed by coexisting Cr_(2)O_3 at known fO_2. The free energy of formation of FeCr_(2)O_4 at 1300°C was determined using the activities of Fe and Cr in Pt-alloys in equilibrium with oxide mixes of FeCr_(2)O_4 and Cr_(2)O_3. The free energy of formation of chromite from Fe+Cr_(2)O_3+O_2 is −202.7 ± 0.4 kJ/mol (1σ), indistinguishable from literature values. The corresponding free energy of formation of FeCr_(2)O_4 from the elements is −923.5 ± 2.1 kJ/mol (1σ), and the enthalpy of formation at 298 K is −1438 kJ/mol. The activity–composition relationship for the chromite component in (Fe,Mg)Cr_(2)O_4 solid solutions was determined from a set of experiments in which Pt-alloys were equilibrated with spinel + Cr_(2)O_3. (Fe,Mg)Cr_(2)O_4 spinels are nearly ideal at 1300°C; modeling our data with a one-site symmetric regular solution yields an interaction parameter of +2.14 ± 0.62 kJ/mol (1σ), similar to values based on data from the literature